object GLOBAL { # ScreenSizeX = 80; ScreenSizeY = 25; CursorBlink = 0; # set to 1 to have a blinking cursor. CursorInsertMask = 127; CursorOverMask = 68; SysClipboard = 1; # use system (PM) clipboard if available SelectPathname = 1; # select pathname when asking for file OpenAfterClose = 1; # prompt to load new file after closing last ShowMenuBar = 1; # show main menu bar ShowToolBar = 1; # builtin tool bar (OS/2 PM version only) # 0=none, 1=top 1=bottom of window ShowVScroll = 1; # show vertical scroll bar (text) ShowHScroll = 0; # show horizontal scroll bar (text) WeirdScroll = 0; PMDisableAccel = 0; # disable Alt+Fx PM accelerators DefaultModeName = 'PLAIN'; KeepHistory = 1; # load/save history on entry/exit LoadDesktopOnEntry = 0; # load desktop on fte start (2 = when no files) SaveDesktopOnExit = 0; # save desktop in ExitEditor IgnoreBufferList = 0; # skip buffer list in FileNext/Prev/Last ReassignModelIds = 0; # assign first empty number for newly created buffer RecheckReadOnly = 0; # recheck read only status when trying to modify file (only performed on when read only is set) CompletionFilter = /^{\c.+\.o|a|{bak}|{exe}|{lib}|{class}|{jar}|{zip}|{gz}|{tar.gz}|{tgz}}|{.+~}|{CVS}|{SVN}|{GIT}$/; # {obj} file is also ASCII Object File Format for MAYA graphics editor # so it is removed from Completion Filter # fonts for GUI version %if(GUI_PM) # PM # Only System VIO fonts are used. Some listed below in myfontsize.fte # which is included below. XX*YY. # fixme to use other fonts? GKY 01 Oct 11 WindowFont = "8x14"; %endif %if(GUI_X11) # X11 # Any fixed-width font should do. Make sure it has all 256 characters # defined or weird things can happen. More choices in myfontsize.fte WindowFont = "9x15"; %if(UI_KB) WindowFont = "*-fixed-bold-*-15*,*-fixed-bold-*-16*"; %endif # We need some font, which can be 'LOCALIZED' - and this can't be done # with font names like 9x15 (actually we can, but this would need # highly skilled users :)) %endif %if(OS_UNIX) PrintDevice = "|lpr"; %endif %if(!OS_UNIX) PrintDevice = '\\DEV\\PRN'; %endif ListCommand = 'wdis -l -s '; CompileCommand = 'grep -n -I '; KeepMessages = 1; CompileCommand2 = 'wmake -e'; CvsCommand = 'cvs'; SvnCommand = 'svn'; GitCommand = 'git'; TagFile = 'tags'; %if(OS_UNIX) HelpCommand = "man"; %endif %if(OS_OS2) HelpCommand = "view.exe"; %endif ScrollBorderX = 0; ScrollBorderY = 0; ScrollJumpX = 8; ScrollJumpY = 1; # smart indentation. C_Indent = 4; C_BraceOfs = 0; C_ParenDelta = -1; C_CaseOfs = 0; C_CaseDelta = 4; C_ClassOfs = 0; C_ClassDelta = 4; C_ColonOfs = -4; C_CommentOfs = 0; C_CommentDelta = 1; C_FirstLevelWidth = -1; C_FirstLevelIndent = 4; C_Continuation = 4; # if this is true (1), function parameters will only indent # as much as C_Continuation says, rather than line up one column # to the right of the '('. FunctionUsesContinuation = 0; %if(LINUXKERNEL) # smart indentation. C_Indent = 8; C_BraceOfs = 0; C_ParenDelta = -1; C_CaseOfs = 0; C_CaseDelta = 8; C_ClassOfs = 0; C_ClassDelta = 8; C_ColonOfs = -8; C_CommentOfs = 0; C_CommentDelta = 1; C_FirstLevelWidth = -1; C_FirstLevelIndent = 8; C_Continuation = 8; # if this is true (1), function parameters will only indent # as much as C_Continuation says, rather than line up one column # to the right of the '('. FunctionUsesContinuation = 0; %endif %if(GNU) # smart indentation. C_Indent = 2; C_BraceOfs = 2; C_ParenDelta = -1; C_CaseOfs = 0; C_CaseDelta = 2; C_ClassOfs = 0; C_ClassDelta = 2; C_ColonOfs = -2; C_CommentOfs = 0; C_CommentDelta = 1; C_FirstLevelWidth = -1; C_FirstLevelIndent = 2; C_Continuation = 2; # if this is true (1), function parameters will only indent # as much as C_Continuation says, rather than line up one column # to the right of the '('. FunctionUsesContinuation = 0; %endif %if(OS2DDK) # smart indentation. C_Indent = 3; C_BraceOfs = 0; C_ParenDelta = -1; C_CaseOfs = 0; C_CaseDelta = 3; C_ClassOfs = 0; C_ClassDelta = 3; C_ColonOfs = -2; C_CommentOfs = 0; C_CommentDelta = 1; C_FirstLevelWidth = -1; C_FirstLevelIndent = 3; C_Continuation = 3; # if this is true (1), function parameters will only indent # as much as C_Continuation says, rather than line up one column # to the right of the '('. FunctionUsesContinuation = 0; %endif %if(FM2) # smart indentation. C_Indent = 2; C_BraceOfs = 0; C_ParenDelta = -1; C_CaseOfs = 0; C_CaseDelta = 2; C_ClassOfs = 0; C_ClassDelta = 2; C_ColonOfs = -2; C_CommentOfs = 0; C_CommentDelta = 1; C_FirstLevelWidth = -1; C_FirstLevelIndent = 2; C_Continuation = -1; # if this is true (1), function parameters will only indent # as much as C_Continuation says, rather than line up one column # to the right of the '('. FunctionUsesContinuation = 0; %endif REXX_Indent = 4; REXX_Do_Offset = 0; # Effects placement of end, catch and finally relative to do, loop and select; 0 = aligned REXX_End_Offset = 0; # Compiler Regular Expressions # 1 = Filename # 2 = Line number # 3 = Message # Ant (groovy) CompileRx = { 2, 4, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+):\d+:\s[^\/\\]*([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+):\s(.#)\s\@\sline\s(\d+),\scolumn\s\d+.$/ }; # Ant (javac) CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^.*\s([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+):(\d+):\s(.*)$/ }; # grep -n CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]#):(\d+):/ }; # GCC CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+):(\d+):\s(.*)$/ }; # Borland C++ CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^{Error}|{Warning}\s(\S+)\s(\d+):\s(.*)$/ }; # Borland C++ 5.5 command line CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^{Error E}|{Warning W}\d+\s(\S+)\s(\d+):\s(.*)$/ }; # CSet++ CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+)\((\d+):\d+\)(.*)$/ }; # Watcom C++ CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+)\((\d+)\):\x20{Error!}|{Warning!}(.*)$/ }; # xlC (AIX) CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^"([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+)", line (\d+){.\d+}?: (.*)$/ }; # IPF compiler CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^\<([^:]+):(\d+)\> (.*)$/ }; CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+)\((\d+)\)\s*:\s*(.*)$/ }; CompileRx = { 2, 3, 1, /^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t(\d+)$/ }; CompileRx = { 2, 3, 1, /^\s*at\s*([^\(]+)\(([^\:]+)\:(\d+)\)$/ }; # PAF@design.ru # jikes +E (tested with version 1.18) CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^.*\s([\w._\-\+\/\\]+):(\d+):\d+:\d+:\d+:\s(.*)$/ }; # Python interpreter tracebacks CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^\s*File\s+"([\w:._\-\+\/\\]+)",\s+line\s+(\d+)(.*)$/ }; # bash: CompileRx = { 1, 2, 3, /^([\w:._\-\/\\]+): line (\d+):\s(.*)$/ }; # perl: CompileRx = { 2, 3, 1, /^(.*) at ([^ ]+) line ([0-9]+)/ }; CvsIgnoreRx = /^cvs update: Updating /; CvsIgnoreRx = /^cvs server: Updating /; SvnIgnoreRx = /^svn update: Updating /; SvnIgnoreRx = /^svn server: Updating /; GitIgnoreRx = /^git update: Updating /; GitIgnoreRx = /^git server: Updating /; } oinclude 'global.pte'; oinclude 'myglobal.fte'; oinclude 'myfontsize.fte'; oinclude 'mystrings.fte';