# Default personal main fte config file. # The purpose of this file is to allow individual users to add extra # functionality over and above what the sysadmin may have made available # without adversely affecting other users. # uncomment for appropriate keybindings and menus etc # also uncomment appropriate COLOR_ setting # if multiple items in any of the sets are uncommented # the first uncommented is used and the others are ignored. # these can be overriden in systemmain.fte # Spanish works best with UI_MIXED. # User inteface styles UI_KB effects pallette and UNIX font selection and # can you must select a second UI_* to load it. #%define(UI_KB) %define(UI_FTE) #%define(UI_WS) #%define(UI_NE) #%define(UI_BRIEF) #%define(UI_MIXED) #%define(UI_MEW) # experimental or not yet implemented #%define(UI_VI) #%define(UI_EPM) #%define(UI_E) #%define(UI_EMACS) #%define(UI_EXTRA) # Color Schemes #%define(COLORS_GRAY_BG) %define(COLORS_WHITE_BG) #%define(COLORS_BLACK_BG) #%define(COLORS_BLUE_BG) #%define(COLORS_BLUEZ_BG) #%define(COLORS_NCE_BG) # experimental or not yet implemented #%define(COLORS_OS2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) # include the system main config - usually in /usr/local/fte/localconfig. oinclude 'mymain.pte'; include 'systemmain.fte'; # Personal settings go here.