Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#252 No battery optimization on T61 pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.09
#259 AcpiDaemon traps sometimes pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.09
#262 CRC, Dell 1525, How to change brigthness? pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#263 IASL, traps, can't grab data pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#265 Problems activating SMP pasha enhancement minor ACPI PSD 3.09
#268 ACPI is not tested with W4 pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#271 Suspend/resume, eComStation 2.0 RC5 is broken pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#272 New utility: CPU toggle switch pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#274 single /APIC switch => PC hangs pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#277 AMD Phenom X4 9550 + SCSI pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#283 test message pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#284 Test ticket for mail notification pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#285 acpi32.dll traps pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#289 ASUS A6Ja, mutexes are not perfect pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
#293 ACPI.PSD has HIGH IRQ's in PIC mode pasha defect critical ACPI PSD 3.10
#294 ACPI, Unable to access COM Ports pasha defect major ACPI PSD 3.10
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