/* * ESRCSCAN.CMD - C.Langanke for Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 * * This program scans source documentation out of .e files and creates * HyperText/2 compatible output. * * Syntax: srcscan source_list source_dir outputpath * limit_path exclude_list * [/V[erbose]] [/L[azy]] [/?|/??|/???] * * /? - shows syntax help * /?? - shows source comment syntax help * /??? - shows help about (external) datatypes * */ /* * header_list - top level include file(s) (semicolon separated) * base_header_list - headers of the toolkit to be included * source_dir - source base directory. .c files containing the * document comments must have the same name like the .h * files containing the prototypes * outputpath - outputpath for functions.ipf & datatypes.ipf * limit_path - path list to limit includes to * exlude_list - list of filenames (without path!) of files to ignore * /V[erbose] - verbose output, showing included files * /L[azy] - do not fail on missing comments */ /* * The .c files must * - have the same name as the header file * - contain sections beginning with the following eyecatchers for each * function * @@@PROTOTYPE * @@@CATEGORY@categoryname * @@@SYNTAX * @@@PARM@ * @@@RETURNS * @@@REMARKS * @@@TESTCASE * * Each section is started with the keyword at column one in a line and * ended by the next section or a simple @@ at column 1 in a following line. */ /* First three comments are being used as online helptext */ /****************************** Module Header ******************************* * * Module Name: esrcscan.cmd * * Batch for to generate HyperText/2 source out of documentation comments * in .e source files for the online help. * * Copyright (c) Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 * * $Id$ * * =========================================================================== * * This file is part of the Netlabs EPM Distribution package and is free * software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * Netlabs EPM Distribution. This library is distributed in the hope that it * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ SIGNAL ON HALT; TitleLine = STRIP(SUBSTR(SourceLine(2), 3)); PARSE VAR TitleLine CmdName'.CMD 'Info Title = CmdName Info env = 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'; TRUE = (1 = 1); FALSE = (0 = 1); Redirection = '> NUL 2>&1'; '@ECHO OFF' /* OS/2 errorcodes */ ERROR.NO_ERROR = 0; ERROR.INVALID_FUNCTION = 1; ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3; ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED = 5; ERROR.NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8; ERROR.INVALID_FORMAT = 11; ERROR.INVALID_DATA = 13; ERROR.NO_MORE_FILES = 18; ERROR.WRITE_FAULT = 29; ERROR.READ_FAULT = 30; ERROR.GEN_FAILURE = 31; ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; ERROR.ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND = 203; GlobalVars = 'Title CmdName env TRUE FALSE Redirection ERROR.'; /* show help */ ARG Parm . IF ((Parm = '') | (POS('/?', Parm)) > 0) THEN DO SELECT WHEN (POS('/???', Parm) > 0) THEN Section = 2; WHEN (POS('/??', Parm) > 0) THEN Section = 1; OTHERWISE Section = 0; END; rc = ShowHelp( Section); EXIT( rc); END; /* load RexxUtil */ CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' CALL SysLoadFuncs /* default values */ GlobalVars = GlobalVars 'Function. DataType. DocComment. MissingComment. Related. DefineList fVerbose fDebug fCommentError'; rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; fCommentError = TRUE; fVerbose = FALSE; fDebug = FALSE; SourceList = ''; SourceDir = ''; OutDir = ''; LimitPath = ''; ExcludeList = ''; /* init global stems */ Function.0 = 0; Function._List = ''; DataType.0 = 0; DataType._List = ''; DocComment. = ''; DocComment._ValidKeys = 'PROTOTYPE CATEGORY SYNTAX PARM EXAMPLE RETURNS REMARKS TESTCASE'; DocComment._FunctionList = ''; MissingComment. = '' MissingComment.0 = 0; Related. = ''; Related._List = ''; DO UNTIL (TRUE) /* get parms */ PARSE ARG Parms; DO i = 1 TO WORDS(Parms); ThisParm = WORD(Parms, i); PARSE VAR ThisParm ThisTag':'ThisValue ThisTag = TRANSLATE(ThisTag); SELECT WHEN (POS(ThisTag, '/VERBOSE') = 1) THEN fVerbose = TRUE; WHEN (POS(ThisTag, '/DEBUG') = 1) THEN fDebug = TRUE; WHEN (POS(ThisTag, '/LAZY') = 1) THEN fCommentError = FALSE; OTHERWISE DO /* handle unix style path names */ ThisParm = TRANSLATE( ThisParm, '\', '/'); SELECT WHEN (SourceList = '') THEN SourceList = ThisParm; WHEN (SourceDir = '') THEN SourceDir = ThisParm; WHEN (OutDir = '') THEN OutDir = ThisParm; WHEN (LimitPath = '') THEN LimitPath = ThisParm; WHEN (ExcludeList = '') THEN ExcludeList = ThisParm; OTHERWISE DO SAY CmdName': error: invalid parameters.' rc = ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER; LEAVE; END; END; END; END; END; /* enough parms specified ? */ IF (OutDir = '') THEN DO rc = ShowHelp(); LEAVE; END; /* source file there ? */ FileList = SourceList; DO WHILE (FileList \= '') PARSE VAR FileList HeaderFile';'FileList; IF (\FileExist( HeaderFile)) THEN DO SAY CmdName': error: file' HeaderFile 'not found.'; rc = ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND; LEAVE; END; END; /* get full name of all directories of limitpath */ NewLimitPath = ''; DO WHILE (LimitPath \= '') PARSE VAR LimitPath ThisPath';'LimitPath; IF (ThisPath \= '') THEN DO /* does directory exist ? */ NewPath = GetDirName( ThisPath); IF (NewPath \= '') THEN NewLimitPath = NewLimitPath';'NewPath; ELSE DO SAY CmdName': error: directory' ThisPath 'not found.'; rc = ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND; LEAVE; END; END; END; IF (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; LimitPath = NewLimitPath';' /* prepare excludelist */ ExcludeList = TRANSLATE( TRANSLATE( ExcludeList, ' ', ';')); /* read source files */ FileList = SourceList; DO WHILE (FileList \= '') PARSE VAR FileList HeaderFile';'FileList; IF (fVerbose) THEN SAY 'Reading' HeaderFile; rc = ReadSourceFile( HeaderFile, LimitPath, SourceDir, ExcludeList); if (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; END; IF (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; /* write output file */ rc = WriteHtextFiles( OutDir); if (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; /* write EPM index file */ /* rc = WriteEPMFiles( OutDir, 'wtkref', 'WPS Toolkit for OS/2'); if (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; */ END; EXIT( rc); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HALT: SAY 'Interrupted by user.'; EXIT(ERROR.GEN_FAILURE); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ShowHelp: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) ARG Section; SAY; SAY Title SAY; /* read this file directly -> quicker than SOURCELINE() ! */ PARSE SOURCE . . ThisFile; /* skip header */ DO 3 rc = LINEIN(ThisFile); END; /* show main part */ ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); DO WHILE (ThisLine \= ' */') SAY SUBSTR(ThisLine, 7); ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); END; /* now skip n blocks */ IF (Section = '') THEN Section = 0; DO i = 1 TO Section ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); DO WHILE (ThisLine \= ' */') ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); END; END; /* show desired help block */ ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); DO WHILE (ThisLine \= ' */') SAY SUBSTR(ThisLine, 7); ThisLine = LINEIN(Thisfile); END; /* Datei wieder schlieáen */ rc = LINEOUT(Thisfile); RETURN( ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ FileExist: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG FileName RETURN( STREAM( Filename, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS') > ''); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GetDrivePath: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG FileName FullPath = FILESPEC('D', FileName)||FILESPEC('P', FileName); IF (FullPath \= '') THEN RETURN( LEFT( FullPath, LENGTH(FullPath) - 1)); ELSE RETURN( ''); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ LOWER: PROCEDURE Lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz„”'; Upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZŽ™š'; PARSE ARG String RETURN( TRANSLATE( String, Lower, Upper)); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GetDirName: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Name /* save environment */ CurrentDrive = FILESPEC( 'D', DIRECTORY()); SpecifiedDrive = FILESPEC( 'D', Name); IF (SpecifiedDrive = '') THEN SpecifiedDrive = CurrentDrive; CurrentDir = DIRECTORY( SpecifiedDrive); /* try directory */ DirFound = DIRECTORY( Name); /* reset environment */ rc = DIRECTORY(CurrentDir); rc = DIRECTORY(CurrentDrive); RETURN( DirFound); /* ========================================================================= */ IsInList: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG String, List; RETURN( WORDPOS( string, List) > 0); /* ========================================================================= */ /* simple string sort */ SortWordsInString: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG SortWordsInString; NewString = ''; DO WHILE (SortWordsInString \= '') PARSE VAR SortWordsInString ThisString SortWordsInString; NewWordPos = LENGTH( NewString); DO i = 1 TO WORDS( NewString) IF (ThisString < WORD( NewString, i)) THEN DO NewWordPos = WORDINDEX( NewString, i) - 1; LEAVE; END; END; NewString = INSERT( ThisString' ', NewString, NewWordPos); END; RETURN( NewString); /* ========================================================================= */ /* read a line and increase line counter */ _READLINE: PROCEDURE EXPOSE LineCount; PARSE ARG File; LineCount = LineCount + 1; RETURN( LINEIN( File)); /* ========================================================================= */ /* read top source file with recursive inclusions while */ /* not including files not residing in LimitPath or with a name */ /* of the exclude list */ ReadSourceFile: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG File, LimitPath, SourceDir, ExludeList; /* default values */ rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; LineCount = 0; fCommentActive = FALSE; IncludedTag = ''; CrLf = "0d0a"x; /* read source file */ DO WHILE (LINES( File) > 0) /* read line */ ThisLine = _READLINE( File); /* is there an open comment ? */ IF (fCommentActive) THEN DO CommentEnd = POS( '*/', ThisLine); IF (CommentEnd > 0) THEN DO /* close comment */ ThisLine = SUBSTR( ThisLine, CommentEnd + 2); fCommentActive = FALSE; END; ELSE ITERATE; END; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* is it a slash/star comment ? */ CommentStart = POS( '/*', ThisLine); DO WHILE (CommentStart > 0) /* does the comment not end on this line ? */ CommentEnd = POS( '*/', ThisLine, CommentStart + 2); IF (CommentEnd = 0) THEN DO fCommentActive = TRUE; ThisLine = LEFT( ThisLine, CommentStart - 1); END; ELSE ThisLine = DELSTR( ThisLine, CommentStart, CommentEnd - CommentStart + 2); /* search next comment */ CommentStart = POS( '/*', ThisLine); END; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* is it a double minus comment line ? */ CommentPos = POS( '--', ThisLine); IF (CommentPos > 0) THEN ThisLine = LEFT( ThisLine, CommentPos - 1); /* skip empty lines */ ThisLine = STRIP( ThisLine); IF (ThisLine = '') THEN ITERATE; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* check for include command */ PARSE VAR ThisLine Command CommandOption; IF (Command = 'include') THEN DO /* check for include file */ CommandOption = STRIP( CommandOption); IncludeChar = LEFT( CommandOption, 1); PARSE VAR CommandOption (IncludeChar)IncludeFile(IncludeChar); IncludeFileName = SysSearchPath( 'EPMPATH', IncludeFile); /* check filename and include path */ IF (IncludeFileName = '') THEN ITERATE; IF (LimitPath \= '') THEN DO needle = ';'GetDrivePath( IncludeFileName)';'; haystack = ';'LimitPath';'; IF (POS( needle, haystack) = 0) THEN ITERATE; END; /* check filename and exclude list */ IF (ExludeList \= '') THEN IF (WORDPOS( TRANSLATE( FILESPEC( 'N', IncludeFileName)), ExludeList) > 0) THEN ITERATE; /* include the file */ IF (fVerbose) THEN SAY '- including' IncludeFile; rc = ReadSourceFile( IncludeFileName, LimitPath, SourceDir, ExcludeList); ITERATE; END; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ END; /* close file */ rcx = STREAM( File, 'C', 'CLOSE'); /* now read the docs out of the file */ rcx = ReadCommentDocs( File); RETURN( rc); /* ========================================================================= */ /* if a comment is missing, store this information */ StoreMissingComment: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG GivenComment, Function, CommentInfo; GivenComment = STRIP( GivenComment); CommentInfo = STRIP( CommentInfo); IF (GivenComment = '') THEN DO c = MissingComment.0 + 1; MissingComment.c = Function '-' CommentInfo; MissingComment.0 = c; END; RETURN( GivenComment); /* ========================================================================= */ /* return the first line of a comment, where the line stops with */ /* - an epmty line */ /* - a ':' at the forst pos of a line */ /* NOTE: the first IPF line of a comment must not include */ /* any IPF tags */ FirstIPFLine: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Comment; FirstLine = Comment; CrLf = "0d0a"x; ReplaceBytes = ' '; IF ((Comment \= '') & (LEFT( Comment, 2) \= CrLf)) THEN DO BreakPos = POS( CrLf':', Comment); IF (BreakPos = 0) THEN BreakPos = POS( CrLf''CrLf, Comment); IF (BreakPos > 0) THEN DO FirstLine = LEFT( Comment, BreakPos - 1); DO WHILE ( C2D(RIGHT( FirstLine, 1)) < 32) FirstLine = LEFT( FirstLine, LENGTH( FirstLine) - 1); END; END; FirstLine = SPACE( TRANSLATE( FirstLine, ReplaceBytes, CrLf)); END; RETURN FirstLine; /* ========================================================================= */ /* determines the lengh of a line exlcuding IPF tags */ IPFLength: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Line; /* determine the length of an IPF string (without IPF tags) */ Len = LENGTH( Line); IpfLen = 0; StartPos = POS( ':', Line); DO WHILE (StartPos > 0) EndPos = POS( '.', Line, StartPos); IF (EndPos = 0) THEN LEAVE; IpfLen = IpfLen + EndPos - StartPos + 1; StartPos = POS( ':', Line, EndPos); END; RETURN Len - IpfLen; /* ========================================================================= */ WriteSection: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) LogFile PARSE ARG FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, ThisKey, ThisName, ThisSubtitle, Dimensions; CrLf = "0d0a"x; Separator = '..' COPIES( '.', 60); IF (Dimensions = '') THEN Dimensions = '..'; ELSE Dimensions = '.di' Dimensions; IF (ThisName = '') THEN DO Level = 4; Panel = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey; PanelId = TRANSLATE( ThisId'_'ThisKey); END; ELSE DO Level = 5; Panel = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisName; PanelId = TRANSLATE( ThisId'_'ThisKey'_'ThisName); END; IF (Panel \= '') THEN DO rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, Separator''CrLf||, '.'Level ThisFunction '-' ThisSubtitle''CrLf||, Separator''CrLf||, Dimensions''CrLf||, '.an' PanelId''CrLf||, '.al' ThisSubtitle''CrLf||, '.. .hide'CrLf||, '.'); rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, Panel); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, '[.'PanelId']'); END; ELSE SAY ' warning:' ThisFunction '-' ThisKey ThisName 'not set'; RETURN( 0); /* --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- */ /* write target files */ WriteHtextFiles: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG OutDir; /* default values */ rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; CrLf = "0d0a"x; Separator = '..' COPIES( '-', 60); LineBreak = CrLf'.'CrLf; /* prepare result file */ FunctionsFile = OutDir'\functions.txt'; rcx = SysFileDelete( FunctionsFile); IF (LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, '')) THEN DO SAY 'error: cannot write' FunctionsFile; RETURN( ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED); END; /* prepare logfile */ LogFile = OutDir'\functions.log'; rcx = SysFileDelete( LogFile); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, ''); IF (LINEOUT( Logfile, '')) THEN DO SAY 'error: cannot write' Logfile; RETURN( ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED); END; rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, CMDNAME 'at' DATE('E') TIME()); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, COPIES( '-', 70)); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, ''); /* ***** write function overview, sorted by categories ***************** */ /* prepare sort of cateogories */ Category. = ''; Category._List = ''; WorkList = DocComment._FunctionList; DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisFunction WorkList; /* get category of this function */ ThisKey = 'CATEGORY'; ThisCategory = WORD( DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._NameList, 1); IF (ThisCategory = '') THEN ThisCategory = 'DIVERSE'; ELSE DO IF (WORDPOS( ThisCategory, Category._List) = 0) THEN /* add new category */ Category._List = Category._List ThisCategory; END; Category.ThisCategory = Category.ThisCategory ThisFunction; END; /* sort categories (excluding DIVERSE) */ Category._List = SortWordsInString( Category._List); /* sort functions in categories */ rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, 'Categories found:'); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, '-----------------'); WorkList = Category._List 'DIVERSE'; DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisCategory WorkList; Category.ThisCategory = SortWordsInString( Category.ThisCategory); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, '-' ThisCategory':' Category.ThisCategory); END; rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, ''); /* create lists of categories to include - include DIVERSE only */ /* if at least function is not categorized properly */ WorkList = Category._List; ThisCategory = 'DIVERSE'; IF (Category.ThisCategory \= '') THEN WorkList = WorkList 'DIVERSE'; /* build up lists for each category */ DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisCategory WorkList; rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, ''); rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, '*[=CATEGORY_'ThisCategory']*'); rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, '.ul compact'); FuncList = Category.ThisCategory; DO WHILE (FuncList \= '') PARSE VAR FuncList ThisFunction FuncList; ThisId = 'IDPNL_EFUNC_'TRANSLATE( ThisFunction); rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, '- [.'ThisId']'); END; END; rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, ''); /* ********************** write function sub pages ********************* */ WorkList = SortWordsInString( DocComment._FunctionList); DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisFunction WorkList; /* ---------------------- navigation panel ----------------------------- */ IF (fVerbose) THEN SAY '- processing' ThisFunction; rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, ''); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, ThisFunction); rcx = LINEOUT( Logfile, COPIES( '-', LENGTH( ThisFunction))); ThisId = 'IDPNL_EFUNC_'TRANSLATE( ThisFunction); rcx = LINEOUT( FunctionsFile, Separator''CrLf||, '.3' ThisFunction''CrLf||, Separator''CrLf||, '.an' ThisId''CrLf||, '.'CrLf||, '[=TOPICS]'CrLf||, '.'CrLf||, '.su V30 breaks 1'CrLf||, ''); /* ---------------------- syntax panel --------------------------------- */ /* add prototype to syntax section */ ThisKey = 'PROTOTYPE'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey \= '') THEN DO SyntaxKey = 'SYNTAX'; ParmKey = 'PARM'; ReturnsKey = 'RETURNS'; /* scan prototype and insert links */ Prototype = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey; PARSE VAR Prototype ResultPart'='FunctionPart; IF FunctionPart = '' THEN DO ResultPart = '' FunctionPart = Prototype END PARSE VAR FunctionPart FunctionName'('FunctionParms')'; /* insert link for function result */ IF ((ResultPart \= '') & (DocComment.ThisFunction.ReturnsKey \= '')) THEN ResultPart = '[.'ThisId'_RETURNS' ResultPart']'; /* insert links for known parameters */ NewFunctionParms = ''; DO WHILE (FunctionParms \= '') PARSE VAR FunctionParms ThisParm','FunctionParms; ThisParm = STRIP( Thisparm); ThisParmFn = Thisparm; IF (TRANSLATE( WORD( ThisParmFn, 1)) = 'VAR') THEN ThisParmFn = WORD( ThisParmFn, 2); ThisParmId = TRANSLATE( ThisParmFn); IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ParmKey.ThisParmFn \= '') THEN ThisParm = '[.'ThisId'_PARM_'ThisParmId ThisParm']'; NewFunctionParms = NewFunctionParms',' ThisParm; END; IF (LEFT( NewFunctionParms, 1) = ',') THEN NewFunctionParms = SUBSTR( NewFunctionParms, 2); /* reassemble prototype */ IF ResultPart = '' THEN Prototype = FunctionName'('NewFunctionParms')'; ELSE Prototype = ResultPart '='FunctionName'('NewFunctionParms')'; /* add result to syntax section */ DocComment.ThisFunction.SyntaxKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.SyntaxKey||, '.fo off'CrLf||, Prototype''CrLf||, '.fo on'CrLf; END; rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'SYNTAX', '', 'Syntax'); /* ---------------------- parameters panel ----------------------------- */ /* write parameter overview panel */ ThisKey = 'PARM'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist \= '') THEN DO ParmList = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = '..'CrLf; DO WHILE (ParmList \= '') PARSE VAR ParmList ThisParm ParmList; /* add parameter to the parameter overview */ ParmDoc = '*'ThisParm'*'CrLf||, '.'CrLf||, '.lm 4'CrLf||, DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisParm||, '.lm 1'CrLf||, ''CrLf; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey''ParmDoc; END; /* append returns section to the parameter overview */ ReturnKey = 'RETURNS'; ReturnDoc = '*return value*'CrLf||, '.'CrLf||, '.lm 4'CrLf||, DocComment.ThisFunction.ReturnKey||, '.lm 1'CrLf||, ''CrLf; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey''ReturnDoc; rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'PARM', '', 'Parameters'); END; /* ---------------------- per parameter panel -------------------------- */ /* write one subsection per parameter */ ThisKey = 'PARM'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist \= '') THEN DO ParmList = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = '..'CrLf; DO WHILE (ParmList \= '') PARSE VAR ParmList ThisParm ParmList; rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'PARM', ThisParm, 'Parameter' ThisParm, '0 0 100 50'); END; END; /* ---------------------- returns panel -------------------------------- */ rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'RETURNS', '', 'Returns', '0 0 100 50'); /* ---------------------- optional examples panel ---------------------- */ ThisKey = 'EXAMPLE'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey \= '') THEN rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'EXAMPLE', '', 'Example Code'); /* ---------------------- optional remarks panel ----------------------- */ ThisKey = 'REMARKS'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey \= '') THEN rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'REMARKS', '', 'Remarks'); /* ---------------------- optional remarks panel ----------------------- */ ThisKey = 'TESTCASE'; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey \= '') THEN rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'TESTCASE', '', 'Testcase'); /* ---------------------- related panel, where appropriate ------------- */ ThisKey = 'CATEGORY'; ThisCategory = WORD( DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._NameList, 1); IF ((ThisCategory \= 'DIVERSE') & (WORDS( Category.ThisCategory) > 1)) THEN DO /* remove this function from linklist */ wPos = WORDPOS( ThisFunction, Category.ThisCategory); LinkList = DELWORD( Category.ThisCategory, wPos, 1); /* assemble new subpanel panel */ ThisKey = 'RELATED'; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = '*Related Functions*'CrLf||, '.ul compact'; DO WHILE (LinkList \= '') PARSE VAR LinkList ThisLink LinkList; LinkId = 'IDPNL_EFUNC_'TRANSLATE( ThisLink); DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey''CrLf||, '- [.'LinkId']'; END; DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey''CrLf; rcx = WriteSection( FunctionsFile, ThisFunction, ThisId, 'RELATED', '', 'Related functions', '40 0 60 100'); END; END; /* ********************* check missing comments ************************ */ /* tell specific missing comments first */ MissingFuncs = ''; IF (fCommentError) THEN MsgType = 'Error:'; ELSE MsgType = 'Warning:'; DO i = 1 TO MissingComment.0 PARSE VAR MissingComment.i ThisFunction ThisInfo; IF (DocComment.ThisFunction._Found = '') THEN DO IF (WORDPOS( ThisFunction, MissingFuncs) = 0) THEN MissingFuncs = MissingFuncs ThisFunction; END; ELSE SAY MsgType 'missing comment for:' ThisFunction ThisInfo; END; /* now tell about functions without any comment */ DO WHILE (MissingFuncs \= '') PARSE VAR MissingFuncs ThisFunction MissingFuncs ; SAY MsgType 'missing any comment for:' ThisFunction; END; /* close files */ rcx = STREAM( FunctionsFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'); rcx = STREAM( LogFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'); /* tell about error*/ IF ((fCommentError) & (MissingComment.0 > 0)) THEN DO rcx = SysFileDelete( FunctionsFile); rc = ERROR.INVALID_DATA; END; RETURN( rc); /* ========================================================================= */ /* return the datatype with regard to the "implicit pointer type "Pxxxxx" rule */ CheckDataType: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Type, Typelist; Type = STRIP( TRANSLATE( Type, ' ', '*')); /* strip stars */ NewType = Type; IF ((WORDPOS( Type, TypeList) = 0) & (LEFT( Type, 1) = 'P')) THEN DO /* is it a Ptype of one of our datatypes ? Then reference to this one */ IF (WORDPOS( SUBSTR( Type, 2), Typelist) > 0) THEN NewType = SUBSTR( Type, 2); END; RETURN( NewType); /* ========================================================================= */ /* relayouts variable type and variable name: */ /* if type has a '*' at the end, remove it from type and append it as symbol */ /* to the name */ GetIpfNameType: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Type, Name IF (RIGHT( Type, 1) = '*') THEN DO Type = LEFT( Type, LENGTH( Type) - 1); Name = '&asterisk.'Name; END; RETURN( Type Name); /* ========================================================================= */ /* read .e file and catch all online doc comments */ ReadCommentDocs: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG File; /* defaults */ rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; CrLf = "0d0a"x; /* read header file */ ThisLine = LINEIN( File); DO WHILE (LINES( File) > 0) /* determine the tag */ PARSE VAR ThisLine '@@'ThisFunction'@'ThisKey'@'ThisName; IF (ThisFunction \= '') THEN DO ThisKey = TRANSLATE( ThisKey); /* check key */ IF (WORDPOS( ThisKey, DocComment._ValidKeys) = 0) THEN ITERATE; /* extend function list */ IF (WORDPOS( ThisFunction, DocComment._FunctionList) = 0) THEN DocComment._FunctionList = DocComment._FunctionList ThisFunction; /* if there is a name given, maintain subsection list */ IF (ThisName \= '') THEN DO /* add subsection name */ IF (WORDPOS( ThisName, DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist) = 0) THEN DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey._Namelist ThisName; END; /* store the info */ NextLine = LINEIN( File); DO WHILE ( LEFT( NextLine, 2) \= '@@') /* handle key values */ IF (ThisName = '') THEN DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey''CrLf''NextLine; ELSE /* handle key/name values values */ DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisName = DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisName''CrLf''NextLine; NextLine = LINEIN( File); END; /* extend section */ IF (ThisName = '') THEN DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey = SUBSTR( DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey, 3); ELSE DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisName = SUBSTR( DocComment.ThisFunction.ThisKey.ThisName, 3); /* state that something for this function has been found ! */ DocComment.ThisFunction._Found = 1; /* go on with the line last read */ ThisLine = NextLine; ITERATE; END; /* read next line */ ThisLine = LINEIN( File); END; RETURN( rc); /* ========================================================================= */ /* write help index file and EPM keyword file */ WriteEPMFiles: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG OutDir, BookName, Description; /* default values */ rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; CrLf = "0d0a"x; Tab = "09"x; StemList = ''; BgColor = '-1'; FgColor = '5'; /* write index file */ File = OutDir'\wpstk.ndx'; rcx = SysFileDelete( File); rc = LINEOUT( File, 'EXTENSIONS: *'); rc = LINEOUT( File, 'DESCRIPTION:' Description); /* check functions */ WorkList = Function._List; DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisFunction WorkList; ThisStem = GetFuncStem( ThisFunction); IF (WORDPOS( ThisStem, StemList) = 0) THEN StemList = StemList ThisStem; END; StemList = SortWordsInString( StemList); DO WHILE (StemList \= '') PARSE VAR StemList ThisStem StemList; rc = LINEOUT( File, '('ThisStem'*, view' BookName '~)'); END; rcx = STREAM( File, 'C', 'CLOSE'); /* write hilighting file */ File = OutDir'\epmkwds.c__'; rcx = SysFileDelete( File); /* write lines for functions */ rc = LINEOUT( File, '@ ------------ ' Description ' functions --------------'); WorkList = SortWordsInString( Function._List); WorkList = SortWordsInString( Function._List); DO WHILE (WorkList \= '') PARSE VAR WorkList ThisFunction WorkList; rc = LINEOUT( File, ThisFunction''Tab''BgColor''Tab''FgColor); END; rcx = STREAM( File, 'C', 'CLOSE'); RETURN( rc); /* ========================================================================= */ /* return the first part of a functions name */ GetFuncStem: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG Name; FromChars = XRANGE( 'a', 'z'); ToChars = COPIES( ' ', LENGTH( FromChars)); CheckName = TRANSLATE( Name, ToChars, FromChars); RETURN( LEFT( Name, WORDINDEX( CheckName, 2) - 1));