colorize PASCAL { SyntaxParser = 'SIMPLE'; color { { 'Normal', 'Editor_Default' }, { 'Number', 'Lang_DecimalNumber' }, { 'HexNumber', 'Lang_HexNumber' }, { 'Punctuation', 'Lang_Punctuation' }, { 'String', 'Lang_String' }, { 'Comment', 'Lang_Comment' }, { 'Command', 'Lang_Assembler' }, # assembler { 'CPreprocessor', 'Lang_Preprocessor' }, { 'Function', 'Lang_Function' }, { 'Keyword', 'Editor_Keywords' }, }; keyword 'Editor_Keywords' { 'program', 'const', 'type', 'var', 'begin', 'end', 'array', 'set', 'record', 'string', 'if', 'then', 'else', 'while', 'for', 'to', 'downto', 'do', 'with', 'repeat', 'until', 'case', 'of', 'goto', 'exit', 'label', 'procedure', 'function', 'nil', 'file', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', 'div', 'mod', 'unit', 'uses', 'implementation', 'interface', 'asm', 'inline', 'object', 'constructor', 'destructor', 'inherited', 'except', 'finally', 'initialization', 'out', 'property', 'resourcestring', 'try', 'exports', 'library', 'packed', 'raise', 'as', 'class', 'dispinterface', 'in', 'shl', 'shr', 'threadvar', 'finalization', 'is', 'at', 'on', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'published', 'automated', 'absolute', 'abstract', 'cdecl', 'contains', 'default', 'dispid', 'dynamic', 'export', 'external', 'far', 'assembler', 'virtual', 'near', 'forward', 'implements', 'index', 'message', 'name', 'nodefault', 'overload', 'override', 'package', 'pascal', 'read', 'readonly', 'register', 'reintroduce', 'requires', 'resident', 'safecall', 'stdcall', 'stored', 'write', 'writeonly', 'result', 'integer', 'cardinal', 'shortint', 'smallint', 'longint', 'int64', 'byte', 'word', 'longword', 'char', 'boolean', 'bytebool', 'wordbool', 'longbool', 'real48', 'single', 'smallword', 'double', 'extended', 'comp', 'currency', 'real', 'shortstring', 'ansistring', 'widestring', }; keyword 'Lang_DecimalNumber' { 'true', 'false', }; h_state 0 { 'Normal' } h_trans { 10, '<', '(*&', 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 10, '<', '(*$', 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 9, '<', '{&', 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 9, '<', '{$', 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 8, '', 'asm', 'Command' } # workaround for bug 854418 h_trans { 17, '<-x', /\c{while}|{if}|{until}|{not}|{and}|{or}|{xor}|{div}|{mod}\s*\(/, 'Keyword' } h_trans { 16, '<-x', /[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*\(/, 'Function' } h_trans { 5, '-s', 'a-zA-Z_', 'Normal' } h_trans { 11, '<', '//', 'Comment' } h_trans { 1, '<', '(*', 'Comment' } h_trans { 2, '<', '{', 'Comment' } h_trans { 3, '<', '"', 'String' } h_trans { 4, '<', '\'', 'String' } h_trans { 6, '<', '0x', 'HexNumber' } h_trans { 6, '<', '$', 'HexNumber' } h_trans { 7, '', '*)', 'Comment' } h_state 2 { 'Comment' } h_trans { 0, '>', '}', 'Comment' } h_state 3 { 'String' } h_trans { 0, '>', '"', 'String' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'String' } h_state 4 { 'String' } h_trans { 0, '>', '\'', 'String' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'String' } h_state 5 { 'Normal' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Normal' } h_wtype { 0, 0, 0, 'i', 'a-zA-Z0-9_' } h_state 6 { 'HexNumber' } h_trans { 0, '-S', '0-9A-Fa-f', 'Normal' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Normal' } h_state 7 { 'Number' } h_trans { 0, '-S', '0-9', 'Normal' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Normal' } h_state 8 { 'Command' } h_trans { 0, '', 'end', 'Command' } h_trans { 12, '<', '(*', 'Comment' } h_trans { 13, '<', '{', 'Comment' } h_state 9 { 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 0, '>', '}', 'CPreprocessor' } h_state 10 { 'CPreprocessor' } h_trans { 0, '>', '*)', 'CPreprocessor' } h_state 11 { 'Comment' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Comment' } h_state 12 { 'Comment' } h_trans { 8, '>', '*)', 'Comment' } h_state 13 { 'Comment' } h_trans { 8, '>', '}', 'Comment' } h_state 14 { 'String' } # character of the form #ddd h_trans { 0, '-S', '0-9', 'Normal' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Normal' } h_state 15 { 'String' } # character of the form #$xx h_trans { 0, '-S', '0-9A-Fa-f', 'Normal' } h_trans { 0, '$', '', 'Normal' } h_state 16 { 'Function' } h_trans { 0, '->', '(', 'Normal' } h_state 17 { 'Keyword' } h_trans { 0, '->', '(', 'Normal' } } mode PASCAL: SOURCE { # Pascal Mode FileNameRx = /\.\c{{PAS}|{PP}|{INC}}$/; HilitOn = 1; Colorizer = 'PASCAL'; AutoIndent = 1; IndentMode = 'PLAIN'; MatchCase = 0; Trim = 1; MultiLineHilit = 1; AutoHilitParen = 1; SaveFolds = 2; # save fold info at end of line CommentStart = ' (*'; CommentEnd = '*)'; RoutineRegexp = '^{procedure}|{function}>'; } oinclude 'm_pascal.pte'; oinclude 'mym_pascal.fte';