ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ F(ile) M(anager)/2 is free software from Mark Kimes ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ See end of document for contact info ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FM/2 3.18 This release removes high memory support at least for now. Changes made to the openwatcom compiler which adds large file support to the open file functions created a problem since DosOpenL doesn't work correctly with high memory. This change also fixes the paste failure in VIO windows when copying from FM/2. We have provided an archiver description for use with unzip ver 6. It is contained in ARCHIVER.TMP. The installer copies the description to ARCHIVER.BB2 (last entry). If you plan on using ver 6 as your default unzip you will need to activate this description. The instructions follow: - This archiver definition assumes that UNZIP v6 a) is named UNZIP.EXE b) is on the PATH c) precedes all other UNZIP.EXE versions on the PATH. If any of these are not true, then either correct the problem listed above or: 1) Select the UNZIP v6 definition. (See below.) 2) Click on the "Edit" button 3) Modify all instances of UNZIP.EXE to include a full path for UNZIP.EXE v6. 4) Click on "OK", then "Close" and then "Yes" to exit and save your changes. 5) Restart FM/2 - FM/2 will not use this entry unless a) It is the only UNZIP definition; or b) You select it manually; or c) You move UNZIP v6 ahead of all the UNZIP's in the list of archivers. In order to move UNZIP v6 ahead of the other UNZIP's: 1) Select the UNZIP v6 definition. (See below.) 2) Click on the "Up" button until the UNZIP v6 entry precedes all other UNZIP definitions.(If you have never modified ARCHIVER.BB2 it will need to be moved to the very top) 3) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to exit and save your changes 4) Restart FM/2 - Selecting the UNZIP v6 definition: 1) Start FM/2 2) Select the "Config" menu 3) Select the "Edit" submenu 4) Select the "Edit an archiver..." menu item 5) In the dialog that appears scroll the list, if necessary, and select the UNZIP v6 definition We have made changes to the open files logic to correct some odd issues caused by MMPM when ogg, flac and/or mpg IOProcs are installed. MPGs are now recognized as media and zero byte files trigger a dialog offering to open them in the text editor. We now pass .wpi files to the WPS if no association is set for them. If you see FM/2 attempt to open non-media files as a media file or fails to open a media file recognized as such by OS/2 as media, let us know. We reworked the user commands. Doing so makes COMMANDS.DAT obsolete with the commands moving to FM3INI.INI. We did this to eliminate toolbar entry failures caused by reordering the commands. It also keeps the hotkey the same following a reorder and allows the user to select the hotkey they wish to use. The first time you run 3.18, it will copy the commands information from COMMANDS.DAT to the INI. COMMANDS.DAT isn't deleted or changed so you can revert to an earlier version without losing old commands. However, any commands you add or change with this version will not be seen by older versions. You can use Ctrl-click to select state or commonly used directory quicklist entries or walk dialog user list entries without activating them. This is handy for deleting entries without changing the window's state.Compare directories has been rework to enhance its speed, allow for quick cancel and provide the option of AND'ed selection (CTRL click). AND'ed selection selects from currently selected entries as opposed to all entries. See the help file for more information. We have fixed some rare traps and hangs and a few annoying bugs like the failure of the append checkbox in the list file dialog to append. Please see the history file for a more complete list of changes. FM/2 3.17: This release provides for loading FM/2 partially in high memory since this won't work on older systems (pre fixpack 13?) or you might have other reasons not to use it we provide a low memory version also. Some high loaded programs hang in the exit handler (i.e. don't close). We didn't experience this problem but if you do install the low memory version (3.17.0). The high memory version is 3.17.1. This release makes changes that should speed the scanning and container filling in FM/2. We have added some visual clues to let you know FM/2 is still working. The LED in the lower right hand corner now blinks while long operations are in progress or you can open the thread note window (click on the LED) for even more detailed information about an operation in progress. We also added a better "scanning" message. We have updated the look and functionality of the drivebar. It now has the drive letters superimposed over the drive icons allowing for larger icons. We have add a refresh removable media and rescan button to the beginning of the bar to make it a more complete replacement for the tree container in FM/2 lite. You can also show the file system type or drive label next to the drive letter in the tree container. See the Tree settings notebook page to try this option. The INI viewer option on the utilities menu now lets you choose to open the user INI, system INI or FM2's INI. We now allow LONGNAMES to be displayed for FAT & LAN drives and we delete .LONGNAME EA if it becomes the filename on a copy or move. In addition to these we fixed 2 rare crashes and a hang associated with SMP. We also fixed a handful of interface problems. See the history file for more information. FM/2 3.16: This release makes changes that should allow FM/2 to be translated into different languages. It also adds date and number formatting based on the system locale settings. We now need to find some individuals who are interested in doing the translations. Currently, double bit character sets are not supported in FM/2. We have also fixed multiple minor annoyances such as improving detection of text verses binary files when opening viewers and filtering/(de)select mask now works for archives with pathnames. We added the ability to turn error/alert beeps on and off in the settings notebook (General page) and changes to the details switches in compare directories are now saved. See the history for more details. FM/2 3.15: This release turns on some new features by default don't panic they can all be turned off if you don't like them. The first is recursive scanning on start up. This slows the initial scan a bit but speeds expansion of the tree later. It is on for local hard drives and can be turned on for other drive types. The second new feature is an automatic rescan of the drive tree on eject of removable media keeping the tree container more current. Both of these features can be turn on or off on the scanning page of the notebook. The third new feature actually turns write verify off on a per drive basis. This is to address the fact that many USB removables fail or worse (hangs/traps) when write verify is on. We turn it off by default for removables other than standard floppies. If you want it on/off for a given drive edit that drive's drive flags accordingly. The global write verify selector is unchanged and the drive flags have no effect if it is off. We have some additional new items we hope you will find useful. We have added the ability to have the extract commands create a subdirectory based on the archive file name for the extraction target. Seek and Scan has been added to the drives and directories context menu and when selected from there will add the drive or directory as the root for the search. We also added refresh removable media so you can scan for newly inserted drives from the tree container We did some additional work on the main menus like adding Databar to the utilities menu and we now gray out items that are unavailable or inappropriate and un-grayed some items that were inappropriately turned off. We reorganized the internal editor menus as well. We made changes to the archiver code so that archivers that don't have specific start/end list strings will work (i.e. TAR.EXE). We have included the commands for .tar .tar.gz and .tar.bz in archiver.tmp (gzip.exe and/or bzip.exe must be in the path) These only work with tar 1.15 or higher. We included a separate entry for TAR 1.10 but versions of TAR prior to 1.15 don't work for tar.gz/bz2 files. You can either replace archiver.bb2 with the archiver.tmp or if you have made changes to archiver.bb2 you can cut and paste the new archiver definitions into an appropriate position in your existing archiver.bb2 Numerous fixes to minor interface appearance and behavior issues are also include. We have added exceptq support to make it easier to track down defects. We also eliminated the cause of three rare traps including one associated with deleting directories. See the history file for more details. FM/2 3.14: This release updates many of the icons and bitmaps used in FM/2. In addition, more updates have been made to the toolbars to activate the new toolbars follow the instruction for using CFGMGR in the section about version 3.13. One other change may require some user intervention. Inadvertently the expected name of the filters data file was change in version 3.12 from filters.dat to filter.dat. We have corrected this, however, this means your filters may be spread across 2 different files or may seem to have disappeared. If they have disappeared go to the FM/2 directory and rename the file filter.dat to filters.dat. This should restore your saved filters. If you find you have both filter.dat and filters.dat use a text editor to add the contents of filter.dat to filters.dat. This release also contains some menu changes with unformatted drives using the "drives" context menu, the elimination of more than one default on some submenus and menu items such as "format" being disabled for network drives and enabled for removables. Some of the changes should make FM/2 more responsive (Let us know if you notice a difference). We have also included some bug fixes. FM/2 3.13: Many of the changes in this release are related to the toolbars. A new feature is that the current toolbar, along with the current Target directory, are now saved and restored with states. Toolbar code and documentation has been improved, new toolbar button bitmaps have been added and bugs have been fixed. The installation of FM/2 will not replace existing user customization files like the toolbar files. So, if this is not your first installation of FM/2, some of these improvements will not be available because of the old, pre v3.13 toolbar files. It is therefore recommended that you run the following: CFGMGR /INSTALL /DEFAULTS /TOOLBARSONLY /UNATTENDED CFGMGR is a REXX program located in the FM/2 installation directory. If run as given above it will copy your existing toolbar files into a "User_config_backup" subdirectory and then install FM/2 default toolbar files. If you have done some customizations of FM/2 toolbars you can use a text editor and/or file comparison utility like GFC to "merge" your changes, now found in the backup subdirectory, with the default files now found in the FM/2 directory. If you want more control over the operation of CFGMGR, then leave off the /UNATTENDED parameter. Without the /UNATTENDED parameter CFGMGR will ask your permission before replacing each file. The delete = move to trash can is off by default (turn it on on the General settings notebook page). FM/2 now checks for adequate disk space to avoid data loss. We also fixed some additional bugs and provide some performance enhancements. If you have had trouble with "broken pipe" errors copying to a Netdrive samba drive let me know if it now works better. I have built in some retries for this error but can't test it since I don't see the problem. Also please report back to us anytime you see the Debug error report to author box with as much detail about what you were doing as possible. Thanks FM/2 3.12 Fixes a bug introduced in 3.11 (trap when viewing multiple files from an archive at the same time). It also adds Open Default, Open Settings and via an accel key ctrl + l Open Multimedia (using FM2play.exe) to the archive viewer. FM/2 now uses the system TMP/TEMP directory for it temporary files and cleans up after a crash on the next restart. FM/2 creates a subdirectory of the pattern $FM2*.*. The settings notebook can now be closed using Esc, F3 or Enter; the last 2 save any changes that have been made. You can now select which environment variables to show when using show the environment in the drive tree. Just add or remove from the list on the "Tree" page of the notebook. It defaults initially to the current list. You can now save/append either a full pathname or just a filename or a list of either to the clipboard. We have changed the wording in the menus to make this easier to find. We fixed a few other minor issues see the history for more details. FM/2 3.11 adds the option of having delete move the objects to the Xworkplace trashcan. Undelete will open the trashcan so you can restore deleted files. The only short coming is you will need to rescan in order to see the restored file. We also added a reserved state which allows you to return FM/2 to the state it was in on start up (the shut down state). We have improved the filtering of file names that contain multiple periods and fixed FM/2's failure to always follow the details settings from the setup notebook. The primary task achieved for this release was the addition of fortify support which allowed us to fix a handful of memory usage related bugs. We fixed a few other minor issues see the history for more details. Fm/2 3.10 adds the ability to set the command line length to correspond to the command shell you are using. We have moved some menu items to submenus to reduce menu clutter while adding "unhide" to reveal previously hidden items and adding a settings notebook submenu to allow selection of the page you wish to visit. We have updated the look of several dialogs and containers including adding the ability to remember size location and presentation parameters. We have reworked the save state on close so it will save the different states of multiple directory containers and in greater detail. This state can also be restored at anytime during a session by selecting it from the "States" drop down. We have provided better progress indicators to update the progress of long operations. We now provide both the SYM & MAP files in a separate WarpIN package. This will allow interested individuals the tools needed to assist with analyzing any problem that may occur. This package is not needed to run FM/2. As always this update provides some performance enhancements and defect fixes. FM/2 3.09 adds "mailto:" so you can configure the ability to double click an email address in the new viewer and have it open a new email using that address. The viewer page in the settings notebook was split into 2 pages to facilitate the change. Additionally, We fixed some defects and enhanced performance in some areas such as commandline quoting. FM/2 3.08 has had changes to its file filtering logic. It now searches for the last extension if a mask like *.zip is used. This change was made to over come the problem with associations failing on files with multiple ".". You can also search for a complete string within the file names by using the pattern *stuff* (stuff can't contain an * or ?). If "stuff" contains an * or ? the old method of searching (character by character)is used.Large (>4GiB) file support has been added. FM/2 3.07 had changes made to its INI file structure. These changes mean that the INI file is not backward compatible. Please backup you FM3.INI file before installing so you can revert to an earlier version without losing some of your customizations. Please note you need to leave a copy of the fm3.ini file in the install directory in order to keep your customizations in 3.07. The temp file fm3.!!! will not update the new INI as it is only used when FM/2 is running. File Manager/2 (FM/2) starting with version 3.6 is being built with OpenWatcom. Changing compilers can introduce unexpected problem so you may want to backup your current install, or at minimum have a working copy of the FM/2 version 3.5.9 WarpIN package available for reinstall if problems arise. To backup your current install simple zip up your install directory with its subdirectories or copy them to a different location.To restore simply copy the old FM/2 back to the its original location. Remember you can't use the new FM/2 to do this since if it is running some files will be locked and won't be replaced. If you didn't backup and need to go back just install the 3.5.9 WarpIN package over the new install. It will warn you that the install is newer but just tell it to install anyway. The WarpIN install process is designed to save all your customizations. Don't delete the new install if you don't have a backup since this will result in the loss of any custom changes you have made. If you need to delete it to get the reinstall to work. Backup up the new install and then copy the *.bmp, *.tls, *.dat, *.cmd & *.ini files back to the install directory after the reinstall. Don't copy the *.str files as they are version specific. If you have problems be sure to report it (See Support at the end of this file). File Manager/2 (FM/2) is a free OS/2(Warp)/eCS Presentation Manager 32-bit file/directory/archive maintenance utility (a sort of super-Drives object, something midway between the Drives objects and a more traditional file manager) with plenty of bells, whistles and utilities, drag and drop, context menus, toolbars, bubble help and accelerator keys. If you know how to use OS/2, you already know how to use most of FM/2. You can easily glean the rest from the extensive online help, including tutorials. This document explains how to install FM/2, including upgrading from previous versions. It explains command line syntaxes (parameters in a program object) and how to get the program(s) running. The online help tells you how to actually use FM/2. I'll try to keep this brief. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA FM/2 3.x installation instructions: ================================== Pre-requisite: WarpIN 0.9.20 or higher must be installed. Install (or re-install) from a FM/2 ZIP file distribution --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Unpack the FM2*.ZIP archive in a private directory (for example, C:\TMP). (UNZIP.EXE works nicely to unpack the file.) Two WPI files, FM2.WPI and FM2UTILS.WPI will be unzipped. 2. Follow the instructions for installing from WPI file(s) below. Install (or re-install) from a FM/2 WPI file distribution --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open the WPS folder containing the WPI file(s). 2. Double click on FM2.WPI. Since WarpIN associates itself with WPI files this will start WarpIN with FM2.WPI as the parameter. 3, You may then install FM/2 to a directory of your choice and, if FM2UTILS.WPI is present, install FM/2 Utilities to a directory of your choice. NOTE: If you double click on FM2UTILS.WPI instead of FM2.WPI, you will only be able to install the FM/2 Utilities. It is recommended that, even if you only want to install FM/2 Utilities, that you do so using FM2.WPI. Moving FM/2 and/or FM/2 Utilities: ---------------------------------- 1. Copy your existing installation directory to the new location. 2. If you have added your own icons to any of the FM/2 folders, then you should move them elsewhere temporarily. 3. Follow the instructions for de-installing below. 4. Re-install the package using the installation instructions above. This will update the WarpIN database and reset your icons to the new locations. 5. Move the icons you saved in step #2, back into the FM/2 folders if you wish. De-installing FM/2 and/or FM/2 Utilities: ----------------------------------------- 1. Run WarpIN without parameters. 2. Right click on a package you want to de-install and select "de-install all packages". 3. Click on OK in the "De-install Packages" window that appears. ================= First-time notes: ================= Starting FM/2 -- how it works, customizing parameters: If you start File Manager/2 (filename FM3.EXE) with no parameters, it opens the Drive Tree window but no directory windows (unless the "Save state of dir windows" toggle is checked -- see online help). File Manager/2 optionally accepts names of directories in the parameters field of its program object; it'll open a directory window for each one. Hint: If you often do different specific things with FM/2, you might set up a WPS object customized to start up ideally for each activity. For example, if you wanted to maintain your BBS areas, you might have one object with parameters like: "D:\BBSDIR D:\BBSDIR\MAILIN D:\BBSDIR\MAILOUT", and if you also like to use FM/2 to set icons on files, you might have another object with parameters like: "E:\MYICONS D:\NEWFILES". The State quicklist can also be used for this within FM/2 itself -- see online help. You can exclude drives in the parameters by prefacing the drive letter with "/", and there can be more than one drive letter behind the "/" (i.e. "/BH" to exclude both drives B: and H:). Hint: Many people like to use /B to exclude "phantom" drive B: if they have a single-floppy system. Similarly, you can cause drives NOT to be prescanned by the Drive Tree by prefacing the drive letter with ";", drives NOT to load icons for objects by prefacing the drive letter with ",", drives NOT to load subjects for objects by prefacing the drive letter with "`" and drives NOT to load longnames for objects by prefacing the drive letter with "'". This can be handy if you have a very slow drive like a CD-ROM or Zip drive. FM/2 Lite recognizes these switches, too. See also the Drive Flags dialog in FM/2. If you place the plus sign "+" (alone, separated from anything else by spaces) in the parameters, FM/2 will log, to FM2.LOG, delete, rename, move and copy operations that are performed by drag-and-drop or with the menus. FM/2 Lite recognizes this switch, too. The parameter "-" (alone, separated from anything else by spaces) causes FM/2 to ignore, not load or save, the previous state of directory windows (see the "Save state of dir windows" toggle under Config Menu->Toggles in the online help) for that invocation. You can specify the name of an alternate INI file with "-" -- for example: "-C:\FM2\MYINI.INI". You can also specify the INI file location with the environment variable FM2INI -- for example: SET FM2INI=C:\FM2\MYINI.INI. ------------------------------ How to get started using FM/2: ----------------------------- Please read the following sections in the online help when you start FM/2 for the first time: "How to use FM/2's Help," "Terminology" and "General Help," then "Hints." A peek at the labeled "Window Layouts" pictures would probably be a good idea, too. The rest you can browse as you get time/feel the need; for instance, if you want to know what a toggle does, read the help under Settings notebook for that page (each Settings notebook page has its own Help button). If you prefer hard copy help, print this file, run FM/2, press F1, click the "Print" button at the bottom (IBM View) or top (Newview)of the help window that appears and then print both the "Contents" and "All sections" (keep an eye on the printer, after page 100 of "All sections" as the Help Manager will begin printing its own help then -- you may want to abort printing at that point). Advanced and/or curious users may also want to print FM3TOOLS.DAT and ARCHIVER.BB2. Be sure you have plenty of paper and ink handy -- the package is well documented. You'll probably also want a three-ring binder and hole punch to get it bound, as staples aren't going through that puppy. You can, of course, print only the sections that are of particular interest to you. Additional documentation: ------------------------ FM3.HLP: FM/2's online help file. Look in the FM/2 Docs subfolder of the File Manager/2 folder for easy access to all documentation. Bonus programs: ============== You'll note the extra objects that the Install program creates in the FM/2 Tools subfolder of the File Manager/2 folder. FM/2 is modular, so that you can get directly to some of its components without running the entire ball of wax. This may allow you to enhance the behavior of some of your other applications in the WPS tradition. You don't _have_ to keep these around, of course -- FM/2 itself contains all their functionality. ARCHIVE VIEWER/2: Intended for drag-and-drop operation (or WPS association) with WPS objects or other applications. Drag an archive onto it, drop it, get an archive listing box. FM/2's installation program sets up some associations between archive files and this program by file extension. AV/2 will try to display whatever you give it as sensibly as it can. Filename AV2.EXE. EA VIEWER: Drag a file system object onto it and it'll show you the object's extended attributes. Filename EAS.EXE. INI VIEWER: Drag an .INI file onto it and it'll show you its contents. Filename INI.EXE. BOOKSHELF VIEWER: Shows all .INF files in a listbox and lets you pick the one(s) you want to view. If you give any command line argument, the .HLP files on the HELP path will be shown instead (the Helpfile Viewer object calls VIEWINFS.EXE with "dummy" for an argument, for example). Filename VIEWINFS.EXE. PROCESS KILLER: Lets you kill off renegade processes. An English version of PSTAT.EXE must be on your PATH. Filename KILLPROC.EXE. UNDELETE: Lets you undelete files (via interface with UNDELETE.COM). Drag a file system object onto it and it'll let you undelete files for that drive. Filename UNDEL.EXE. VISUAL TREE: Opens a Drive Tree window (like the WPS Drives object with more horsepower). Filename VTREE.EXE. VISUAL DIRECTORY: Opens a Directory Container window; drag a file system object onto it and this will open its directory (like a WPS directory Folder with more horsepower). Filename VDIR.EXE. COLLECTOR: Opens a Collector window. Filename VCOLLECT.EXE. Two other objects, "See all files" and "Seek and scan" are created which call up the Collector and go directly to dialogs for the appropriate purpose. GLOBAL VIEWER: Opens a global view of a drive or drives. Filename GLOBAL.EXE. DATABAR: Opens a databar showing some system information. Filename DATABAR.EXE. DIRSIZE: Shows where drive usage is concentrated. Filename DIRSIZE.EXE. FM/2 LITE: A simplified interface for "dummies." Filename FM4.EXE. FM/2's install creates FM2.CMD, AV2.CMD, VDIR.CMD, VTREE.CMD, VCOLLECT.CMD, UNDEL.CMD, KILLPROC.CMD, INI.CMD, EAS.CMD, DIRSIZE.CMD, VIEWINFS.CMD and VIEWHELP.CMD files for you in a directory "utils" off the install directory. You should add this directory to your PATH= statement in CONFIG.SYS (type HELP PATH at a command line for more info). If you prefer, FM/2's INSTALL builds a SETENV.CMD in the FM/2 directory which you can call to set the PATH for FM/2 in any given session without modifying CONFIG.SYS. Troubleshooting: =============== If FM/2 won't run, the probable culprit is CONFIG.SYS. Your LIBPATH statement should contain a ".;" entry. If yours doesn't, add it. It's standard for an OS/2 installation, but some buggy install programs knock it out because they translate entries to their full pathname before rewriting (so ".;" gets translated to whatever the current directory is for the buggy install program). What this ".;" entry does is allow a program to find and use .DLL files in the program's current directory -- obviously something you want programs to be able to do, otherwise you'd have to put every application's .DLLs into directories already on the LIBPATH, or add the directories of all applications to the LIBPATH, a rather huge pain in the, uh, neck. If things in FM/2 are suddenly acting strange after an upgrade, first check the integrity of the install using using WarpIN. If it shows a problem rerun the install package. If that fails try uninstalling with WarpIN and reinstalling. Backup your existing directory so you can save any changes you made to the template files then uninstall and reinstall. Once you have FM/2 working migrate the *.ini, *.dat, *.tls, *.bb2 and *.cmd from your old install/backup to recover your custom settings If the "FM/2 Online Help" object in the "FM/2 Docs" subfolder won't work properly, you've got a version of VIEW.EXE that won't directly display help (.HLP) files. Use SEEHELP.EXE from the FM/2 Utilities package to get around this problem (or upgrade your version of OS/2). Don't drag files over Netscape -- it will lock up if files (not WPS objects; there's a subtle difference) are dragged over it. If you get a popup dialog that needs to be reported to the maintainer, you can either take a screen shot or you can capture the information from STDERR with: FM3 2>STDERR.LOG This technique works for FM/2, FM/2 Lite and all the standalone applets. If you are having trouble with Drag and Drop operations, try the + command line switch described above. The content of FM2.LOG may be helpful. Known problems/shortcomings: =========================== - See the section of this name in the FM/2 help file (FM3.hlp). It is installed to the same directory as FM/2. - See http://svn.netlabs.org/fm2/report/1 for a complete list of currently active bugs About FM/2: ========== FM/2 was originally written by: Mark Kimes He has kindly allowed me to take over maintenance and support of FM/2 and to release the program under the GNU GPL license. I'm sure he would appreciate a Thank You note for his generosity. Support: ======= There is a Yahoo group devoted to fm/2 at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fm2user/ This group is now closed but it still contains some useful information There is a new mailing list at: fm2-user@netlabs.org To subscribe send an email to: fm2-user-subscribe@netlabs.org The subject and body can be empty. This group is mirrored on Gmane at: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.org.netlabs.fm2.user You will find lots of friendly folks ready to help. FM/2 has moved to Netlabs (thanks Adrian). Check it out at http://svn.netlabs.org/fm2 To create a ticket reporting a defect or requesting an enhancement. You must be logged into TRAC. Please login with your Netlabs login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml. If you have troubles acquiring a Netlabs login id send an e-mail to Netlabs Community Mailing List . You can also browse the source at this site. To obtain the source from the SVN use something like the following to check out the trunk mkdir fm2_workspace cd fm2_workspace svn checkout http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/fm2/trunk trunk If you wish commit access please contact us directly. You can reach us directly at: Steven H. Levine steve53@earthlink.net or Gregg Young ygk@qwest.net We also monitor the comp.os.os2.apps newsgroup, several others in the comp.os.os2.* hierarchy and other groups where release announcements are made. Thanks and enjoy. $Id$