$Id$ Fork Design Draft -------------------- 1.0 Intro ---------- blah. 1.1 The SuS fork() Description ------------------------------ NAME fork - create a new process SYNOPSIS #include pid_t fork(void); DESCRIPTION The fork() function shall create a new process. The new process (child process) shall be an exact copy of the calling process (parent process) except as detailed below: * The child process shall have a unique process ID. * The child process ID also shall not match any active process group ID. * The child process shall have a different parent process ID, which shall be the process ID of the calling process. * The child process shall have its own copy of the parent's file descriptors. Each of the child's file descriptors shall refer to the same open file description with the corresponding file descriptor of the parent. * The child process shall have its own copy of the parent's open directory streams. Each open directory stream in the child process may share directory stream positioning with the corresponding directory stream of the parent. * [XSI] The child process shall have its own copy of the parent's message catalog descriptors. * The child process' values of tms_utime, tms_stime, tms_cutime, and tms_cstime shall be set to 0. * The time left until an alarm clock signal shall be reset to zero, and the alarm, if any, shall be canceled; see alarm() . * [XSI] All semadj values shall be cleared. * File locks set by the parent process shall not be inherited by the child process. * The set of signals pending for the child process shall be initialized to the empty set. * [XSI] Interval timers shall be reset in the child process. * [SEM] Any semaphores that are open in the parent process shall also be open in the child process. * [ML] The child process shall not inherit any address space memory locks established by the parent process via calls to mlockall() or mlock(). * [MF|SHM] Memory mappings created in the parent shall be retained in the child process. MAP_PRIVATE mappings inherited from the parent shall also be MAP_PRIVATE mappings in the child, and any modifications to the data in these mappings made by the parent prior to calling fork() shall be visible to the child. Any modifications to the data in MAP_PRIVATE mappings made by the parent after fork() returns shall be visible only to the parent. Modifications to the data in MAP_PRIVATE mappings made by the child shall be visible only to the child. * [PS] For the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR scheduling policies, the child process shall inherit the policy and priority settings of the parent process during a fork() function. For other s cheduling policies, the policy and priority settings on fork() are implementation-defined. * [TMR] Per-process timers created by the parent shall not be inherited by the child process. * [MSG] The child process shall have its own copy of the message queue descriptors of the parent. Each of the message descriptors of the child shall refer to the same open message queue description as the corresponding message descriptor of the parent. * [AIO] No asynchronous input or asynchronous output operations shall be inherited by the child process. * A process shall be created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process calls fork(), the new process shall contain a replica of the calling thread and its entire address space, possibly including the states of mutexes and other resources. Consequently, to avoid errors, the child process may only execute async-signal-safe operations until such time as one of the exec functions is called. [THR] Fork handlers may be established by means of the pthread_atfork() function in order to maintain application invariants across fork() calls. When the application calls fork() from a signal handler and any of the fork handlers registered by pthread_atfork() calls a function that is not asynch-signal-safe, the behavior is undefined. * [TRC TRI] If the Trace option and the Trace Inherit option are both supported: If the calling process was being traced in a trace stream that had its inheritance policy set to POSIX_TRACE_INHERITED, the child process shall be traced into that trace stream, and the child process shall inherit the parent's mapping of trace event names to trace event type identifiers. If the trace stream in which the calling process was being traced had its inheritance policy set to POSIX_TRACE_CLOSE_FOR_CHILD, the child process shall not be traced into that trace stream. The inheritance policy is set by a call to the posix_trace_attr_setinherited() function. * [TRC] If the Trace option is supported, but the Trace Inherit option is not supported: The child process shall not be traced into any of the trace streams of its parent process. * [TRC] If the Trace option is supported, the child process of a trace controller process shall not control the trace streams controlled by its parent process. * [CPT] The initial value of the CPU-time clock of the child process shall be set to zero. * [TCT] The initial value of the CPU-time clock of the single thread of the child process shall be set to zero. All other process characteristics defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 shall be the same in the parent and child processes. The inheritance of process characteristics not defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 is unspecified by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001. After fork(), both the parent and the child processes shall be capable of executing independently before either one terminates. RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, fork() shall return 0 to the child process and shall return the process ID of the child process to the parent process. Both processes shall continue to execute from the fork() function. Otherwise, -1 shall be returned to the parent process, no child process shall be created, and errno shall be set to indicate the error. ERRORS The fork() function shall fail if: [EAGAIN] The system lacked the necessary resources to create another process, or the system-imposed limit on the total number of processes under execution system-wide or by a single user {CHILD_MAX} would be exceeded. The fork() function may fail if: [ENOMEM] Insufficient storage space is available. 2.0 Requirements and Assumptions Of The Implementation ------------------------------------------------------ The Innotek LIBC fork() implementation will require the following features in LIBC to work: 1. A shared process management internal to LIBC for communication to the child that a fork() is in progress. 2. A very generalized and varied set of fork helper functions to archive maximum flexibility of the implementation. 3. Extended versions of some memory related OS/2 APIs must be implemented. The implementation will further make the following assumption about the operation of OS/2: 1. DosExecPgm will not return till all DLLs are initated successfully. 2. DosQueryMemState() is broken if more than one page is specified. (no idea why/how/where it's broken, but testcase shows it is :/ ) 3.0 The Shared Process Management --------------------------------- The fork() implementation requires a method for telling the child process that it's being forked and must take a very different startup route. For some other LIBC apis there are need for parent -> child and child -> parent information exchange. More specifically, the inheritance of sockets, signals, the different scheduler actions of a posix_spawn[p]() call, and possibly some process group stuff related to posix_spawn too if we get it figured out eventually. All this was parent -> child during spawn/fork. A need also exist for child -> parent notification and possibly exchange for process termination. It might be necessary to reimplement the different wait apis and implement SIGCHLD, it's likely that those tasks will make such demands. The choice is now whether or not to make this shared process management specific to each LIBC version as a shared segement or try to make it survive normal LIBC updates. Making is specific have advantages in code size and memory footprint (no reserved fields), however it have certain disadvantages when LIBC is updated. The other option is to use a named shared memory object, defining the content with reserved space for later extensions so several versions of LIBC with more or less features implemented can co use the memory space. The latter option is prefered since it allows more applications to interoperate, it causes less shared memory waste, the shared memory can be located in high memory and it would be possible to fork processes using multiple versions of LIBC. The shared memory shall be named \SHAREMEM\INNOTEKLIBC.V01, the version number being the one of the shared memory layout and contents, it will only be increased when incompatible changes are made. The shared memory shall be protected by an standard OS/2 mutex semaphore. It shall not use any fast R3 semaphore since the the usage frequency is low and the result of a messup may be disastrous. Care must be take for avoiding creation races and owner died scenarios. The memory shall have a fixed size, since adding segments is very hard. Thus the size must be large enough to cope with a great deal of processes, while bearing in mind that OS/2 normally doesn't support more than a 1000 processes, with a theoritical max of some 4000 (being the max thread count). A very simplistic allocation scheme will be implemented. Practically speaking a fixed block size pool would do fine for the process structure, while for the misc structures like socket lists a linked list based heap would do fine. The process blocks shall be rounded up to in size adding a reasonable amount of space resevered for future extensions. Reserved space must be all zeroed. The fork() specific members of the process block shall be a pointer to the shared memory object for the fork operation (the fork handle) and list of forkable modules. The fork handle will it self contain information indicating whether or not another LIBC version have already started fork() handling in the child. The presense of the fork handle means that the child is being forked and normal dll init and startup will not be executed, but a registered callback will be called to do the forking of each module. (more details in section 4.0) The parent shall before spawn, fork and exec (essentially before DosExecPgm or DosStartSession) create a process block for the child to be born and link it into an embryo list in the shared memory block. The child shall find it's process block by searching the embryo list using the parent pid as key. All DosExecPgm and DosStartSession calls shall be serialized within one LIBC version. (If some empty headed programmer manages to link together a program which may end up using two or more LIBC versions and having two or more thread doing DosExecPgm at the very same time, well then he really deserves what ever trouble he gets! At least don't blame me!) Process blocks shall have to stay around after the process terminated (for child -> parent term exchange), a cleanup mechanism will be invoked whenever a free memory threshold is reached. All processes will register exit list handlers to mark the process block as zombie (and later perhaps setting error codes and notifying waiters/child-listeners). 4.0 The fork() Implementation ----------------------------- The implementation is based on a fork handle and a set of primitives. The fork handle is a pointer to an shared memory object allocated for the occation and which will be freed before fork() returns. The primitives all operates on this handle and will be provided using a callback table in order to fully support multiple LIBC versions. 4.1 Forkable Executable and DLLs -------------------------------- The support for fork() is an optional feature of LIBC. The default executable produced with LIBC and GCC is not be forkable. The fork support will be based on registration of the DLLs and EXEs in their LIBC supplied startup code (crt0/dll0). A set of fork versions of these modules exist with the suffix 'fork.o'. The big differnece between the ordinary crt0/dll0 and the forkable crt0/dll0 is a per module structure, a call to register this, and the handling of the return code of that call. The fork module structure: typedef struct __libc_ForkModule { /** Structure version. (Initially 'FMO1' as viewed in hex editor.) */ unsigned int iMagic; /** Fork callback function */ int (*pfnAtFork)(__LIBC_FORKMODULE *pModule, __LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, enum __LIBC_CALLBACKOPERATION enmOperation); /** Pointer to the _CRT_FORK_PARENT1 set vector. * It's formatted as {priority,callback}. */ void *pvParentVector1; /** Pointer to the _CRT_FORK_CHILD1 set vector. * It's formatted as {priority,callback}. */ void *pvChildVector1; /** Data segment base address. */ void *pvDataSegBase; /** Data segment end address (exclusive). */ void *pvDataSegEnd; /** Reserved - must be zero. */ int iReserved1; } __LIBC_FORKMODULE, *__LIBC_PFORKMODULE; /* urg! conventions */ The fork callback function which crt0/dll0 references when initializing the fork modules structure is called _atfork_callback. It takes the fork handle, module structure, and an operation enum as arguments. LIBC will contain a default implementation of _atfork_callback() which simply duplicates the data segment, and processes the two set vectors (_CRT_FORK_*1). crt0/dll0 will register the fork module structure and detect a forked child by calling __libc_ForkRegisterModule(). Prototypes: /** * Register a forkable module. Called by crt0 and dll0. * * The call links pModule into the list of forkable modules * which is maintained in the process block. * * @returns 0 on normal process startup. * @returns 1 on forked child process startup. * The caller should respond by not calling any _DLL_InitTerm * or similar constructs. * @returns negative on failure. * The caller should return from the dll init returning FALSE * or DosExit in case of crt0. _atfork_callback() will take * care of necessary module initiation. * @param pModule Pointer to the fork module structure for the * module which is to registered. */ int __libc_ForkRegisterModule(__LIBC_FORKMODULE *pModule); 4.2 Fork Primitives ------------------- These primitives are provided by the fork implementation in the fork handle structure. We define a set of these primitives now, if later new ones are added the users of these must check that they are actually present. Example: rc = pForkHandle->pOps->pfnDuplicatePages(pModule->pvDataBase, pModule->pvDataEnd, __LIBC_FORK_ONLY_DIRTY); if (rc) return rc; /* failure */ Prototypes: /** * Duplicating a number of pages from pvStart to pvEnd. * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. * @param pvStart Pointer to start of the pages. Rounded down. * @param pvEnd Pointer to end of the pages. Rounded up. * @param fFlags __LIBC_FORK_ONLY_DIRTY means checking whether the * pages are actually dirty before bothering touching * and copying them. (Using the partically broken * DosQueryMemState() API.) * __LIBC_FORK_ALL means not to bother checking, but * just go ahead copying all the pages. */ int pfnDuplicatePages(__LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, void *pvStart, void *pvEnd, unsigned fFlags); /** * Invoke a function in the child process giving it an chunk of input. * The function is invoked the next time the fork buffer is flushed, * call pfnFlush() if the return code is desired. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. * @param pfn Pointer to the function to invoke in the child. * The function gets the fork handle, pointer to * the argument memory chunk and the size of that. * The function must return 0 on success, and non-zero * on failure. * @param pvArg Pointer to a block of memory of size cbArg containing * input to be copied to the child and given to pfn upon * invocation. */ int pfnInvoke(int *(pfn)(__LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, void *pvArg, size_t cbArg), void *pvArg, size_t cbArg); /** * Flush the fork() buffer. Meaning taking what ever is in the fork buffer * and let the child process it. * This might be desired to get the result of a pfnInvoke() in a near * synchornous way. * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. */ int pfnFlush(__LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle); /** * Register a fork() completion callback. * * Use this primitive to do post fork() cleanup. * The callbacks are executed first in the child, then in the parent. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. (Usually ENOMEM.) * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. * @param pfnCallback Pointer to the function to call back. * This will be called when fork() is about to * complete (the fork() result is established so to * speak). A zero rc argument indicates success, * a non zero rc argument indicates failure. * @param pvArg Argument to pass to pfnCallback as 3rd argument. * @param enmContext __LIBC_FORKCTX_CHILD, __LIBC_FORKCTX_PARENT, or * __LIBC_FORKCTX_BOTH. * (mental note: check up the naming convention for enums!) * @remark Use with care, the memory used to remember these is taken from the * fork buffer. */ int pfnCompletionCallback(__LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, void (pfnCallback)(__LIBC_FORKHANDLE *, int rc, void *pvArg), void *pvArg, __LIBC_PARENTCHILDCTX enmContext); ... 4.3 The Flow Of A fork() Operation ---------------------------------- When a process simple process foo.exe calls fork() the following events occur. (The 'p:) indicates parent process while (c) indicates child process.): - p: fork() is called. It starts by push all registers (including fpu) onto the stack and recording the address of that stuff (in the fork handle when it's initiated). - p: fork() allocates the shared fork memory and initiatlizes it, thus creating the fork handle. - p: fork() calls helper for copying the memory allocations records to the fork buffer. (Those are FIFO and if there are too many for the fork buffer they should be completed after DosExecPgm returns.) - p: fork() walks the list of registered modules and calls the callback function asking if it's ok to fork now. Note: This will work for processes with multiple libc dlls because the list head is in the process block. - p: fork() allocates and initiates the process block of the child process entering the fork handle and linking it into the embryo list. - p: fork() takes the exec semaphore. - p: fork() spawns a child process taking the executable name from the PIB and giving it "!fork!" as argument. - c: During DosExecPgm all dll0(hi)fork's will be called, and for forkable modules __libc_ForkRegisterModule() is called and returns 1. The init code will the return successfully and not call the _DLL_InitTerm() or any other DLL init code. - c: __libc_ForkRegisterModule() will first check if the process block have been found (global LIBC pointer), and if not try locate it or allocate a new one. It will the check the fork handle. Once found it will add the module to the list of forkable modules. If the fork handle member is not NULL a fork operation is in progress and the module callback is called with a check if the module still thing fork is ok and give it a chance to do dllinit time preperations. The operations returns 1 if we're working, 0 if we're not working and -1 if we failed in some way the the dllinit should fail. - c: The first time the process block is found and it's forking a helper for processing the memory allocations in the for buffer is called. This *must* be done as early as possible!!! - p: The child have successfully initiated, DosExecPgm/DosStartSession returns NO_ERROR. - c: Child blocks while trying to get access to the fork handle (crt0). (Blocks on fork handle child event semaphore.) - p: Parent sets the operation enum member of the fork handle to signal an init operation. It resets the parent event sem member, releases the mutex, and goes to sleep for a defined max fork() timeout on the event sem. (The max could be, let's say, 30 seconds.) - c: The child get the ownership of the fork handle mutex. - c: If the process is statically linked the memory allocations should be done now (meaning do it here if not done already). - c: The child resets the child event sem, posts the parent event sem and releases the mutex. - p: fork() acquires the fork handle ownership and checks the return code from the child. - p: fork() walks the list of modules calling the callbacks with the do parent fork operation. This means the each register module will do what's necessary for replicting it self into the child process so that it will work as expected there after the fork() returns. This is done using the primitives. This is the only time the parent can use the currently defined primitives. - p: Buffer flush is preformed. This may happen multiple times, but fork() will allways finish of by doing one after all callbacks have been called. The buffer flush means passing the current fork buffer content to the child for processing. pfnFlush() does this. - p: pfnFlush() sets the fork handle operation enum to process buffer, resets the parent event sem, signals the child event semaphore and releases the mutex. - c: Child takes ownership of the fork handle and performs the actions recorded in the fork buffer. - c: The total result is put in the result member, other stuff might may be put in the buffer but that's currently not defined. The fork buffer is then transfered to the parent. - p: pfnFlush() wakes up and reclaims the fork handle ownership and returns the value of the result member. What it does if the buffer contains data is currently not defined. - p: Once all callbacks have been successfully executed, the stack is copied to the child. We copy all committed stack pages. The fork() return stack address is also passed to the child. NOTE: this step may be relocated to an earlier phase! - c: Child gets the stack and copies it in two turns, first the upper part (above current esp/fork return stack address), then it relocate it self on the stack so that it's ready for returning, before it copies the low part of the stack. (low/high here is not address value but logical stack view.) - c: Iterate the modules calling the callbacks signaling fork child operation. the callbacks then have the option to iterate the _CRT_FORK_CHILD1 vector. - c: Calls any completion callbacks registered. - c: Put's result code and passes the fork handle to parent after first freeing its mapping of the shared memory and semphores (not all sems first of course). - c: Returns from fork() restoring all registers but setting eax (return value) to zero indicating child. - p: fork() calls any completion callbacks registered. - p: fork() frees the fork handle and related resources and returns the pid of the child process. (not restoring registers) 4.4 Forking LIBC ---------------- To make LIBC forkable a bunch of things have to be fixed up in the child process. Some of these must be done in a certain order other doesn't have to. To solve this we are using set vectors (as we do for init and term, see emx/startup.h). The fork set vectors are be defined in InnoTekLIBC/fork.h and be called _CRT_FORK_PARENT1() and _CRT_FORK_CHILD1(). They take two arguments, the callback and the priority. Priority is 0 to 4G-1 where 4G-1 is the highest priority. The set vectors are started in crt0/dll0 called ___crtfork_parent1__, ___crtfork_chidl1__ The _atfork_callback() iterates the set vectors when called for doing parent and child fork stuff. The _atfork_callback() have this prototype: /** * Called multiple times during fork() both in the parent and the child. * * The default LIBC implementation will: * 1) schedule the data segment for duplication. * 2) do ordered LIBC fork() stuff. * 3) do unordered LIBC fork() stuff, _CRT_FORK1 vector. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. * @param pModule Pointer to the module record which is being * processed. * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. * @param enmOperation Which callback operation this is. * Any value can be used, the implementation * of this function must just respond to the * one it knows and return successfully on the * others. * Operations: * __LIBC_FORK_CHECK_PARENT * __LIBC_FORK_CHECK_CHILD * __LIBC_FORK_FORK_PARENT * __LIBC_FORK_FORK_CHILD */ int _atfork_callback(__LIBC_FORKMODULE *pModule, __LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, enum __LIBC_CALLBACKOPERATION enmOperation); The _CRT_FORK_*1() callbacks have this declaration: /** * Called once in the parent during fork(). * This function will use the fork primitives to move data and invoke * functions in the child process. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns appropriate non-zero error code on failure. * @param pModule Pointer to the module record which is being * processed. * @param pForkHandle Handle of the current fork operation. * @param enmOperation Which callback operation this is. * !Important! Later versions of LIBC may call * this callback more than once. This parameter * will indicate what's going on. */ int _atfork_callback(__LIBC_FORKMODULE *pModule, __LIBC_FORKHANDLE *pForkHandle, enum __LIBC_CALLBACKOPERATION enmOperation); 4.4.1 Heap Memory ----------------- The LIBC heaps will use the extended DosAllocMemEx. This means that the memory used by the heaps will be reserved at LIBC init time and duplicated as the very first thing in the LIBC _atfork_callback(). DosAllocMemEx --------------------- TODO. Fixed address allocation and allocation recording. DosFreeMemEx -------------------- TODO 4.4.2 Semaphores ---------------- Use _CRT_FORK_*1() for each of the LIBC semaphores, or we'll make an extended API, DosCreateEventSemEx/DosCreateMutexSemEx, for semaphores as we do with memory APIs. There is a forkable class of semaphores, we might wanna kick that out if we decide to use extended APIs (which I guess we'll do). 4.4.3 Filehandles ----------------- Two imporant things, 1) _all_ handles are inherited (even the close-on-exec ones), and 2) non-OS/2 handles must be inherited too. For 1) we must temporarily change the inherit flag on all the close-on-exec flagged handles during the fork. The major question here is when we're gonna restore the OS/2 no inherit flag for close-on-exec handles. The simplest option option is a __LIBC_FORK_DONE_PARENT _atfork_callback() operation. The best option is to have a primitive to registering fork-done routines (which are called both on success and failure). For 2) we need to extend the libc filehandle operation interface to include atfork operation. This will be called for every non-standard handle and it must it self use the fork primitives to cause something to happen in the child. This is not the fastest way, but it's the most flexible one and it's one which is probably will work too. Sockets --------------- Implement the atfork handle operation. Use the fork primitives to invoke a function in the child duplicating that handle. The function invoked in the child basically use adds the socket to the socket list of the new process (tcpip api for this). Note that WS4eB tcpip level have a bug in the api adding sockets to a process. The problem is that a socket cannot be added twice, it'll cause an breakpoint instruction. 4.4.4 Locale/Iconv/Stuff ------------------------ Record and create once again in the child. Use _CRT_FORK_*1() to register callbacks. Requires a little bit of recording of create parameters in the iconv() case but that's nothing spectacular. 8.0 Coding Conventions ---------------------- New LIBC stuff uses these conventions: - Full usage of hungarian prefixes. Details on this is found in the old odin web pages and gradd docs (IIRC). - As much as possible shall be static. I.e. static int internalhelper(void). - Internal global function and variables shall be prefixed __libc_[a-z] or _sys_ depending on what it implements. Will not be exported by LIBCxy.DLL. - Non-standard LIBC functionality is prefixed __libc_[A-Z]. - Stuff defined in SuS is wrapped by _STD() so that we get __std_ prefix and the usual two aliases (plain and underscored). - No warnings. 9.0 Abbreviation and such ------------------------- SuS The Single Unix Specification version 6 as published on www.opengroup.org.