This INFO.TXT describes how to set up all directories with program files needed to create an AMPOS2 WarpIn installation package. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at If you detect bugs or something else, feel free to create a ticket at Be shure the problem can be reproduced with the latest version that is in the repository. 2005-11-28 Michael Oehlhof 2006-10-14 Michael Oehlhof: Update for Apache 2.2 and PHP5 2006-11-17 Michael Oehlhof: Update MySQL 5.0.27, phpMyAdmin 2.9.1 and bugfixing 2007-02-11 Michael Oehlhof: Update Apache 2.2.4, MySQL 5.0.33, PHP 5.2.1 and phpMyAdmin 2.9.2 2007-05-08 Michael Oehlhof: Update MySQL 5.0.37 and phpMyAdmin 2.10.1 2007-05-11 Michael Oehlhof: Update MySQL 5.0.41 First you must create a directory where all the stuff can be copied to. We will call this directory AMPOS2WPI. In this directory there must be some subdirectories created. For creating Apache 1.3 package: ================================ Directory: ampos This directory holds the readme file for the AMPOS2 installation and configuration scripts for Apache 1.3 and PHP4. These files are in the SVN repository. Directory: apache1 Extract the contents of the apache1.3 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the apache1 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Directory: mysql1 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 1 and copy the files to the mysql1 directory. After that, copy libc06b4.dll from the DLL subdirectory to the BIN subdirectory. Copy libc05.dll and libc06b2.dll from their ZIP file to the BIN subdirectory. Extract the mysql 4.0 package elswhere and copy mysql40.dll to the BIN subdirectory. Also copy mysql.exe as mysql40.exe to the BIN subdirectory. Directory: mysql2 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 2 and copy the files to the mysql2 directory. Directory: mysql6 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 6 and copy the files to the mysql6 directory. Directory: php4 Extract the contents of the php4.3.10-os2 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the php4 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Copy modphp4.dll from the php4/apache13 directory to apache1/libexec. Copy php4.dll from the php4 directory to apache1/libexec. Copy php.exe from the php4/cgi directory to apache1/cgi-bin. Directory: phpadmin1 Extract the contents of the phpmyadmin-2.6.4 ZIP file in this directory. Directory: typo3ecs Copy the files from the typo3ecs directory of the SVN repository to this location. For creating Apache 2.0 package: ================================ Directory: ampos2 This directory holds the readme file for the AMPOS2 installation and configuration scripts for Apache 2.0 and PHP4. These files are in the SVN repository. Directory: apache2 Extract the contents of the apache2.0 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the apache2 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Directory: mysql1 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 1 and copy the files to the mysql1 directory. After that, copy libc06b4.dll from the DLL subdirectory to the BIN subdirectory. Copy libc05.dll and libc06b2.dll from their ZIP file to the BIN subdirectory. Extract the mysql 4.0 package elswhere and copy mysql40.dll to the BIN subdirectory. Also copy mysql.exe as mysql40.exe to the BIN subdirectory. Directory: mysql2 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 2 and copy the files to the mysql2 directory. Directory: mysql6 Extract the files from the mysql WPI file with this command line wic mysql-4-1-7-b2.wpi -x 6 and copy the files to the mysql6 directory. Directory: php4 Extract the contents of the php4.3.10-os2 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the php4 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Copy modphp4.dll from the php4/apache20 directory to apache2/modules. Copy php4.dll from the php4 directory to apache2/modules. Copy php.exe from the php4/cgi directory to apache2/cgi-bin. Directory: phpadmin2 Extract the contents of the phpmyadmin-2.5.7 ZIP file in this directory. Directory: typo3ecs Copy the files from the typo3ecs directory of the SVN repository to this location. For creating Apache 2.2 package: ================================ Directory: ampos22 This directory holds the readme file for the AMPOS2 installation and configuration scripts for Apache 2.2 and PHP5. These files are in the SVN repository. Directory: apache22 Extract the contents of the httpd-2.2.4-os2 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the apache22 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Directory: php5 Extract the contents of the php5.2.1-os2 ZIP file in this directory. After that copy the files from the php5 directory of the SVN repository to this location. Copy php5.dll from the php5 directory to apache22/modules. Copy php.exe from the php5/cgi directory to apache22/cgi-bin. Copy modphp5.dll from the php5/apache2 directory to apache22/modules. Extract the pdf.dll of the pdflib-php5.2.0-os2 ZIP file to php5\modules. Extract the yaz.dll of the php_yaz ZIP file to php5\modules and the other files to php5\yaz_doc. Directory: lib This directory holds library files needed to be in libpath Extract the contents of the libc-0.6.2-csd2 ZIP file in a temporary directory. Copy gcc335.dll from the temporary directory to lib. Copy libc06.dll from the temporary directory to lib. Copy libc061.dll from the temporary directory to lib. Copy libc062.dll from the temporary directory to lib. Directory: phpadmin22 Extract the contents of the phpMyAdmin-2.10.1-all-languages ZIP file in this directory. Directory: mysql5 Extract the contents of the mysql-5.0.41-os2 ZIP file in this directory. Directory: mysql5data Extract the contents of the data directory from the mysql-noinstall-5.0.24-win32 ZIP file or from the mysql5data ZIP file in this directory. Directory: typo3ecs Copy the files from the typo3ecs directory of the SVN repository to this location. Copy all files from the root directory of the SVN repository to the AMPOS2WPI directory. Here is a short description of these files: ampos2-a13.cmd Batch file to create the AMPOS2-A13.WPI installion file with Apache 1.3. ampos2-a13.wis The WarpIn installation script for use with Apache 1.3. ampos2-a20.cmd Batch file to create the AMPOS2-A20.WPI installion file with Apache 2.0. ampos2-a20.wis The WarpIn installation script for use with Apache 2.0. ampos2-a22.cmd Batch file to create the AMPOS2-A22.WPI installion file with Apache 2.2. ampos2-a22.wis The WarpIn installation script for use with Apache 2.2. ampos2.cmd Batch file to create all installation packages. You need also copy wic.exe and wpirtl.dll of your WarpIn installation to this directory.