Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3 libc: exec and get/set operations on that pid new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#9 libc: unix orphan new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#10 libc/emx: separating libc and the emx toolchain new bird defect highest libc-0.7
#11 libc: Use kBuild new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#12 emx: Use kBuild new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#13 emx: Review and merge the ELF emxomf changes. new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#14 libc: implement the opendir() APIs using getdirents new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#18 libc: -Zbin-files doesn't work on stdin/out/err - init order new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#25 libc: recvmsg/recvfrom doesn't set correct address length assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#31 libc: is*() testcase assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#59 libc: rewinddir new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#73 libc: math/bug-nextafter fails in release builds assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#74 libc: inode id & copy assigned bird defect normal
#77 libc: glob is making gnu make horribly slow assigned bird defect normal libc-0.7
#116 emxbind/emximp: Aliased exports - the meaning of N_IMP2 new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#117 libc: open replace on RAMFS fails new bird defect low libc-0.7
#120 libc: Address all potential fork() locks related to libc internal fmutexes new bird defect normal libc-0.7
#127 libc: header issues assigned bird defect normal
#156 emxomfld: wlink hll support assigned bird defect normal
#157 perl 5.8.8 assigned bird defect low kNIX Bootstrap
#161 nasm 0.98.xx new bird defect normal kNIX Bootstrap
#175 kNIX: Gentoo Portage assigned bird defect normal kNIX Bootstrap
#42 libc: Add logging option for not creating the log file until it's actually written to new bird enhancement normal libc-0.7
#45 libc: speed up path resolving new bird enhancement normal libc-0.7
#121 libc: Implement the P_PM and P_SESSION flags in the spawn apis new bird enhancement normal libc-0.7
#317 FPU control word safe API wrappers new enhancement normal libc-0.7
#324 emxomfstrip: strip like tool for LX new enhancement normal new
#63 kNIX: coreutils v5.94 assigned bird task lowest kNIX Bootstrap
#64 kNIX: texinfo 4.8 assigned bird task lowest kNIX Bootstrap
#66 kNIX: ncurses 5.5 assigned bird task lowest kNIX Bootstrap
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