/* * Copyright ¸ 1997-2004 Andrei Los. * This file is part of the lSwitcher source package. * lSwitcher is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the * "COPYING" file of the lSwitcher main distribution. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "lswres.h" STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE { STRID_HINTS "\x1A: seleccionar Espacio: cancelar Enter:Cambiar a" STRID_SWITCH "Cam~biar a" STRID_CLOSE "~Cerrar" STRID_HIDE "~Ocultar" STRID_MINIMIZE "Mi~nimizar" STRID_RESTORE "~Restaurar" STRID_SHOW "Mos~trar" STRID_MAXIMIZE "Ma~ximizar" STRID_CASCADE "C~ascada" STRID_TILE "~Mosaico" STRID_MOVE "Mo~ver" STRID_RUN "~Ejecutar..." STRID_KILL "Dos~Kill" STRID_DEATH "Si~gKill" STRID_PRIORITY "~Prioridad..." STRID_SHOWSETTINGS "~Propiedades" STRID_QUIT "~Salir" STRID_XCENTERSUBMENU "M˘dulo de ~lSwitcher" STRID_ADDFILTER "~Filtrar" STRID_SUSPEND "Suspender el sistema" STRID_HELP "~Ayuda" STRID_VERSION "2.93.0" } STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE { MSG_LOADED "Ya se ha cargado" MSG_ERROR "error" MSG_CANTSAVE "No se pueden guardar las opciones en el archivo %s" MSG_CANTOPEN "No se puede abrir el archivo de opciones %s" MSG_WRONGVER "Las opciones del archivo %s corresponden a otra versi˘n de este programa. ¨Quiere borrarlas?" MSG_CANTFINDOPEN "No se pudo encontrar o abrir " MSG_CANTEXECUTE "No se pudo ejecutar " MSG_CANTKILL "No es posible matar un proceso del WPS" MSG_KILLQUERY "¨Seguro que desea matar el proceso" MSG_CANCEL "Cancelar" MSG_FOLDERS "Carpetas" } STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE { MSC_HOTKEY "Tecla r pida para este panel: Ctrl+Alt+ " MSC_LANG "Idioma" MSC_DESKTOP "Cambiar al Escritorio oculta/minimiza todo" MSC_ZORDER "Cambiar orden del eje Z al minimizar" MSC_WINLIST "Mostrar lSwitcher en la Lista de ventanas" }