/* * $Id$ * * ReleaseEdit: a program which will edit a file and set the version * number and the date of an FM/2 release as appropriate for that file. * This program operates non-interactively. * * Usage: * ReleaseEdit [trace=] * * where * is in the form x.y.z or x.y (where x, y and z are numbers) * is ONE of the files (i.e. no wildcards) * which need a version number and/or date set. For example: * *.def, file_id.diz, dll\version.h, warpin\fm2.wis * is a valid comnbination of trace options: * '? a c e f i l n o r'. This is an OPTIONAL parameter. * * Examples: * ReleaseEdit 3.15.0 av2.def * ReleaseEdit 3.15.0 fm3.def trace=i * * Change log: * 18 Nov 08 JBS Ticket 297: Various build improvements/corrections * - Use SysTempFilename instead of hard-coded temp file name * - Removed support for changing version in FM2.WIS (not needed) * 21 Nov 08 JBS Ticket 297: Various build improvements/corrections * - Changed code for option description lines in DEF files. * Instead of reading the current lines, they are recontructed * scratch. The data for these lines is: * - provided as a parameter (version/revision) * - read from a repository file, option_descriptions.txt * - all fields read from have default values * - support for environment variables * - edits length of all fields in option description * - added support for changing copyright years * - improved error handling: tmp file renamed back to deleted file * - improved "usage" routine * 22 Nov 08 JBS Ticket 297 * - Fix bugs in version edits and added * - Support for an optional trace parameter. * - Improved "usage" routine * - Suppressed output of 'del' commands * 23 Nov 08 JBS Improved handling of invalid or missing * and a 'NOTREADY' condition when closing the repository. * 06 Jan 09 JBS Added code to set VERREALMINOR in dll\version.h * a) to value of FM2_VERREALMINOR environment variable, if set * b) to " "__DATE__ if FM2_VERREALMINOR environment variable is not set * NOTE: FM2_VERREALMINOR, if set, must have an even number (including 0) * of double quotes. SED seems to choke on an odd number, even if they are * properly escaped. * 12 May 10 JBS Ticket 424: Deleted code related to obsolete "internal\makefile" * */ n = setlocal() /* sed_separator: - used only for SED edits of DEF file descriptions - MUST be a character not found in ANY DEF file description! - MUST be a character acceptable to SED as a separator */ sed_separator = '&' call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs parse arg args p = pos('TRACE=', translate(args)) if p > 0 then do args = args || ' ' /* make sure there's a space at the end */ traceopt = substr(args, p+6, pos(' ', args, p+5) - (p+6)) args = delstr(args, p, 6+length(traceopt)) if traceopt \= '' then if verify(translate(traceopt), '?ACEFILNOR') = 0 & length(traceopt) < 3 then trace value traceopt else call Usage else do parse source . called_as . if called_as = 'COMMAND' then call Usage else nop /* traceopt = '' OK for ReleaseEdit because it is usually called from ReleaseTool? */ end end else traceopt = '' signal on Error signal on FAILURE name Error signal on Halt signal on NOTREADY name Error signal on NOVALUE name Error signal on SYNTAX name Error /* signal on novalue /* for debugging */ */ /* Change to proper directory */ parse source . . thispgm thisdir = left(thispgm, lastpos('\', thispgm)) || '.' call directory thisdir /* Process parameters */ parse var args ver file . if ver = '' | file = '' then call Usage /* and exit */ else if stream(file, 'c', 'query exists') = '' then call Usage /* and exit */ parse var ver major '.' minor '.' CSDLevel if CSDlevel = '' then CSDlevel = 0 if datatype(major) \= 'NUM' | datatype(minor) \= 'NUM' | datatype(CSDlevel) \= 'NUM' then call Usage ver = major || '.' || minor || '.' || CSDlevel /* Set extension, if none set it to uppercase(file) */ ext = substr(translate(file), lastpos('.', file) +1) /* Prepare temporary file */ tmpfile = SysTempFilename('redittmp.???') '@copy' file tmpfile '1>nul 2>nul' if rc \= 0 then do say;say 'Unable to copy to ' || tmpfile || '!! Proceesing aborted.' exit 1 end if wordpos(ext, 'H') = 0 then '@del' file '1>nul 2>nul' /* Set fixed strings */ globals = 'repository copyright_year_marker copyright_year_marker_len' repository = 'option_descriptions.txt' warpin_makefile = 'WARPIN\MAKEFILE' copyright_h = 'DLL\COPYRIGHT.H' parse value date('s') with year 5 month 7 day last_year = year - 1 /* Process the request */ select when ext = 'DEF' then do if stream(repository, 'c', 'query exists') = '' then do say 'Error! Unable to locate repository file:' repository say say 'Unable to proceed with request.' say '@if not exist' file 'copy' tmpfile file '>nul 2>nul' '@pause' signal exit_routine end say 'Processing file:' file copyright_year_marker = 'copyright-year' copyright_year_marker_len = length(copyright_year_marker) vendor = GetFromRepository( 'vendor', 'The Netlabs FM/2 team', 31 ) revision = ver buildhost = GetFromRepository( 'buildhost', 'GKYBuild', 11 ) asd_feature_id = GetFromRepository( 'asd_feature_id', '', 11 ) language_code = GetFromRepository( 'language_code', 'EN', 4 ) country_code = GetFromRepository( 'country_code', 'US', 4 ) build = GetFromRepository( 'build', '0', 7 ) processor_type = GetFromRepository( 'processor_type', 'U', 1 ) fixpack_ver = GetFromRepository( 'fixpack_ver', '', 11 ) description = GetFromRepository( 'desc.' || left(file, pos('.', file) - 1), '', 579 /* i.e. disable length check */ ) option_description = '@#' || vendor || ':' || revision || '#@##1## ' || , month || '/' || day || '/' || year || ' ' || , /* or day month year? */ right(major, 2, '0') || ':' || right(minor, 2, '0') || ':' || right(CSDlevel, 2, '0') || , copies(' ', 6) || buildhost || ':' || asd_feature_id || ':' || , language_code || ':' || country_code || ':' || build || ':' || , processor_type || ':' || fixpack_ver || '@@' || description do forever p = pos(copyright_year_marker, option_description) if p = 0 then leave else if p = 1 then option_description = year || substr(option_description, p + copyright_year_marker_len) else if p + copyright_year_marker_len >= length(option_description) then option_description = left(option_description, p - 1) || year else option_description = left(option_description, p - 1) || year || substr(option_description, p + copyright_year_marker_len) end option_description = "option description '" || option_description || "'" 'sed -r -e "/option description/s' || sed_separator || '.*' || sed_separator || option_description || sed_separator || '" ' || tmpfile || ' >' file end when ext = 'H' then do if translate(file) = copyright_h then do say 'Processing file:' file 'grep -E "^#define.*COPYRIGHT_YEAR.*' || year || '" ' || file || ' >nul || del ' || file || '>nul 2>nul && sed -r -e "/#define.*COPYRIGHT_YEAR/s/[0-9]+/' || year || '/" ' || tmpfile || ' >' file end else do /* change below to delete and then update version.h only if version is different? */ say 'Processing file:' file fm2_verrealminor = value('FM2_VERREALMINOR',, 'OS2ENVIRONMENT') if fm2_verrealminor = '' then fm2_verrealminor = '\" \"__DATE__' else fm2_verrealminor = EscapeSEDString(fm2_verrealminor) '@del' file '1>nul 2>nul' 'sed -r -e "/#define[ \t]+VERMAJOR/s/(#define[ \t]+VERMAJOR[ \t]+)[^ \t]+/\1' || major || '/g" -e "/#define[ \t]+VERMINOR/s/(#define[ \t]+VERMINOR[ \t]+)[^ \t]+/\1' || minor || '/g" -e "/^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+VERREALMINOR/s/(#define[ \t]+VERREALMINOR).*/\1 ' || fm2_verrealminor || '/g" ' || tmpfile || ' >' file end end when ext = 'DIZ' then do say 'Processing file:' file 'sed -r "/FM\/2 v/s/(FM\/2 v)[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+/\1' || ver || '/" ' || tmpfile || ' >' file end when ext = warpin_makefile then do say 'Processing file:' file warpin_db_ver = (major + 0) || '\\' || (minor + 0) || '\\' || (CSDlevel + 0) warpin_makefile_ver = major || '-' || minor || '-' || CSDlevel 'sed -r -e "/FM2_VER=-/s/(FM2_VER=-)[-0-9]+/\1' || warpin_makefile_ver || '/" ' || tmpfile || ' >' file end otherwise nop /* Or error message or usage info? */ end exit_routine: '@if exist' tmpfile 'del' tmpfile '>nul 2>nul' n = endlocal() return /* Subroutines */ GetFromRepository: procedure expose (globals) parse arg value_name, value_default, max_value_len /* Replace this with code for each DEF file */ call SysFileSearch value_name || '=', repository, 'lines.' if lines.0 = 0 then if left(value_name, 5) = 'desc.' then call MissingDescriptionInRepository value_name else value_value = value_default else do n = lines.0 parse var lines.n . '=' value_value end value_value = strip(value_value) if length(value_value) > 1 then if left(value_value, 1) = '%' & right(value_value, 1) = '%' then do value_value = value(substr(value_value, 2, length(value_value) - 2),, 'OS2ENVIRONMENT') if value_value = '' then value_value = value_default end if pos(copyright_year_marker, value_value) > 0 then value_len = length(value_value) - copyright_year_marker_len + 4 else value_len = length(value_value) if value_len > max_value_len then do say say 'Error in length of data field!' say ' Field name:' value_name say ' Length :' value_len say ' Max. len. :' max_value_len say ' Field :' value_value say ' Trunc''d :' left(value_value, max_value_len) say say 'This should be corrected in the repository:' repository say '@pause' end return value_value Usage: say;say;say i = 1 do forever srcline = sourceline(i) if pos('CHANGE LOG', translate(srcline)) > 0 then exit say srcline i = i + 1 if (i // 22) = 0 then '@pause' end EscapeSEDString: procedure parse arg SEDString SEDString = SEDString || '00'x escape_chars = '\/"' escape_char = '\' escaped_string = '' next_char = left(SEDString, 1) do i = 1 to length(SEDString) this_char = substr(SEDString, i, 1) if this_char = escape_char then do next_char = substr(SEDString, i + 1, 1) if pos(next_char, escape_chars) > 0 then do escaped_string = escaped_string || this_char || next_char i = i + 1 end else escaped_string = escaped_string || escape_char || this_char end else if pos(this_char, escape_chars) > 0 then escaped_string = escaped_string || escape_char || this_char else if this_char \= '00'x then escaped_string = escaped_string || this_char end return escaped_string /*=== Error() Report ERROR, FAILURE etc. and exit ===*/ Error: say parse source . . cmd say 'CONDITION'('C') 'signaled at' cmd 'line' SIGL'.' if 'CONDITION'('D') \= '' then say 'REXX reason =' 'CONDITION'('D')'.' if 'CONDITION'('C') == 'SYNTAX' & 'SYMBOL'('RC') == 'VAR' then say 'REXX error =' RC '-' 'ERRORTEXT'(RC)'.' else if 'SYMBOL'('RC') == 'VAR' then say 'RC =' RC'.' say 'Source =' 'SOURCELINE'(SIGL) if 'CONDITION'('I') \== 'CALL' | 'CONDITION'('C') == 'NOVALUE' | 'CONDITION'('C') == 'SYNTAX' then do trace '?A' say 'Exiting.' 'if exist' tmpfile 'move' tmpfile file call 'SYSSLEEP' 2 exit 'CONDITION'('C') end return novalue: say 'Uninitialized variable: ' || condition('D') || ' on line: 'sigl say 'Line text: 'sourceline(sigl) cfg.errorcode = 3 signal ErrorExit /* * bldlevel string docs: Format of BLDLEVEL string (Type III) @#:#@##1## DD.MM.YY hh:mm:ss ::::::@@ where * DD.MM.YY is the build date in day/month/year, preceded by 1 space * hh:mm:ss is the build time in hour/minute/second, preceded by 1 space * is machine on which build compiled, preceded by 8 spaces * is identifier of ASD feature * is code of language of component * is country code of component * is build number * is not known information (must be empty) * is FixPack version (if distibuted as part of). Note: If you leave build date and/or build time empty you still have to provide the same amount of spaces to replace build date/build time. */