/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: memory (Utilities for manipulating memory) // // Open Watcom Project // // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved. // // This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly. // // ========================================================================= // // Description: This header is part of the C++ standard library. It // defines a number of helper templates to simplify the // handling of raw memory. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _MEMORY_INCLUDED #define _MEMORY_INCLUDED #if !defined(_ENABLE_AUTODEPEND) #pragma read_only_file; #endif #ifndef __cplusplus #error The header memory requires C++ #endif #ifndef _CSTDDEF_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef _ITERATOR_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef _NEW_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef _TYPEINFO_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef _WC_EXCEPTION_MACROS_ #define _WC_EXCEPTION_MACROS_ #ifdef _CPPUNWIND #define _WCTHROWS( __t ) throw( __t ) // Use for exception specifications. #define _WCTHROW( __t ) throw( __t ) // Use for throw statements. #define _WCTRY try #define _WCHANDLERS 1 #else #define _WCTHROWS( __t ) #define _WCTHROW( __t ) #define _WCTRY #endif #endif template< class Iterator, class Type > inline void _RawConstruct( Iterator ptr, const Type &value ) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type value_type; new ( static_cast< void * >( &*ptr ) ) value_type( value ); } template< class Iterator > inline void _RawDestroy( Iterator ptr ) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type value_type; ( *ptr ).~value_type( ); } namespace std { template< class Type > class allocator; // Allocator specialization for void // ********************************* template< > class allocator< void > { public: typedef void *pointer; typedef const void *const_pointer; typedef void value_type; template< class Type2 > struct rebind { typedef allocator< Type2 > other; }; }; // Default allocator template // ************************** template< class Type > class allocator { public: typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef Type *pointer; typedef const Type *const_pointer; typedef Type &reference; typedef const Type &const_reference; typedef Type value_type; template< class Type2 > struct rebind { typedef allocator< Type2 > other; }; allocator( ) { } allocator( const allocator & ) { } template< class Type2 > allocator( const allocator< Type2 > & ) { } ~allocator( ) { } pointer address( reference r ) const { return( &r ); } const_pointer address( const_reference r ) const { return( &r ); } pointer allocate( size_type n, allocator< void >::const_pointer = 0 ) { return( reinterpret_cast< Type * >( ::operator new( n * sizeof( Type ) ) ) ); } void deallocate( pointer p, size_type ) { ::operator delete( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char * >( p ) ); } size_type max_size( ) const { return 0; } // FIX ME void construct( pointer p, const Type &value ) { new ( ( void * )p ) Type( value ); } void destroy( pointer p ) { ( ( Type * )p )->~Type( ); } }; // Raw storage iterator // ******************** template< class OutputIterator, class Type > class raw_storage_iterator : public iterator< output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void > { public: explicit raw_storage_iterator( OutputIterator it ) : ptr( it ) { } raw_storage_iterator &operator*( ) { return( *this ); } raw_storage_iterator &operator=( const Type & incoming ) { _RawConstruct( ptr, incoming ); return( *this ); } raw_storage_iterator &operator++( ) { ++ptr; return( *this ); } raw_storage_iterator operator++( int ) { raw_storage_iterator temp( *this ); ++ptr; return( temp ); } private: OutputIterator ptr; }; // Temporary Buffers // ***************** // Need compiler support for explicit function template arguments. // Templates for initializing blocks of uninitialized memory // ********************************************************* template< class ForwardIterator, class Type > void uninitialized_fill( ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const Type &value ) { typedef typename iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type value_type; ForwardIterator bookmark( first ); _WCTRY { // Construct copies of value in the raw storage. while( first != last ) { _RawConstruct( first, value ); ++first; } } #ifdef _WCHANDLERS // If an exception occurs, destroy copies that were made successfully. catch( ... ) { while( bookmark != first ) { _RawDestroy( bookmark ); ++bookmark; } throw; } #endif } template< class ForwardIterator, class Size, class Type > void uninitialized_fill_n( ForwardIterator first, Size n, const Type &value ) { typedef typename iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type value_type; ForwardIterator bookmark( first ); _WCTRY { // Construct n copies of value in raw storage. while( n-- ) { _RawConstruct( first, value ); ++first; } } #ifdef _WCHANDLERS // If an exception occurs, destroy copies that were made successfully. catch( ... ) { while( bookmark != first ) { _RawDestroy( bookmark ); ++bookmark; } throw; } #endif } template< class InputIterator, class ForwardIterator > ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator dest ) { typedef typename iterator_traits< ForwardIterator >::value_type value_type; ForwardIterator bookmark( dest ); _WCTRY { // Copy objects from input sequence to raw storage. while( first != last ) { _RawConstruct( dest, *first ); ++first; ++dest; } return( dest ); } #ifdef _WCHANDLERS // If an exception occurs, destroy copies that were made successfully. catch( ... ) { while( bookmark != dest ) { _RawDestroy( bookmark ); ++bookmark; } throw; } #endif } // auto_ptr template // ***************** template< class Type > struct auto_ptr; template< class Type > struct auto_ptr_ref { auto_ptr< Type > &ref; auto_ptr_ref( auto_ptr< Type > &r ) : ref( r ) { } }; template< class Type > class auto_ptr { public: typedef Type element_type; explicit auto_ptr( Type *p = 0 ) : ptr( p ) { } auto_ptr( auto_ptr &other ) : ptr( other.release( ) ) { } template< class Type2 > auto_ptr( auto_ptr< Type2 > &other ) : ptr( static_cast< Type * >( other.release( ) ) ) { } auto_ptr &operator=( auto_ptr &other ) { reset( other.release( ) ); return( *this ); } template< class Type2 > auto_ptr &operator=( auto_ptr< Type2 > &other ) { reset( static_cast< Type * >( other.release( ) ) ); return ( *this ); } ~auto_ptr( ) _WCTHROWS( ) { delete ptr; } Type &operator*( ) const { return( *ptr ); } Type *operator->( ) const { return( ptr ); } Type *get( ) const { return( ptr ); } Type *release( ) { Type *tmp = ptr; ptr = 0; return( tmp ); } void reset( Type *p = 0 ) _WCTHROWS( ) { if ( ptr != p ) delete ptr; ptr = p; } auto_ptr( auto_ptr_ref< Type > r ) : ptr( r.ref.release( ) ) { } // template< class Type2 > // operator auto_ptr_ref< Type2 >( ) // { return( auto_ptr_ref< Type2 >( *this ); } // template< class Type2 > // operator auto_ptr< Type2 >( ) // { } private: Type *ptr; }; // bad_weak_ptr class // ****************** class bad_weak_ptr : public std::exception { public: bad_weak_ptr( ) { } virtual const char *what( ) const { return "bad_weak_ptr"; } }; // shared_ptr template // ******************* template< class T > class weak_ptr; template< class T > class enable_shared_from_this; namespace detail { class shared_holder; template< class T > class shared_holder_ptr; template< class T, class D > class shared_holder_deleter; struct static_pointer_cast_tag { }; struct dynamic_pointer_cast_tag { }; struct const_pointer_cast_tag { }; } template< class T > class shared_ptr { public: typedef T element_type; // constructors shared_ptr( ) : ptr( 0 ), holder( 0 ) { } template< class Y > explicit shared_ptr( Y *p ) : ptr( p ) { try { holder = new detail::shared_holder_ptr< T >( ptr, 1 ); } catch( ... ) { delete ptr; throw; } check_enable_shared_from_this( p ); } template< class Y, class D > shared_ptr( Y *p, D d ) : ptr( p ) { try { holder = new detail::shared_holder_deleter< T, D >( ptr, d, 1 ); } catch( ... ) { d( ptr ); throw; } check_enable_shared_from_this( p ); } shared_ptr( shared_ptr const &r ) : ptr( r.ptr ), holder( r.holder ) { if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); } template< class Y > shared_ptr( shared_ptr< Y > const &r ) : ptr( r.get( ) ), holder( r.get_holder( ) ) { if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); } template< class Y > explicit shared_ptr( weak_ptr< Y > const &r ) : ptr( r.get( ) ), holder( r.get_holder( ) ) { if( r.expired( ) ) throw bad_weak_ptr( ); if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); } template< class Y > explicit shared_ptr( auto_ptr< Y > &r ) : ptr( r.get( ) ) { holder = new detail::shared_holder_ptr< T >( ptr, 1 ); check_enable_shared_from_this( r.release( ) ); } template< class Y > shared_ptr( shared_ptr< Y > const &r, detail::static_pointer_cast_tag& ) : ptr( static_cast< T* >( r.ptr ) ), holder( r.holder ) { if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); } template< class Y > shared_ptr( shared_ptr< Y > const &r, detail::dynamic_pointer_cast_tag& ) : ptr( dynamic_cast< T* >( r.ptr ) ), holder( r.holder ) { if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); else holder = 0; } template< class Y > shared_ptr( shared_ptr< Y > const &r, detail::const_pointer_cast_tag& ) : ptr( const_cast< T* >( r.ptr ) ), holder( r.holder ) { if( ptr && holder ) holder->increase_count( ); } // destructor ~shared_ptr( ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); } // assignments shared_ptr& operator=( shared_ptr const& r ) { if( r.holder ) r.holder->increase_count( ); if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = r.ptr; holder = r.holder; return *this; } template< class Y > shared_ptr& operator=( shared_ptr< Y > const &r ) { if( r.get_holder( ) ) r.get_holder( )->increase_count( ); if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = r.get( ); holder = r.get_holder( ); return *this; } template< class Y > shared_ptr& operator=( auto_ptr< Y > &r ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = r.get( ); holder = new detail::shared_holder_ptr< T >( ptr, 1 ); check_enable_shared_from_this( r.release( ) ); return *this; } // modifiers void swap( shared_ptr &r ) { T *tmp_ptr = ptr; detail::shared_holder *tmp_holder = holder; ptr = r.ptr; holder = r.holder; r.ptr = tmp_ptr; r.holder = tmp_holder; } void reset( ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = 0; holder = 0; } template< class Y > void reset( Y *p ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = p; try { holder = new detail::shared_holder_ptr< T >( ptr, 1 ); } catch( ... ) { delete ptr; throw; } check_enable_shared_from_this( p ); } template< class Y, class D > void reset( Y *p, D d ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_count( ); ptr = p; try { holder = new detail::shared_holder_deleter< T, D >( ptr, d, 1 ); } catch( ... ) { d( ptr ); throw; } check_enable_shared_from_this( p ); } // observers T *get( ) const { return ptr; } T &operator*( ) const { return *ptr; } T *operator->( ) const { return ptr; } long use_count( ) const { return holder ? holder->use_count( ) : 0; } bool unique( ) const { return holder && holder->use_count( ) == 1; } operator bool( ) const { return ptr != 0; } void *get_deleter( const type_info &ti ) const { return holder ? holder->get_deleter( ti ) : 0; } detail::shared_holder *get_holder( ) const { return holder; } private: T *ptr; detail::shared_holder *holder; void check_enable_shared_from_this( enable_shared_from_this< T > *e ) { if( e ) e->weak_this = *this; } void check_enable_shared_from_this( void* ) { } friend class shared_ptr; friend class weak_ptr; //friend template< class Y, class U > //bool operator< ( shared_ptr< Y > const &, shared_ptr< U > const & ); }; template< class T, class U > bool operator==( shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b ) { return a.get( ) == b.get( ); } template< class T, class U > bool operator!=( shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b ) { return a.get( ) != b.get( ); } template< class T, class U > bool operator<( shared_ptr< T > const &a, shared_ptr< U > const &b ) { return a.get_holder( ) < b.get_holder( ); } /*template< class E, class T, class Y > basic_ostream< E, T > &operator<<( basic_ostream< E, T > &os, shared_ptr< Y > const &p ) { os << p.get( ); }*/ template< class T > void swap( shared_ptr< T > &a, shared_ptr< T > &b ) { a.swap( b ); } /*template< class T, class U > shared_ptr< T > static_pointer_cast( shared_ptr< U > const &r ) { return shared_ptr< T >( r, detail::static_pointer_cast_tag( ) ); }*/ /*template< class T, class U > shared_ptr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast( shared_ptr< U > const &r ) { return shared_ptr< T >( r, detail::dynamic_pointer_cast_tag( ) ); }*/ /*template< class T, class U > shared_ptr< T > const_pointer_cast( shared_ptr< U > const &r ) { return shared_ptr< T >( r, detail::const_pointer_cast_tag( ) ); }*/ /*template< class D, class T > D *get_deleter( shared_ptr< T > const &p ) { return static_cast< D* >( p.get_deleter( typeid( D ) ) ); }*/ // weak_ptr template // ***************** template< class T > class weak_ptr { public: typedef T element_type; // constructors weak_ptr( ) : ptr( 0 ), holder( 0 ) { } template< class Y > weak_ptr( shared_ptr< Y > const &r ) : ptr( r.get( ) ), holder( r.get_holder( ) ) { if( holder ) holder->increase_weak_count( ); } weak_ptr( weak_ptr const &r ) : ptr( r.ptr ), holder( r.holder ) { if( holder ) holder->increase_weak_count( ); } template< class Y > weak_ptr( weak_ptr< Y > const & r ) : ptr( r.get( ) ), holder( r.get_holder( ) ) { if( holder ) holder->increase_weak_count( ); } ~weak_ptr( ) { if( holder ) holder->decrease_weak_count( ); } // assignment weak_ptr &operator=( weak_ptr const &r ) { if( r.holder ) r.holder->increase_weak_count( ); if( holder ) holder->decrease_weak_count( ); ptr = r.ptr; holder = r.holder; return *this; } template< class Y > weak_ptr &operator=( weak_ptr< Y > const &r ) { if( r.get_holder( ) ) r.get_holder( )->increase_weak_count( ); if( holder ) holder->decrease_weak_count( ); ptr = r.get( ); holder = r.get_holder( ); return *this; } template< class Y > weak_ptr &operator=( shared_ptr< Y > const &r ) { if( r.get_holder( ) ) r.get_holder( )->increase_weak_count( ); if( holder ) holder->decrease_weak_count( ); ptr = r.get( ); holder = r.get_holder( ); return *this; } // modifiers void swap( weak_ptr &r ) { T *tmp_ptr = ptr; detail::shared_holder *tmp_holder = holder; ptr = r.ptr; holder = r.holder; r.ptr = tmp_ptr; r.holder = tmp_holder; } void reset( ) { weak_ptr( ).swap( *this ); } // observers long use_count( ) const { return holder ? holder->use_count( ) : 0; } bool expired( ) const { return holder ? holder->use_count( ) == 0 : true; } shared_ptr< T > lock( ) const { if( expired( ) ) return shared_ptr< T >( ); else { shared_ptr< T > tmp( *this ); return tmp; } } T *get( ) const { return ptr; } detail::shared_holder *get_holder( ) const { return holder; } private: T *ptr; detail::shared_holder *holder; //friend template< class Y > class shared_ptr< Y >; friend class shared_ptr; //friend template< class Y > class weak_ptr; friend class weak_ptr; //friend template< class Y, class U > //bool operator< ( weak_ptr< Y > const &, weak_ptr< U > const & ); }; template< class T, class U > bool operator<( weak_ptr< T > const &a, weak_ptr< U > const &b ) { return a.get_holder( ) < b.get_holder( ); } template< class T > void swap( weak_ptr< T > &a, weak_ptr< T > &b ) { a.swap( b ); } // enable_shared_from_this template // ******************************** template< class T > class enable_shared_from_this { protected: enable_shared_from_this( ) { } enable_shared_from_this( enable_shared_from_this const & ) { } enable_shared_from_this &operator=( enable_shared_from_this const & ) { return *this; } ~enable_shared_from_this( ) { } public: shared_ptr< T > shared_from_this( ) { shared_ptr< T > tmp( weak_this ); return tmp; } shared_ptr< T const > shared_from_this( ) const { shared_ptr< T const > tmp( weak_this ); return tmp; } private: weak_ptr< T > weak_this; friend class shared_ptr; }; namespace detail { class shared_holder { public: shared_holder( long _count = 0 ) : count( _count ), weak_count( 0 ) { } long use_count( ) const { return count; } void increase_count( ) { ++count; } void decrease_count( ) { if( !(--count) ) { delete_ptr( ); if( !weak_count ) { delete this; } } } void increase_weak_count( ) { ++weak_count; } void decrease_weak_count( ) { if( !(--weak_count) ) { if( !count ) { delete this; } } } virtual void *get_deleter( const type_info & ) const { return 0; } virtual ~shared_holder( ) { } private: long count; long weak_count; virtual void delete_ptr( ) = 0; }; template< class T > class shared_holder_ptr : public shared_holder { public: shared_holder_ptr( T *_ptr, long _count = 0 ) : shared_holder( _count), ptr( _ptr ) { } private: virtual void delete_ptr( ) { delete ptr; } T *ptr; }; template< class T, class D > class shared_holder_deleter : public shared_holder { public: shared_holder_deleter( T *_ptr, D _d, long _count = 0 ) : shared_holder( _count ), ptr( _ptr ), d( _d ) { } private: T *ptr; D d; virtual void delete_ptr( ) { d( ptr ); } virtual void *get_deleter( const type_info &ti ) const { return typeid( D ) == ti ? static_cast< void* >( const_cast< D* >(&d) ) : 0; } }; } // namespace detail } // namespace std. #endif