Custom Query (4 matches)


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Results (1 - 3 of 4)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1 bsmith abwillis fixed Watcom builds to work

The following diff and files allow build to work with dwtest built with Watcom as well... the DLLs from VAC will not work with this dwtest nor will the dwtest from VAC work with the DLLs from Watcom. For that the exported functions will need to have a calling convention setup... probably _System would be best.

#3 bsmith abwillis fixed missing picture from render tab OS/2 dwtest

I initially held off opening a ticket as I do not know if the gbm stuff is complete. Since the gbm changes the picture that was on the render page that moved around when X and Y were changed and refresh is pressed is not rendering.

#4 bsmith abwillis fixed buttons hidden on button tab of dwtest

This has been this way for probably the life of DW but when the buttons tab is first opened, at least here, the bottom button covers the second to the bottom button. I don't know if much can be done about it but if I hadn't resized the window at some point I would not have even known about the one button. Attaching screenshots, dwtest1 is when it is first opened and dwtest2 is after increasing the screensize of dwtest.

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