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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#44 Gregg Young fixed Update look of Sizes dialog

NDR has a much more readable display. The usage column is aligned, the bar graphs are much wider, and the information for each directory is on a single line.

*Feature Request* -- can you make the dirsize.exe display look more like the NDR display?

Here is an NDR screenshot:

Peter Skye

It is unlikely that I would choose to implement this. However, if someone wishes to do the development work to support this as an optional, alternate format, I am willing to help them get over any sticking points.



#46 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Help General page fix Default action Copy section

It state this is not standard WPS behavior. It is.

#56 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Grey out not relavent menu items for remote drives

Format partition check disk and optimize should not be accessible for remote drives

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