@ECHO OFF : ***************************** Module Header ******************************\ : : Module Name: setenv.cmd : : Set the environment for the making of NEPMD : : This file sets the user-specific vars before setenv2.cmd is called. : : Requirements : See makefile.inf, section "Requirements". : : Prerequisite : The project files must be already checked-out. (Most likely : you have already done that when you are reading this.) : : Configuration: Option 1: If there is no mysetenv.cmd in the main project : directory, then run this program or setenv2.cmd. You : will be prompted for settings and your sentenv.cmd : file will be created for you. : Option 2: To change customizations in an existing : mysetenv.cmd (in the main project directory.): : a) Manually edit the existing file; or : b1) SET USED_COMPILER=xxx : b2) Run bin\setenv.cmd (or bin\setenv2.cmd) which will : allow you to change your existing settings and : create a new mysetenv.cmd. : : Note : Using these environment files avoids the need to edit your : CONFIG.SYS. Because paths were altered by prepending the : here configured parts, it is possible to have the C compiler : and the Toolkit properly installed as well. : : Usage : 1) Open a VIO window or an EPM shell in the main project : directory. : : 2) Execute : : setenv : nmake [/nologo] [clean] all : : Instead of "all" you can also specify "inst" to start : WarpIN after compilation. : : Copyright (c) Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 : : $Id$ : : =========================================================================== : : This file is part of the Netlabs EPM Distribution package and is free : software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the : GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software : Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the : Netlabs EPM Distribution. This library is distributed in the hope that it : will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty : of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU : General Public License for more details. : : **************************************************************************/ : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Begin of user-configurable part : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : While you may configure this file manually, you may find it easier to: : 1) SET USED_COMPILER=abc : which is invalid, and then : 2) Run either bin\setenv.cmd or bin\setenv2.cmd : Running either \bin\setenv*.cmd with an invalid, required setting will : result in you being guided through a rebuild of this file. : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : End of user-configurable part : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET USER_SETENV_COMPLETE=1 :---------------- : : ---- Execute appropriate the environment file : : Normal processing IF EXIST .\bin\setenv2.cmd CALL .\bin\setenv2.cmd & GOTO :END : : Must be running from bin dir, run the user-customized version : of this file, if any IF EXIST ..\mysetenv.cmd cd .. & CALL mysetenv.cmd & GOTO :END : : Must be running from bin dir and there is no user-customized version so : run setenv2 to prompt user to create a user-customized version of this file. IF EXIST .\setenv2.cmd CALL .\setenv2.cmd & GOTO :END : cls ECHO. ECHO Error 1: This cmd file should not be executed directly. ECHO. ECHO Error 2: This cmd file was unable to find its companion program: SETENV2.CMD. ECHO Check to make sure you have the complete 'bin' directory from the ECHO repository. ECHO. : :END