/* wic.cmd: sets BEGINLIBPATH and PATH to the WarpIN directory. Put this on your PATH somewhere to be able to execute WIC from anywhere. (C) 2001 Ulrich M”ller. */ call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs /* get WarpIN path from OS2.INI */ warpindir = SysIni("USER", "WarpIN", "Path") if (warpindir = "ERROR:") then do say "envwic.cmd: The WarpIN path could not be found in OS2.INI. Terminating."; exit; end; /* this thing is null-terminated, so get rid of the null byte */ p = pos('0'x, warpindir); if (p \= 0) then do warpindir = left(warpindir, p - 1); end /* compose new path */ newpath = warpindir||';'||value('PATH',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') 'SET BEGINLIBPATH='warpindir';%BEGINLIBPATH%' 'SET PATH='||newpath';%PATH%'