Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: new (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#48 Certain text does not display in pop ups defect Feedback Pending odin 0.8.9
#38 Improve Error Messages - Enable Quiet Mode /Q enhancement trivial odin
#111 Generated ODIN.INI references W16ODIN.EXE, though this file is not present defect trivial odin 0.8.9
#18 SetWindowSubclass API is broken. defect minor odin
#25 Get Pidgin to work under Odin abwillis defect minor odin 0.8.5
#53 TCPIP Headers task minor odin
#71 GDI fullscreen support enhancement minor odin 0.8.x
#75 Problems with multiple initialization of WGSS50.DLL defect minor odin 0.8.x
#91 Provide SDK for Odin builds task minor odin 0.8.7
#92 gdi32: add stub for GetUnicodeRanges enhancement minor odin 0.8.7
#97 Problem using Odin with ppview32.exe defect minor odin 0.8.9
#102 CPU hog when certain apps are minimized defect minor odin 0.8.9
#103 Keyboard focus lost under newer JavaRDP builds (16-1.1 and above) defect minor odin 0.8.9
#8 Make msvcrt.dll build defect major odin
#15 Add own setjmp()/longjmp() enhancement major odin
#35 Investigate failures in low memory conditions enhancement major odin
#42 Sound record defect major odin
#58 winrar password box defect major odin
#62 Check resource leaks in TerminateThread()/ExitThread() task major odin
#88 Lotus Notes 8 no longer works defect major odin 0.8.5
#94 missing msimg32.dll defect major odin 0.8.8
#101 Large File Handling not working defect major odin 0.8.9
#106 Crash in FILT.DLL when using Flash in Firefox 17 defect major odin 0.8.9
#107 Add DINPUT8.DLL task major odin 0.8.9
#108 Assertion in CreateThread (KERNEL32) defect major odin 0.8.9
#110 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) defect major odin 0.8.9
#112 GameMaker Studio fails to load with non-existing api KERNEL32.DLL -> GetConsoleWindow enhancement major odin 0.8.9
#113 How to submit localized documentation files enhancement major odin 0.8.9
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