;For FreeBSD drivers, all messages are output by common code. There are no ;messages output from the FreeBSD driver itself. Numbers 1-10 are reserved ;for non-BCL32 library code, and 11 and up are for BCL32 library code. LEM LEM0001I: MMLEM NDIS device driver %1 LEM0002I: MMLEM Can't connect to Protocol Manager LEM0003I: MMLEM Found device %1 LEM0004I: MMLEM No supported hardware was found. LEM0005I: MMLEM Invalid parameter in PROTOCOL.INI LEM0006?: LEM0007?: LEM0008?: LEM0009?: LEM0010?: LEM0011I: MMLEM PHY: %1 LEM0012I: MMLEM Memory allocate request larger than 64K LEM0013I: MMLEM Memory allocate failed %1 LEM0014I: MMLEM Mac address: %1 LEM0015I: MMLEM Hardware detected: %1 LEM0016I: MMLEM Setup interrupt %1