Custom Query (172 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#92 melf fixed Update com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package to make KRUT work

I tried KRUT, a java-based screen recorder with openjkd6 and it opens fine, but is waiting for something... and never come in function. Image of cmd-window (and java-windows) attached. Is it possible to make this work?

#102 Joop invalid Error on screen does not say where you can find the error

[I:\dtp\jalbum_93]jalbum_j160.cmd SYS1804: The system cannot find the file KERNEL32.

What kernel32, where can I find it? Path statements are set correct as far as I can see; This is in the cmd file before JAlbum (in this case) is started. @echo off SET JAVAWS_HOME=i:\JAVA\JAVA160\javaws SET JAVA_HOME=i:\JAVA\JAVA160 set BEGINLIBPATH=i:\JAVA\JAVA160\bin;%BEGINLIBPATH% set pad=%path% set path=i:\JAVA\JAVA160\bin;%pad% I: cd I:\DTP\JAlbum_93

The part of the cmd file comes from the JAlbum 9.3 cmd file for running in Java 1.50. Never got the message can't find KERNEL32. Odin is installed and config.sys is updates, computer did restart correct. Suppose its a path thing, but first I need to know where I can find that KERNEL32 thing.

#103 Joop wontfix Problem running JAlbum 9.3

Run into problem with JAlbum, solved it more or less with try and error, however when this kind of error is given than NOTHING works anymore including starting programs from the WPS!! You have to reboot. After that got it working after dropping the -Xmx(a number)M.

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