/* * PARSEENV.CMD - C. Langanke for Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 * * Syntax: PARSEENV sourcefile targetfile * [VAR=VALUE [VAR=VALUE [...]]] * * This program writes a copy of the sourcefile replaces environment * variables in a (copy of a) text file. Additional vars can be specified * as symbols as commandline parameters. To escape a % char, it has to * be doubled. * * The XML Tag includes a C-headerfile and * loads defined symbols. Note that * - the filename may include envvars to distinct between different * files for e.g. different languages * - only #defines from within these files are interpreted. * - #ifdef #else #endif are not supported, but ignored * - no C style comments are supported like: /* comment */ * - C++ style comments are supported like: // comment * but are not skipped when being used within strings (should be) * - no symbols can be used within the #define values yet * - strings may include \r \n and \t. * * The XML Tag includes textfiles as part of * the wis script. Note that * - the filename may include envvars to distinct between different * files for e.g. different languages. * */ /* The first comment is used as online help text */ /****************************** Module Header ******************************* * * Module Name: parseenv.cmd * * Batch for to replace environment variables in text files * * Copyright (c) Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 * * $Id$ * * =========================================================================== * * This file is part of the Netlabs EPM Distribution package and is free * software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * Netlabs EPM Distribution. This library is distributed in the hope that it * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * ****************************************************************************/ SIGNAL ON HALT TitleLine = STRIP(SUBSTR(SourceLine(2), 3)); PARSE VAR TitleLine CmdName'.CMD 'Info; PARSE VALUE "$Revision$" WITH . Version .; Title = CmdName 'V'Version Info; env = 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'; TRUE = (1 = 1); FALSE = (0 = 1); CrLf = '0d0a'x; Redirection = '> NUL 2>&1'; '@ECHO OFF' /* OS/2 Error codes */ ERROR.NO_ERROR = 0; ERROR.INVALID_FUNCTION = 1; ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; ERROR.PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3; ERROR.ACCESS_DENIED = 5; ERROR.NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8; ERROR.INVALID_FORMAT = 11; ERROR.INVALID_DATA = 13; ERROR.NO_MORE_FILES = 18; ERROR.WRITE_FAULT = 29; ERROR.READ_FAULT = 30; ERROR.GEN_FAILURE = 31; ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; ERROR.OPEN_FAILED = 110; ERROR.ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND = 203; GlobalVars = 'Title CmdName CrLf env TRUE FALSE Redirection ERROR.'; call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs /* eventually show help */ ARG Parm . IF ((Parm = '') | (POS('?', Parm) > 0)) THEN DO rc = ShowHelp(); EXIT( ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER); END; /* default values */ GlobalVars = GlobalVars 'fDebug fVerbose'; fDebug = FALSE; fVerbose = FALSE; rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; SourceFile = ''; TargetFile = ''; DO UNTIL (TRUE) /* don't modify environment of CMD.EXE */ rcx = SETLOCAL(); /* determine parameters */ PARSE ARG Parms; DO WHILE (Parms \= '') PARSE VAR Parms ThisParm Parms; PARSE VAR ThisParm ThisVar'='ThisValue; ThisVar = STRIP( ThisVar); ThisValue = STRIP( ThisValue); IF (ThisValue \= '') THEN DO /* pass symbols to environment */ rcx = VALUE( ThisVar, ThisValue, env); ITERATE; END; /* all other parms must be file or dir specifications */ SELECT WHEN (SourceFile = '') THEN SourceFile = ThisParm; WHEN (TargetFile = '') THEN TargetFile = ThisParm; OTHERWISE DO SAY CmdName': Error: Invalid parameter' ThisParm 'specified.'; rc = ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER; LEAVE; END; END; END; IF (rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) THEN LEAVE; /* source file specified? */ IF (SourceFile = '') THEN DO SAY CmdName': Error: No source file specified.'; rc = ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER; LEAVE; END; /* does it exist? */ IF (\FileExist( SourceFile)) THEN DO SAY CmdName': Error: Source file' SourceFile 'cannot be found.'; rc = ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND; LEAVE; END; /* target file not specified? */ IF (TargetFile = '') THEN DO SAY CmdName': Error: No target file specified.'; rc = ERROR.INVALID_PARAMETER; LEAVE; END; rcx = SysFileDelete( TargetFile); /* open files */ IF (STREAM( SourceFile, 'C', 'OPEN READ') \= 'READY:') THEN DO SAY CmdName': Error: Cannot open source file' SourceFile 'for read.'; rc = ERROR.OPEN_FAILED; LEAVE; END; IF (STREAM( TargetFile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE') \= 'READY:') THEN DO SAY CmdName': Error: Cannot open target file' TargetFile 'for write.'; rc = ERROR.OPEN_FAILED; LEAVE; END; /* now copy contents */ Linecount = 0; fInComment = FALSE; DO WHILE (LINES( SourceFile)) ThisLine = LINEIN( SourceFile); Linecount = Linecount + 1; /* check for include files */ CheckLine = TRANSLATE( ThisLine); CommentCheckLine = CheckLine; /* Filter out comments in CommentCheckLine, set fInComment flag */ DO FOREVER commentStartPos = POS( '', CommentCheckLine); SELECT WHEN (fInComment & (commentEndPos > 0)) THEN DO /* Use part after comment */ CommentCheckLine = SUBSTR( CommentCheckLine, commentEndPos + 3); fInComment = FALSE; END; WHEN (\fInComment & (commentStartPos > 0) & (commentEndPos > 0)) THEN DO /* Remove oneline comment */ CommentCheckLine = LEFT( CommentCheckLine, commentStartPos - 1) ||, SUBSTR( CommentCheckLine, commentEndPos + 3); END; WHEN (\fInComment & (commentStartPos > 0)) THEN DO /* Use part before comment */ CommentCheckLine = LEFT( CommentCheckLine, commentStartPos - 1); fInComment = TRUE; END; OTHERWISE LEAVE; END; END; SELECT WHEN fInComment THEN Tag = ''; WHEN (POS( ' 0) THEN Tag = 'CINCLUDE'; WHEN (POS( ' 0) THEN Tag = 'TINCLUDE'; OTHERWISE Tag = ''; END; IF (Tag \= '') THEN DO tPos = POS( '<'Tag, CheckLine); NewLineStart = LEFT( ThisLine, tPos - 1); NewLineEnd = ''; TagLine = SUBSTR( ThisLine, tPos); /* search end of tag */ ePos = POS( '>', ThisLine, tPos); IF (ePos > 0) THEN DO NewLineEnd = SUBSTR( ThisLine, ePos + 1); TagLine = TagLine LEFT( ThisLine, ePos); END; DO WHILE (ePos = 0) ThisLine = LINEIN( SourceFile); Linecount = Linecount + 1; ePos = POS( '>', ThisLine, tPos); IF (ePos > 0) THEN DO NewLineEnd = SUBSTR( ThisLine, ePos + 1); TagLine = TagLine LEFT( ThisLine, ePos); END; ELSE TagLine = ThisLine; END; PARSE VAR TagLine '"'IncludeFile'"'; IncludeFile = ParseLine( IncludeFile); IF (STREAM( IncludeFile, 'C', 'OPEN READ') \= 'READY:') THEN DO SAY SourceFile'('Linecount') : Error: Cannot open include file 'IncludeFile rc = ERROR.INVALID_DATA; LEAVE; END; SELECT WHEN (Tag = 'CINCLUDE') THEN DO rcx = ProcessCIncludeFile( IncludeFile); ThisLine = NewLineStart''NewLineEnd; END; WHEN (Tag = 'TINCLUDE') THEN DO Content = ProcessScriptIncludeFile( IncludeFile); ThisLine = NewLineStart''Content''NewLineEnd; END; OTHERWISE NOP; END; END; NewLine = ParseLine( ThisLine); rcx = LINEOUT( TargetFile, NewLine); END; rcx = STREAM( SourceFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'); rcx = STREAM( TargetFile, 'C', 'CLOSE'); END; /* cleanup target file on error */ IF ((rc \= ERROR.NO_ERROR) & (TargetFile \= '')) THEN rcx = SysFileDelete( TargetFile); EXIT( rc); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HALT: SAY 'Interrupted by user.'; EXIT( ERROR.GEN_FAILURE); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ShowHelp: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) /* show title */ SAY; SAY Title; SAY; PARSE SOURCE . . ThisFile /* skip header */ DO i = 1 TO 3 rc = LINEIN( ThisFile); END; /* show help text */ ThisLine = LINEIN( Thisfile); DO WHILE ( ThisLine \= ' */') SAY SUBSTR( ThisLine, 7); ThisLine = LINEIN( Thisfile); END; /* close file */ rc = LINEOUT( Thisfile); RETURN( ''); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ FileExist: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG FileName RETURN( STREAM( Filename, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS') > ''); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Resolve environment vars. */ /* Don't process WPS %-params. */ ParseLine: PROCEDURE EXPOSE env PARSE ARG ThisLine Delim = '%'; NoDelim = '%*'; startp = 1; DO WHILE 1 > 0 p1 = pos( Delim, ThisLine, startp); IF p1 = 0 THEN LEAVE; IF pos( NoDelim, ThisLine, p1) = p1 THEN DO startp = startp + LENGTH( NoDelim); ITERATE; END; p2 = pos( Delim, ThisLine, p1 + 1); IF p2 = 0 THEN LEAVE; /* Process %% strings to esacape % chars */ IF p2 = p1 + 1 THEN DO ThisLine = Delstr( ThisLine, p2, 1); startp = p1 + 1; ITERATE; END; LeftPart = SUBSTR( ThisLine, 1, p1 - 1); RightPart = SUBSTR( ThisLine, p2 + 1); ThisVar = SUBSTR( ThisLine, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1); Resolved = VALUE( ThisVar, , env); startp = LENGTH( LeftPart) + LENGTH( Resolved) + 1; ThisLine = LeftPart''Resolved''RightPart; END; RETURN( ThisLine); /* ========================================================================= */ StrReplace: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG StrSearch, StrReplace, Str; StrPos = POS( StrSearch, Str); DO WHILE (StrPos > 0) Str = DELSTR( Str, StrPos, LENGTH( StrSearch)); Str = INSERT( StrReplace, Str, StrPos); StrPos = POS( StrSearch, Str); END; RETURN( Str); /* ========================================================================= */ ReplaceSpecialChars: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG Str; Str = StrReplace( '\n', '0a'x, Str); Str = StrReplace( '\r', '0d'x, Str); Str = StrReplace( '\t', '09'x, Str); RETURN( Str); /* ========================================================================= */ /* Count quotes in LeftLine, e.g. in part of line before a position. */ /* If odd, then char at position must belong to a string. */ /* Syntax: fString = IsString( [, ]) */ /* fString is 0 | 1. */ /* is a space-separated list of quote chars. */ /* Default value is " '. */ IsString: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG LeftLine, Quotes IF Quotes = '' THEN Quotes = '"' || " '" fString = 0 DO w = 1 TO WORDS( Quotes) Quote = WORD( Quotes, w) numQ = 0 pStartQ = 1 DO FOREVER pQ = POS( Quote, LeftLine, pStartQ) IF pQ = 0 THEN LEAVE numQ = numQ + 1 pStartQ = pQ + 1 END IF (numQ // 2 <> 0) THEN DO fString = 1 LEAVE END END RETURN( fString) /* ========================================================================= */ ProcessCIncludeFile: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG File; ErrorMsg = ''; rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; Linecount = 0; DefinePending = FALSE; Linecount = 0; VarName = ''; VarValue = ''; IF (fVerbose) THEN SAY '- processing C include file' File DO UNTIL (TRUE) DO WHILE (LINES( File)) ThisLine = LINEIN( File); Linecount = Linecount + 1; /* strip comments */ CommentPos = POS('//', ThisLine); IF (CommentPos > 0) THEN DO LeftLine = LEFT( ThisLine, CommentPos - 1); IF \(IsString( LeftLine)) THEN ThisLine = LeftLine; END /* search for #defines */ Tag = TRANSLATE( WORD( ThisLine, 1)); SELECT WHEN (Tag = '#DEFINE') THEN DO /* store old value first */ IF (VarName \= '') THEN DO VarValue = ReplaceSpecialChars( VarValue); rcx = VALUE( VarName, VarValue, env); IF (fDebug) THEN SAY '1 storing' VarName '->' VarValue; END; /* read new value */ fNextLine = FALSE; VarValue = ''; IF (RIGHT( STRIP( ThisLine), 1) = '\') THEN DO ThisLine = STRIP( ThisLine); ThisLine = LEFT( ThisLine, LENGTH( ThisLine) - 1); fNextLine = TRUE; END; PARSE VAR ThisLine . VarName ThisLine; DO WHILE (TRUE) /* store this value */ VarAddValue = STRIP( ThisLine); VarAddValue = STRIP( VarAddValue); IF (LEFT( VarAddValue, 1) = '"') THEN PARSE VAR VarAddValue '"'VarAddValue'"'; VarValue = VarValue''VarAddValue; /* scan nextline */ IF (fNextLine) THEN DO ThisLine = LINEIN( File); Linecount = Linecount + 1; fNextLine = FALSE; IF (RIGHT( STRIP( ThisLine), 1) = '\') THEN DO PARSE VAR ThisLine ThisLine'\'.; fNextLine = TRUE; END; END; ELSE LEAVE; END; DefinePending = TRUE; END; WHEN ((LEFT( Tag, 1) = '#') | (Tage = '')) THEN DO IF (VarName \= '') THEN DO VarValue = ReplaceSpecialChars( VarValue); rcx = VALUE( VarName, VarValue, env); IF (fDebug) THEN SAY '2 storing' VarName '->' VarValue; END; DefinePending = FALSE; END; OTHERWISE NOP; END; END; /* store any pending var */ IF ((DefinePending) & (VarName \= '')) THEN DO VarValue = ReplaceSpecialChars( VarValue); rcx = VALUE( VarName, VarValue, env); IF (fDebug) THEN SAY 'storing' VarName '->' VarValue; END; rcx = STREAM( File, 'C', 'CLOSE'); END; RETURN( STRIP( rc ErrorMsg)); /* ========================================================================= */ ProcessScriptIncludeFile: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG File; ErrorMsg = ''; rc = ERROR.NO_ERROR; fCommentPending = FALSE; CommentStart = ''; Content = ''; IF (fVerbose) THEN SAY '- processing script includefile' File DO UNTIL (TRUE) DO WHILE (LINES( File)) ThisLine = LINEIN( File); IF (fCommentPending) THEN DO /* check for end of comment */ tPos = POS( CommentEnd, ThisLine); IF (tPos > 0) THEN DO fCommentPending = FALSE; ThisLine = SUBSTR( ThisLine, tPos + LENGTH( CommentEnd)); IF (STRIP( ThisLine) = '') THEN ITERATE; END; ELSE /* skip lines while comment is pending */ ITERATE; END; ELSE DO /* check for start of comment */ tPos = POS( CommentStart, ThisLine); IF (tPos > 0) THEN DO fCommentPending = TRUE; ThisLine = LEFT( ThisLine, tPos - 1); IF (STRIP( ThisLine) = '') THEN ITERATE; END; END; /* save as content */ IF (Content = '') THEN Content = ThisLine; ELSE Content = Content''CrLf''ThisLine; END; rcx = STREAM( File, 'C', 'CLOSE'); END; RETURN( Content);