:h1 res=93000 name=PANEL_HINTS.Hints and troubleshooting :i1 id=aboutHints.Hints and troubleshooting :artwork name='bitmaps\secret.bmp' align=center. :p. This section contains hints about obscure functions, FM/2 "secrets" and other rubbish. .br :p. With most video display drivers, :color fc=default bc=cyan.chording:color fc=default bc=default. a directory in the Drive Tree (or clicking the :color fc=default bc=cyan.B3:color fc=default bc=default. on a three button mouse) will cause FM/2 to open a new FM/2 Directory Container window for that directory without further ado. :p. Want to open FM/2 with various different configurations see :link reftype=hd res=100125.Starting FM/2:elink. for command line options. :p. Want to copy or move some files to a new directory? Try dragging them onto an empty area (whitespace) of the Drive tree. FM/2 will pop up a dialog allowing you to specify a name for a new directory into which to place the files. :p. To set the label of a drive, pick :link reftype=hd res=90900.Files->Info:elink. (:color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.i:color fc=default bc=default. accelerator) on the root of the drive in the Drive Tree container. You'll find :hp1.Format:ehp1. and :hp1.Chkdsk:ehp1. in that menu, too, under the :hp1.Miscellaneous:ehp1. submenu. :p. Remember, when using the :link reftype=hd res=93900.internal editor:elink. (but don't, use your favorite editor instead), FM/2 saves the file as it appears in the MLE. If you don't want long lines wrapped (such as when editing CONFIG.SYS), turn wrap OFF before saving. :p. If you want to change the fonts used in the :link reftype=hd res=91500.Walk Directories:elink. dialog, drop a new font from the Font Palette onto a blank area of the dialog (not a control). The new font will be used in the directory listboxes and path entry field the next time you use the dialog. This is sometimes necessary when the default font for the dialog doesn't match up well to the codepage in use for non-US users, as non-ASCII characters might show up improperly. :p. To invoke an OS/2 WPS association rather than an FM/2 internal association, try Open->Default from a context menu on the file object (F6 accelerator) or holding down the :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. key while double-clicking the object. Alternatively, use <> as the command line for an :link reftype=hd res=90400.association:elink. and it'll open the object's default WPS view, which will run the program associated with the object under the WPS if there is one. Follow the hypertext link in this paragraph for detailed explanations. :p. If you periodically do something to the same set of files, you might consider making a :link reftype=hd res=96000.List:elink. of the files and :link reftype=hd res=90100.Collecting:elink. them from that list file so you don't have to reselect them when you want to manipulate them later. Note that FM/2 has a Reselect command under the Views->Select menu, but it only remembers the last selection set -- using the List/Collect method you can reselect even in another session. :p. Using :hp1.AV/2:ehp1. from the WPS&colon. Drag an archive file onto the AV/2 object; this opens a view into the archive. Drag any files you want added to the archive into the container; they're added to the archive. To create a new archive, drag the objects to be archived onto the :hp1.Make Archive:ehp1. object. :p. For advanced users&colon. You can add commands to FM/2's action bar menu. Create a file in FM/2's directory called FM3MENU.DAT. Here's a sample&colon. :xmp. ; ;Items listed in this file are added to FM/2's action bar (pulldown) menu. ;First word in a line MUST be MENUITEM. Next comes ID of command (see ;FM3TOOLS.DAT). Finally, the text to display on the menu for the command. ; ;Any line beginning with a semi-colon, like this one, is a comment. ; MENUITEM 1023 V~iew MENUITEM 1024 ~Edit MENUITEM 1010 I~nfo MENUITEM 1009 ~Attrs MENUITEM 1017 ~Open MENUITEM 1006 ~Kill :exmp. :p. If you want to set the extract directory in an :link reftype=hd res=90200.Archive Container:elink. to the same directory as the archive is in, start a drag from the recessed text field next to the :link reftype=hd res=91900.Folder button:elink. and drop onto the Folder button. If you always want the extract directory to be the same as the directory in which the archive resides, enter * in the Ext. Path field of the internal Settings Notebook's :link reftype=hd res=99940.Archivers page:elink.. :p. You can drag files or directories onto an archive object in a Directory Container, and FM/2 will display the :link reftype=hd res=90300.Archive:elink. dialog to allow you to add those files to the archive without having to first open the archive. :p. If a Directory Container is in Details view, and if the titles above the columns are turned on, you can hold down :color fc=default bc=palegray.ALT:color fc=default bc=default. and click a title to cause the container to sort on that field (assuming the field is one of those on which FM/2 will sort -- filename, size, EA size, and dates are all valid). Works in Archive Containers, too. :p. Can't set the :hp3.default sort or view for new Directory Containers:ehp3.? Yes you can -- use the :link reftype=hd res=97100.internal Settings notebook:elink. instead of the popup menus. The popups only change the :hp1.current:ehp1. container -- the one on which you requested the context menu. The Settings notebook determines how new containers that you open will appear. This is a distinction often overlooked by new users. :p. Old DOS hands will know this, but you can enter :hp2.PRN:ehp2. when you want output to go to a printer rather than a disk file. You can even specify different printers using LPT? (i.e. LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, etc.). :p. If nothing shows in a Directory Container, Archive Container, the Collector or Drive Tree although you :hp1.know:ehp1. there's something in it, check your Filter (:color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.f:color fc=default bc=default. accelerator). The Filter button for the appropriate container will show the current filter status for the current container (F&colon. means everything is visible, means attributes are being used to filter, otherwise you'll see the current mask set). Remember to look at the attributes as well as the mask. The :hp1.All:ehp1. button in the :link reftype=hd res=93400.Filter dialog:elink. can be used to ensure that everything is visible. :p. To compare the directories of two open Directory Containers without resorting to the Drive Tree, link-drag from the recessed status window in one Directory Container to the recessed status window in the other. Remember, when you drag :hp1.from:ehp1. one of those recessed areas, you drag the directory the Directory Container is "looking" into, and when you drop :hp1.on:ehp1. one of them, you drop into the directory the Directory Container is "looking" into. They behave, for drag and drop and requesting context menus, like empty container space (whitespace). :p. To begin a direct edit of the current file's name using the keyboard, use :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F10 :color fc=default bc=default.. To end (complete) the direct edit, use :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F11:color fc=default bc=default.. To cancel an edit underway, use :color fc=default bc=palegray.Esc:color fc=default bc=default.. :p. PM uses several :color fc=default bc=palegray.ALT:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F?:color fc=default bc=default. accelerators to control frame windows. However, this applies to the current frame window, which can be within the main FM/2 window when run monolithically. Add :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. to these accelerators to affect the main window in that case. For example, :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.Alt:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F9:color fc=default bc=default. will minimize the main FM/2 window, while :color fc=default bc=palegray.Alt:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F9:color fc=default bc=default. will minimize whichever frame window has the focus. :p. If you have the bottom buttons turned on in FM/2 and have a 3-button mouse, clicking the :color fc=default bc=cyan.B3:color fc=default bc=default. (or holding down :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. while clicking :color fc=default bc=cyan.B1:color fc=default bc=default.) on them will change your sort type. :p. Problem with ZIP or EZ drive -- slow scanning&colon. See :link reftype=hd res=99980.Edit->Drive flags:elink. command. The problem is that these drives respond :hp1.very:ehp1. slowly to some commands and requests. You can tweak the drive's flags to alleviate some of this. :p. Problem with details view refreshing -- top items come up blank. This is one of those never-fixed OS/2 bugs. Try :hp1.unchecking:ehp1. the Immediate updates toggle in the Settings notebook. This usually works around this bug. :p. To find any directory in the Drive Tree quickly, type :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.Shift:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F:color fc=default bc=default. with the Drive Tree active, then type in the pathname of the directory that you want to find. To find the directory of a Directory Container in the Drive Tree, type :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.Shift:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray.F:color fc=default bc=default. with the Directory Container active. :p. The :link reftype=hd res=90100.Collector:elink. can search for files based on a variety of criteria. The search function can also find potential duplicate files for you. Potential duplicates can also be tracked down in the :link reftype=hd res=98500.See all files:elink. control. :p. You can selectively turn off FM/2's bubble help. Use the internal Settings notebook, turn to the :hp1.Bubbles:ehp1. page, and read the help. :p. "I double-clicked on an INI file and FM/2 showed it in the text viewer." The INI file may not be a standard OS/2 INI file (Windoze programs, for example, use *.INI files that are flat text files). FM/2 will "fail" quietly to view such files using the INI viewer when you double-click them since there's no reason to bother you each time you want to look at one. If you're sure the file is a standard OS/2 INI file, use the Utilities menu to open the INI viewer, then choose Files->Other profile and enter the name of the file. FM/2 will then tell you the reason that it is unable to open the file -- you probably want to know about it since you're already in the INI viewer. :p. Trouble starting FM/2: "Resource not found." Probably mismatched DLL and EXE files -- re-extract FM/2 from the distribution archive, being particularly sure to overwrite :hp1.all:ehp1. old DLL and EXE files. :p. FM/2 crashes when attempting to view a file: Uncheck :link reftype=hd res=92200."Check for multimedia w/ MMPM/2":elink. -- see explanation there. :h2 res=100010 name=PANEL_HINTSCMD.Command lines :i1 id=aboutHintsCmd.Command lines If you want to directly execute a self-extracting archive (or anything else, for that matter -- I mention self-extracting archives because FM/2 will attempt to view them rather than run them when you double-click them), press :color fc=default bc=palegray.Ctrl:color fc=default bc=default. + :color fc=default bc=palegray. F5:color fc=default bc=default.. This brings up the :link reftype=hd res=90600.Command line:elink. dialog with the cursored file in the entry field. :p. You can press the [Home] key to move the cursor to the start of the entry field and enter the name of a program to run with the file as an argument, or just press [Enter] to execute the file. :p. Alternatively, if running FM/2 monolithically, press :color fc=default bc=palegray.F5:color fc=default bc=default. to get a miniature command line at the bottom of the window. Enter any commands you'd like here, including :link reftype=hd res=100075.metastrings:elink.. Type /HELP in the command line entry field for brief information specific to this control. :p. Note that if you use the same command line time after time you will probably want to set up a :link reftype=hd res=90700.Command:elink. for the command line to save time. With a Command, you can even execute a command line using an accelerator key -- can't beat that for speed. .im bonusp.ipf .im fm2util.ipf .im trouble.ipf .im errors.ipf .im resource.ipf