# ***************************** Module Header ******************************* # # Module Name: makefile # # makefile for the library for generic routines # # Copyright (c) Netlabs EPM Distibution Project 2002 # # $Id$ # # =========================================================================== # # This file is part of the Netlabs EPM Distribution package and is free # software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the # Netlabs EPM Distribution. This library is distributed in the hope that it # will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # *************************************************************************** OBJS= \ $(BINDIR)\common.obj\ $(BINDIR)\ddeutil.obj\ $(BINDIR)\eas.obj\ $(BINDIR)\file.obj\ $(BINDIR)\pmres.obj\ $(BINDIR)\process.obj\ $(BINDIR)\epmenv.obj\ $(BINDIR)\tmf.obj\ $(BINDIR)\instval.obj\ $(BINDIR)\module.obj\ $(BINDIR)\libreg.obj\ $(BINDIR)\init.obj\ $(BINDIR)\mmf.obj\ $(BINDIR)\hilite.obj\ $(BINDIR)\mode.obj MT=1 # include main definitions BASEDIR=..\..\.. !include $(BASEDIR)\rules.in # --- some file definitions for this makefile DEPENDFILE=$(CMPDIR)\common.dep FILESTOCLEAN=$(DEPENDFILE) \ $(OBJS)\ $(BINDIR)\common.lib \ $(BINDIR)\common.lst # --- general pseudo targets all: lib pmprintf clean: @echo cleaning up files ... -@for %%a in ($(FILESTOCLEAN)) do @del %%a /N >NUL 2>&1 # --- special pseudo targets lib: $(BINDIR)\common.lst pmprintf: $(BINDIR)\printf.obj dep: makedep $(BINDIR) $(DEPENDFILE) # --- include dependencies - create dependency file if not present !if [@dir $(DEPENDFILE) >NUL 2>&1 || makedep $(BINDIR) $(DEPENDFILE)] !endif !include $(DEPENDFILE) # --- extend suffix list .SUFFIXES: .ex # --- copy executable to netlabs directory below binary directory $(BINDIR)\common.lib: $(OBJS) $(BINDIR)\common.lst: $(BINDIR)\common.lib