/* ******************************************************* */ /* (c) 2005 by */ /* Roland Schmalenberg, roland.schmalenberg@lycos.de */ /* */ /* My Swiss-knife-tools for running Typo3 on eComStation */ /* ******************************************************* */ progname = "GetTypo3forOS2.cmd" version = "1.15" date = "2005-11-15" rsdebug = "0" /* *********************************************************************************** */ /* Program to change all occurencies of TYPO3_OS-definitions in TYPO3-starter-packages */ /* *** */ /* For running this tool on operating systems like Windows NT and better you need the */ /* freeware Regina Rexx Interpreter together with Rexx Utility from www.interlog.com */ /* My installation-package ReginaREXX_WinPack_1xxx.exe */ /* contains a Pack-And-Go-version for those windows systems */ /* *** */ /* Only professionel OS like OS/2 or eComStation contains all the stuff you need */ /* *********************************************************************************** */ /* we want to know the program runtime */ StartTimer = Time(E) /* load REXXUTIL-library */ CALL RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "REXXUTIL", "sysloadfuncs" CALL SysLoadFuncs /* clear screen, say my hello */ CALL HelloProgram /* fixed values of some tools we need */ tool_file_01 = 'wget.exe' /* thanks to Paul Smedley, who maintained the OS/2-build */ tool_zip_01 = 'wget-1.10.1-os2r2.zip' /* thanks to Paul Smedley, who maintained the OS/2-build */ tool_file_02 = 'libc06r1.dll' /* thanks to Innotek */ tool_zip_02 = 'libc06r1.zip' /* thanks to Innotek */ tool_file_03 = 'iintl6i.dll' /* thanks to Paul Smedley */ tool_zip_03 = 'iintl6i.zip' /* thanks to Paul Smedley */ tool_file_04 = 'md5suml.exe' /* fixed values of some urls for Typo3-packages from different continents we need */ t3download_01 = 'http://cogent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/typo3/' /* Reston, Virginia, North America */ t3download_02 = 'http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/typo3/' /* Curitiba, Brazil, South America */ t3download_03 = 'http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/typo3/' /* Ishikawa, Japan, Asia */ t3download_04 = 'http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/typo3/' /* Sydney, Australia, Australia */ t3download_05 = 'http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/typo3/' /* Paris, France; Europe */ /* fixed definitions */ crlfString = '0D'x||'0A'x t3quickstart = 'quickstart-3.8.0' t3dummy = 'dummy-3.8.0' t3testsite = 'testsite-3.8.0' t3quickstart1 = 'quickstart-3.8.1' t3dummy1 = 'dummy-3.8.1' t3testsite1 = 'testsite-3.8.1' FileList = 'GetTypo3forOS2List.txt' /* some variables */ LogFile = 'GetTypo3forOS2-'||Date(S)||'-'||Time(H)||Time(M)//60||'.log' t3package = t3quickstart /* preset, to be changed while running */ t3download = t3download_05 /* preset, to be changed while running */ /* Typo3 related values: Typo3_OS */ strTypo3_OS_00 = "define('TYPO3_OS', stristr(PHP_OS,'win')&&!stristr(PHP_OS,'darwin')?'WIN':'');" strTypo3_OS_01 = "define('TYPO3_OS', (stristr(PHP_OS,'win')&&!stristr(PHP_OS,'darwin'))||stristr(PHP_OS,'os/2')?'WIN':''); // changed by Team Typo3-goes-eComStation" /* Typo3 related values: to switch Typo3 to Install_Mode - remark the die-function in typo3\install\index.php */ strTypo3Inst_00 = 'die("In the source distribution of TYPO3, the install script is disabled by a die() function call.
Fix: Open the file typo3/install/index.php and remove/out-comment the line that outputs this message!");' strTypo3Inst_01 = '// die("In the source distribution of TYPO3, the install script is disabled by a die() function call.
Fix: Open the file typo3/install/index.php and remove/out-comment the line that outputs this message!");' /* *********************************************************** */ /* Interpret command line inputs */ /* *********************************************************** */ IF Arg(1) = '' THEN CALL HelpParameterMissed IF Arg() > 0 THEN DO CommandLine = Arg(1) DO i = 1 TO Words(CommandLine) /* IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,6) = '-pack:' THEN t3package = SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),7) */ IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-dl:1' THEN t3download = t3download_01 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-dl:2' THEN t3download = t3download_02 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-dl:3' THEN t3download = t3download_03 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-dl:4' THEN t3download = t3download_04 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-dl:5' THEN t3download = t3download_05 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:1' THEN t3package = t3quickstart IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:2' THEN t3package = t3dummy IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:3' THEN t3package = t3testsite IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:4' THEN t3package = t3quickstart1 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:5' THEN t3package = t3dummy1 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-t3:6' THEN t3package = t3testsite1 IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '-h' THEN CALL HelpProgram IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '-?' THEN CALL HelpProgram IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '/?' THEN CALL HelpProgram IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '-H' THEN CALL ShowHistory IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '-T' THEN CALL ShowToDo IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,2) = '-V' THEN CALL HelpProgramVersion IF SubStr(Word(CommandLine, i),1,5) = '-exec' THEN Execute = '1' END CALL Lineout Logfile, '+--------------------------------------------------------------+' CALL Lineout Logfile, progname 'V'version '(c) 'date 'by Roland Schmalenberg' CALL Lineout Logfile, '+--------------------------------------------------------------+' CALL Lineout Logfile, 'Used command line options are: '||CommandLine SAY 'Used command line options are: '||CommandLine END /* comand line input related values must be refreshed */ t3download = t3download||t3package||'.zip' t3folder = t3package IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 't3download set to: '||t3download IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'Press any key to continue ...' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) /* fixed parameters */ crlfString = '0D'x||'0A'x /* *********************************************************** */ /* Main-Routine */ /* *********************************************************** */ MyMainSubRoutine: /* Check FileList */ IF STREAM(FileList, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO SAY 'Sorry, cannot find a file-list named: '||FileList SAY 'Please check your command line parameters or read the manual!' SAY SAY 'Press any key to leave this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) EXIT END /* the real work starts here */ CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Start batch ...' /* Check typo3 folder, we will not overwrite a existing folder */ rc = SysFileTree(t3package||'\*.*', s., 'B') IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY s.0 IF rsdebug = "1" THEN IF s.0 \= 0 THEN SAY 't3folder: '||t3folder||' already exists!' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN IF s.0 = 0 THEN SAY 't3folder: '||t3folder||' does not exist!' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'Press any key to continue ...' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) IF s.0 \= 0 THEN CALL LineOut Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Typo3-package-folder exist: '||t3folder||' -> continue with filecheck' IF s.0 = 0 THEN CALL CharOut Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Typo3-package-folder does not exist: '||t3folder||' -> continue with archive-check' IF s.0 = 0 THEN DO SAY 'Okay, folder does not exist, we check existing zip-file now!' ZipFile = t3package||'.zip' /* CALL Lineout Logfile, '.?. Does Typo3-package-archiv exist: '||ZipFile */ IF STREAM(ZipFile, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO CALL Lineout Logfile, ' ->Typo3-package-archiv does not exist: '||ZipFile||' -> continue with download now' SAY 'Okay, we cannot find the zip-file named: '||ZipFile SAY 'We will now try to get it automatically, please wait ...' /* check existing wget-file and unzip if necessary */ IF STREAM(tool_file_01, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO IF STREAM(tool_zip_01, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO CALL Lineout Logfile, '.!. Fatal error, missing tool: '||tool_zip_01 SAY 'Cannot find the archive: '||tool_zip_01 SAY 'This is a fatal error, please check your system!' SAY SAY 'Press any key to leave this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) EXIT END ELSE DO SAY 'Unzipping the wget files ...' SAY UnzipStr = 'unzip -o '||tool_zip_01||' wget.exe' /* we only need this file */ ADDRESS CMD UnzipStr SAY 'Ready ...' SAY END END /* check existing libc06r1.dll and unzip if necessary */ IF STREAM(tool_file_02, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO IF STREAM(tool_zip_02, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO CALL Lineout Logfile, '.!. Fatal error, missing tool: '||tool_zip_02 SAY 'Cannot find the archive: '||tool_zip_02 SAY 'This is a fatal error, please check your system!' SAY SAY 'Press any key to leave this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) EXIT END ELSE DO SAY 'Unzipping the libc06r1.dll ...' SAY UnzipStr = 'unzip -o '||tool_zip_02 ADDRESS CMD UnzipStr SAY 'Ready ...' SAY END END /* check existing iintl6i.dll and unzip if necessary */ IF STREAM(tool_file_03, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO IF STREAM(tool_zip_03, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO CALL Lineout Logfile, '.!. Fatal error, missing tool: '||tool_zip_03 SAY 'Cannot find the archive: '||tool_zip_03 SAY 'This is a fatal error, please check your system!' SAY SAY 'Press any key to leave this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) EXIT END ELSE DO SAY 'Unzipping iintl6i.dll ...' SAY UnzipStr = 'unzip -o '||tool_zip_03 ADDRESS CMD UnzipStr SAY 'Ready ...' SAY END END /* wget the desired typo3-package */ CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Download starts from: '||t3download WgetStr = 'wget '||t3download ADDRESS CMD WgetStr CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Download done!' END /* Unzip the archive */ SAY 'Please wait, unzipping the archive takes time ...' SAY CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Start unzipping the Typo3-package-archive: '||ZipFile UnzipStr = 'unzip -o '||ZipFile ADDRESS CMD UnzipStr CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... Unzipping finished!' SAY 'Ready ...' SAY END /* now we have a typo3-folder with the original stuff to be changed for use under eComStation */ FoundCount = 0 NotFoundCount = 0 ChangedCount = 0 /* loop files */ DO WHILE Lines(FileList) Typo3FileLine = Linein(FileList) IF Left(Typo3FileLine, 1) = '#' THEN ITERATE IF Strip(Typo3FileLine) \= '' THEN DO SAY WORD(Typo3FileLine, 1) CALL CharOut Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... processing file: '||WORD(Typo3FileLine, 1) SourceFile = t3folder||'\'||WORD(Typo3FileLine, 1) TargetFile = t3folder||'\'||WORD(Typo3FileLine, 1)||'.new' /* check if the file to be changed exist, if not remember */ IF STREAM(SourceFile, 'c', 'query exists') = '' THEN DO NotFoundCount = NotFoundCount + 1 SAY 'Sorry, cannot find a file named: '||SourceFile CALL Lineout Logfile, ' -> file does not exist!' SAY 'Please check your command line parameters or read the manual!' SAY SAY 'Press any key to continue this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) END ELSE DO FoundCount = FoundCount + 1 CALL CharOut Logfile, ' -> exist' END /* Check Target, delete if exist */ IF STREAM(TargetFile, 'c', 'query exists') \= '' THEN DO IF SysFileDelete(TargetFile) \= 0 THEN DO SAY 'Cannot delete the existing file: '||TargetFile SAY 'Maybe it is write protected?' SAY SAY 'Press any key to leave this script ...' Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) EXIT END END /* loop lines, read line of the original */ LineCount = 0 StringFoundInFile = 0 DO WHILE Lines(SourceFile) SourceLine = Linein(SourceFile) LineCount = LineCount + 1 IF Strip(SourceLine) \= '' THEN DO /* check line for TYPO3_OS, change if necessary */ IF POS(TRANSLATE(strTypo3_OS_00), TRANSLATE(SourceLine)) > '0' THEN DO ChangePos = POS(TRANSLATE(strTypo3_OS_00), TRANSLATE(SourceLine)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'String Typo3_OS found in line '||LineCount||': '||SourceLine CALL Lineout Logfile, ' -> found searchstring in line '||LineCount CALL Lineout LogFile, 'changing: >>'||SourceLine||'<<' SourceLine = DELSTR(SourceLine, ChangePos, LENGTH(strTypo3_OS_00)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'Shortened Line is now: '||SourceLine SourceLine = INSERT(strTypo3_OS_01, SourceLine, ChangePos-1, LENGTH(strTypo3_OS_01)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'String Typo3_OS added, line now contains: '||SourceLine CALL Lineout Logfile, 'to >>'||SourceLine||'<<' ChangedCount = ChangedCount + 1 StringFoundInFile = 1 END ELSE DO END /* check line for INSTALL mode, change if necessary */ IF POS(TRANSLATE(strTypo3Inst_00), TRANSLATE(SourceLine)) > '0' THEN DO ChangePos = POS(TRANSLATE(strTypo3Inst_00), TRANSLATE(SourceLine)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'String die() found in line '||LineCount||': '||SourceLine CALL Lineout Logfile, ' -> found searchstring in line '||LineCount CALL Lineout LogFile, 'changing: >>'||SourceLine||'<<' SourceLine = DELSTR(SourceLine, ChangePos, LENGTH(strTypo3Inst_00)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'Shortened Line is now: '||SourceLine SourceLine = INSERT(strTypo3Inst_01, SourceLine, ChangePos-1, LENGTH(strTypo3Inst_01)) IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'String die() added, line now contains: '||SourceLine CALL Lineout Logfile, 'to >>'||SourceLine||'<<' ChangedCount = ChangedCount + 1 StringFoundInFile = 1 END ELSE DO END /* write line to new original */ CALL Lineout TargetFile, SourceLine END /* end loop lines */ END IF StringFoundInFile = 0 THEN CALL Lineout Logfile, ' -> searchstring not found' CALL Lineout Logfile, '...' CALL Lineout TargetFile CALL Lineout SourceFile /* copy new original to original */ ADDRESS CMD 'copy '||TargetFile||' '||SourceFile||' /v 2>&1 >NUL' /* del new original */ ADDRESS CMD 'del '||TargetFile END /* end loop lines */ END CALL Lineout Logfile, Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' ... End batch ...' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'RolandSchmalenberg: Changes 1.07 done until this line ...' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN SAY 'Press any key to continue ...' IF rsdebug = "1" THEN Taste = SysGetKey(NoEcho) /* jobs done, say goodbye */ CALL ShowResults & PAUSE EXIT /* *********************************************************** */ /* general sub-routines */ /* *********************************************************** */ HelloProgram: '@echo off' CALL SysCls SAY SAY '+--------------------------------------------------------------+' SAY ' 'progname 'V'version '(c) 'date 'by Roland Schmalenberg' SAY '+--------------------------------------------------------------+' SAY RETURN HelpProgramVersion: SAY 'Name of program: 'progname SAY 'This version: 'version SAY 'Last change: 'date SAY EXIT HelpProgram: SAY ' * ******************************************************* *' SAY ' * (c) '||date||' by *' SAY ' * Roland Schmalenberg, roland.schmalenberg@lycos.de *' SAY ' * My swiss-knife-tools for running Typo3 on eComStation *' SAY ' * ******************************************************* *' SAY SAY 'This program will change all definitions of "TYPO3_OS" into values usable from' SAY 'Mac OS/X, linux, windows and also OS/2 or eComStation. Furthermore it will also' SAY 'switch line 45 in typo3\install\index.php to 1-2-3-install mode.' SAY SAY 'Command line options:' SAY '---------------------' SAY '-exec execute this script (without any other option: script use defaults)' SAY '-dl:1 download from Reston (North America)' SAY '-dl:2 download from Curitiba (South America' SAY '-dl:3 download from Ishikawa (Asia)' SAY '-dl:4 download from Sydney (Australia)' SAY '-dl:5 download from Paris (Europe) (default)' SAY '-t3:1 download Typo3-quickstart-3.8.0 (default)' SAY '-t3:2 download Typo3-dummy-3.8.0' SAY '-t3:3 download Typo3-testsite-3.8.0' SAY '-t3:4 download Typo3-quickstart-3.8.1' SAY '-t3:5 download Typo3-dummy-3.8.1' SAY '-t3:6 download Typo3-testsite-3.8.1' SAY '-h [-? /?] show this help' SAY '-H [-T -V] show History, ToDo or Version of this program' EXIT HelpParameterMissed: SAY 'This program have to be used together with command line parameters!' SAY SAY 'You can get help with "'||progname||' -h" at your command line!' EXIT ShowResults: SAY SAY 'We had finished the jobs with the following results:' SAY SAY 'Number of missed files to be changed in source: '||NotFoundCount SAY 'Number of found files to be changed in source: '||FoundCount SAY 'Number of successfully changed files: '||ChangedCount IF ChangedCount = FoundCount THEN DO SAY " _____ _____ " SAY " |_ _| _ _ __ ___|___ / __ _ ___ ___ ___ " SAY " | || | | | '_ \ / _ \ |_ \ / _` |/ _ \ / _ \/ __| " SAY " | || |_| | |_) | (_) |__) | | (_| | (_) | __/\__ \ " SAY " |_| \__, | .__/ \___/____/ \__, |\___/ \___||___/ " SAY " |___/|_| |___/ " SAY " ____ ____ _ _ _ " SAY " ___ / ___|___ _ __ ___ / ___|| |_ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ " SAY " / _ \ | / _ \| '_ ` _ \\___ \| __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ " SAY " | __/ |__| (_) | | | | | |___) | || (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | " SAY " \___|\____\___/|_| |_| |_|____/ \__\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| " SAY " " SAY SAY ' Hallelujah!' SAY ' You are now only a few steps away from using Typo3 on eComStation' SAY ' Typo3 goes eComStation is maintained by the following people:' SAY SAY ' Paul Smedley, paul@smedley.info' SAY ' Michael Oehlhof, michael@oehlhof.de' SAY ' Roland Schmalenberg, roland.schmalenberg@lycos.de' END ELSE DO SAY SAY 'There had been some errors, please check your system before' SAY 'you try to use Typo3 on eComStation anyway!' SAY SAY 'Typo3 goes eComStation is maintained by the following people:' SAY SAY 'Paul Smedley, paul@smedley.info' SAY 'Michael Oehlhof, Michael Oehlhof, info@ampos2.de' SAY 'Roland Schmalenberg, roland.schmalenberg@lycos.de' END SAY SAY Date(E)||'-'||Time()||' Elapsed runtime in seconds: '||Time(E) RETURN ShowToDo: SAY ' * ******************************************************* *' SAY ' * (c) '||date||' by *' SAY ' * Roland Schmalenberg, roland.schmalenberg@lycos.de *' SAY ' * My Swiss-knife-tools for running Typo3 on eComStation *' SAY ' * ******************************************************* *' SAY SAY 'My ToDo-list:' SAY SAY '1. get TYPO3 starter package automatically (dispatched with 1.06)' SAY '2. check MD5 selected TYPO3-package automatically' SAY '3. unzip automatically (dispatched with 1.05)' SAY '4. zip the modified TYPO3-package automatically' SAY '5. build finally a MD5-checksum for that archive' EXIT ShowHistory: SAY '* *************************************************************************** *' SAY '* History *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.00-20051106 *' SAY '* The most beginnings start with troubles, but where is my Murphy? *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.01-20051106 *' SAY '* Changed all my german stuff to the english spoken world *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.02-20051106 *' SAY '* Single file version is ready, should be tested if runnable without errors *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.03-20051106 *' SAY '* Multi file version is ready, should be tested if runnable without errors *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.04-20051106 *' SAY '* Create target folder -os2-prep, if not exist *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.05-20051107 *' SAY '* Some minor corrections to the help function, pin stands now for package in *' SAY '* Next public release will not create the folder -os2-prep, because no one of *' SAY '* the os/2-user will really use the windows original folder, so we can spare *' SAY '* the copy folder time *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '..................................................... go ahead with any key ...' Tastatureingabe = SysGetKey(NoEcho) CALL SysCls SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.06-20051108 *' SAY '* Major changes begins, I prefer now automatic download with wget, if the *' SAY '* typo3-package cannot be found, wget and libraries are bundled in my tool to *' SAY '* make it easier, there are a lot of users out in the world without having it *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.07-20051109 *' SAY '* Major changes (cont), 1/3 typo3-packages and 1/5 download areas from diffe- *' SAY '* rent continents can be selected in menue, default to quickstart-3.8.0 and *' SAY '* Paris, Europe now *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.08-20051109 *' SAY '* Minor changes (cont), will do the remark of the installblocker (// die) *' SAY '* automatically, because all of the people using this script should know what *' SAY '* they are doing, or not ;-) *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.09-20051110 *' SAY '* Bugfix, the remarking of the installblocker (// die) was not done before *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.10-20051111 *' SAY '* Cosmetic changes *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.11-20051112 *' SAY '* Added logging *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.12-20051112 *' SAY '* Minor fixes in building logname, added some more information to log file *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.13-20051112 *' SAY '* Further minor fixes as found by Andreas Roederer, thanks *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.14-20051114 *' SAY '* Minor changes in logging information as recommended by Andreas Roederer *' SAY '* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *' SAY '* 1.15-20051115 *' SAY '* Added quickstart-3.8.1, dummy-3.8.1 and testsite-3.8.1 *' SAY '* *************************************************************************** *' EXIT /* End GetTypo3forOS2 */