Custom Query (27 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 27)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#13 dmik dmik fixed Add the proper handling of the RC_FILE variable in qmake project files.

It will be useful to teach the qmake utility to automatically compile and link OS/2 resource files to generated executables, using the RC_FILE project variable to specify a resource script file (like it does under Win32).

Currently, the GNUMAKE backend for qmake (used by Qt/OS2) handles this variable incorrectly, which needs to be fixed.

#14 dmik dmik fixed Implement QWidget::setMask() for non-toplevel widgets

We need to implement the QWidget::setMask() functionality for non-toplevel widgets, in order to have things like push buttons in the Norwegian Wood theme (see the themes example) working properly.

#15 dmik dmik fixed Implement the QSessionManager class

We need to implement the QSessionManager class, because it is used by many Qt applications for Linux. Since (at least as far as I know) OS/2 doesn't provide much control over the session management (in particular, an application cannot determine whether it is automatically openend by WPS because of RESTARTOBJECTS=YES/AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS,.. in config.sys or is just normally started by the user), we'll provide a limited QSessionManager implementation similarly to Qt/Win32 and Qt/Mac? (see

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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