TColorWheel and TValueBar components for SpeedSoft Sibyl Written by Aaron Lawrence ( Summary ------- This package contains two Sibyl components that you can use in your projects. They are designed to work together to allow a user to pick a color from the full available range. They work in any color depth (they look better at 16 bit or 24 bit of course). They are similar to the mixed color picker built into OS/2 Warp 4, but these ones can be used in your programs. The color wheel lets you pick a hue ( e.g. red, blue...) and a saturation ( how strong the color is, e.g. pale, vivid ). The value bar then lets you pick the value ( brightness ) of the color. These three selections go together to provide you with a normal Sibyl TColor (RGB). License ------- These components are freeware, but comments would be appreciated! I make no warranty as to the safe operation of these components... etc. You may modify the source code and use it in your own projects. What you need ------------- You should have these files: ColorMapping.pas ColorWheel.pas ColorWheel.bmp ValueBar.bmp Installation ------------ Load the two files (ColorMapping.pas and ColorWheel.pas) into Sibyl, and compile them (ColorMapping first) with Project - Compile. Then, use Component - Install Component Select ColorWheel.SPU (which you just produced by compiling ColorWheel.pas) Click the >> button to add both components. Click OK. Notes: - If you have a project open, Sibyl may ask if you want to save it, since it needs to close the project to install the components. - If you're reinstalling these components, Sibyl will say an Error for each one, but will reinstall them anyway :-| The components should now appear under the User tab. Using the components -------------------- Normally, you use both a color wheel and a value bar. 1. Put a color wheel on your form. 2. Put a value bar on your form beside the wheel. 3. Set the ColorWheel's ValueBar property to the ValueBar you just put on the form. The two components are now linked together. When a selection is made in the color wheel the value bar will update to show the range for that selection. (Note: you won't see the colours til you run the program) Reading and setting the color ----------------------------- To set the color being displayed, use the SetSelectedColor method of the color wheel. To read the color selected, read the SelectedColor property of the Value Bar. If you want to know when the user picks a color, you can use the OnChange event in the ValueBar. That's about all you *need* to know. The rest is some optional properties. Other properties - TColorWheel ------------------------------ Color - same as usual, the background color. CursorSize - size of the cross hair MarginWidth - the width of the blank area around the wheel. This is used to draw the cursor on and for easy selection of edge colors. WhiteAreaPercentage - the percentage of the radius from the centre, that is held to pure white. This makes it possible to easily select white. ( 0 - 50 ) Hue, Saturation: the current hue and saturation. (read only) Notes: if the margins are wider than the control you will see nothing if the cursor is too big it will just 'clip' to the edge of the control. You can use this effect to get full cross hairs by making the CursorSize large Other properties - TValueBar ---------------------------- Color - same as usual, the background color. CursorHeight - height of the selection cursor. MarginWidth - the width of the blank area around the bar. Value - the currently selected value 0 .. 1 where 1 is brightest and 0 is black Dither - if set to false only solid colours will be displayed (default) if you set this to true the value bar will use patterns to display intermediate colours This also affects the colours you can select. SetHS - this method sets the hue and saturation. Normally it's called by the colorwheel component. Problems/limitations -------------------- Sadly, the color wheel is quite slow to draw, although since it doesn't get redrawn very often this doesn't matter so much. Moving the cursor around is fast. I can't get Sibyl's bitmap creation & drawing to work properly, so I don't have any means to fix this (it's limited by the speed OS/2 draws a pixel). The value bar is fast enough. The look of these controls could be enhanced further but that would mainly be luxury - they look pretty cool anyway! (IMHO) If you have any ideas or comments (especially nice ones) feel free to mail me. or (may change soon)