/* Changes within this file require changes to the language manager !! */ CONST SSPCCMsgStart = 64768; /* Default SPCC string constants */ SLanguage = 65000; /* Buttons */ SOk = 65001; SOkButton = 65002; SCancel = 65003; SCancelButton = 65004; SHelp = 65005; SHelpButton = 65006; SOpen = 65007; SOpenButton = 65008; SSave = 65009; SSaveButton = 65010; SCreate = 65011; SCreateButton = 65012; SChange = 65013; SChangeButton = 65014; SFind = 65015; SFindButton = 65016; SForward = 65017; SForwardButton = 65018; SBackward = 65019; SBackwardButton = 65020; SSearch = 65021; SSearchButton = 65022; SReplace = 65023; SReplaceButton = 65024; SConfirm = 65025; SConfirmButton = 65026; SAll = 65027; SAllButton = 65028; SSelect = 65029; SSelectButton = 65030; SYes = 65031; SYesButton = 65032; SNo = 65033; SNoButton = 65034; SAbort = 65035; SAbortButton = 65036; SRetry = 65037; SRetryButton = 65038; SIgnore = 65039; SIgnoreButton = 65040; SClose = 65041; SCloseButton = 65042; SInsert = 65043; SInsertButton = 65044; SEdit = 65045; SEditButton = 65046; SDelete = 65047; SDeleteButton = 65048; /* Captions */ SError = 65049; SCriticalError = 65050; SInformation = 65051; SWarning = 65052; SMessage = 65053; SReadBlockFromFile = 65054; SWriteBlockToFile = 65055; /* Standard file filters */ SAllFiles = 65056; SVideoFiles = 65057; SWaveFiles = 65058; /* Standard Hints */ SClickHereToAccept = 65059; SClickHereToCancel = 65060; SClickHereToGetHelp = 65061; SClickHereToCreateADir = 65062; SPlayHint = 65063; SRecordHint = 65064; SNextTrackHint = 65065; SPreviousTrackHint = 65066; SPauseHint = 65067; SRewindHint = 65068; SStopHint = 65069; SFirstRecordHint = 65070; SPriorRecordHint = 65071; SNextRecordHint = 65072; SLastRecordHint = 65073; SInsertRecordHint = 65074; SDeleteRecordHint = 65075; SEditRecordHint = 65076; SPostRecordHint = 65077; SCancelRecordHint = 65078; SRefreshRecordHint = 65079; /* CREATEDIR Dialog */ SCreateDirectory = 65080; SEnterNewDirectory = 65081; SCannotCreateDir = 65082; /* CHANGEDIR dialog */ SChangeDirectory = 65083; SDirectoryName = 65084; /* FIND Dialog */ SFindText = 65085; SOptions = 65086; SCaseSensitive = 65087; SWordsOnly = 65088; SScope = 65089; SGlobal = 65090; SSelectedText = 65091; SOrigin = 65092; SEntireScope = 65093; SFromCursor = 65094; SDirection = 65095; /* FONT Dialog */ SSelectAFont = 65096; SName = 65097; SSize = 65098; SStyle = 65099; SItalic = 65100; SBold = 65101; SEmphasis = 65102; SOutline = 65103; SStrikeOut = 65104; SUnderScore = 65105; SExampleText = 65106; /* OPEN Dialog */ SOpenAFile = 65107; SFileName = 65108; SFileType = 65109; SDrive = 65110; SFiles = 65111; SDirectories = 65112; SChangeToTargetDir = 65113; /* SAVE Dialog */ SSaveFileAs = 65114; /* REPLACE Dialog */ SReplaceText = 65115; /* COLOR Dialog */ SSelectAColor = 65116; SDefaultColors = 65117; /* Standard error msgs */ SStreamReadErrorText = 65118; SStreamWriteErrorText = 65119; SStreamCreateErrorText = 65120; SStreamOpenErrorText = 65121; SStreamSeekErrorText = 65122; SListErrorText = 65123; SCollectionErrorText = 65124; SStringListDupeErrorText = 65125; SStringListInsertErrorText = 65126; SEBitsErrorText = 65127; SNoMoreTimers = 65128; SCouldNotRemoveTimer = 65129; SAppHelpFailed = 65130; SProgramAborted = 65131; SMainWindowFailed = 65132; SCouldNotCreateWindow = 65133; SMMAccessError = 65134; SMDMNotFound = 65135; SMMIONotFound = 65136; SUnknownMCIError = 65137; SNoFileName = 65138; SFatalMCIError = 65139; SWrongMovieHandle = 65140; SCannotPerformDBAction = 65141; SErrorFetchingSQLStatement = 65142; SErrorExecutingSQLStatement= 65143; SEmptyResultSet = 65144; SDataSourceLinkError = 65145; SSQLError = 65146; SErrLoadingDB = 65147; SErrAllocDBEnv = 65148; SErrAllocDBConnect = 65149; SErrSettingDBOpts = 65150; SErrorDBConnecting = 65151; SCouldNotCopyText = 65152; SCouldNotAccessClipboard = 65153; SSaveQuery = 65154; SFileNotFound = 65155; SErrorWriting = 65156; SLineWouldBeTooLong = 65157; SReplaceThisString = 65158; SLoading = 65159; SSaving = 65160; SAlreadyExistsOverwrite = 65161; SSearchStringNotFound = 65162; SErrorWritingTemporaryFile = 65163; SErrorCreatingTemporaryFile= 65164; SCannotOpenIniFile = 65165; SWriteError = 65166; SInvalidOutlineNodeOwner = 65167; SInvalidOutlineNodeIndex = 65168; SInvalidOutlineNode = 65169; SInvalidBitmap = 65170; SInvalidIcon = 65171; SInvalidCursor = 65172; SInvalidListBoxItemIndex = 65173; SInvalidMemoLineIndex = 65174; SPropertyNotFound = 65175; SPropertySkipped = 65176; SPropertyReadOnly = 65177; SCouldNotReadFromProperty = 65178; SPropError = 65179; SComponentNotFound = 65180; SUseRegisterClasses = 65181; SSCUErrorInClass = 65182; SMethodNotFound = 65183; SCouldNotWriteToProperty = 65184; SLinkNotFound = 65185; /* SysUtils messages */ SInvalidInteger = 65186; SInvalidFloat = 65187; SInvalidDate = 65188; SInvalidTime = 65189; SInvalidDateTime = 65190; STimeEncodeError = 65191; SDateEncodeError = 65192; SInvalidFormat = 65193; SArgumentMissing = 65194; SShortMonthNames = 65195; SShortMonthJan = 65195; SShortMonthFeb = 65196; SShortMonthMar = 65197; SShortMonthApr = 65198; SShortMonthMay = 65199; SShortMonthJun = 65200; SShortMonthJul = 65201; SShortMonthAug = 65202; SShortMonthSep = 65203; SShortMonthOct = 65204; SShortMonthNov = 65205; SShortMonthDec = 65206; SLongMonthNames = 65207; SLongMonthJanuary = 65207; SLongMonthFebruary = 65208; SLongMonthMarch = 65209; SLongMonthApril = 65210; SLongMonthMay = 65211; SLongMonthJune = 65212; SLongMonthJuly = 65213; SLongMonthAugust = 65214; SLongMonthSeptember = 65215; SLongMonthOctober = 65216; SLongMonthNovember = 65217; SShortMonthDecember = 65218; SShortDayNames = 65219; SShortDayNamesSun = 65219; SShortDayNamesMon = 65220; SShortDayNamesTue = 65221; SShortDayNamesWed = 65222; SShortDayNamesThu = 65223; SShortDayNamesFri = 65224; SShortDayNamesSat = 65225; SLongDayNames = 65226; SLongDayNamesSunday = 65226; SLongDayNamesMonday = 65227; SLongDayNamesTuesday = 65228; SLongDayNamesWednesday = 65229; SLongDayNamesThursday = 65230; SLongDayNamesFriday = 65231; SLongDayNamesSaturday = 65232; /* Dual ListBox */ SSource = 65233; SDestination = 65234; /* Printer Dialog */ SSetupPrinter = 65235; SSetPrinter = 65236; SCurrentPrinter = 65237; SProperties = 65238; SClickHereToSetProperties = 65239; SPrint = 65240; SPrintButton = 65241; STitle = 65242; SCopies = 65243; SPages = 65244; SFrom = 65245; STo = 65246; SFile = 65247; SConfirmation = 65248; SInvalidIndex = 65250; SNoHandleIC = 65251; SNoHandleDC = 65252; SNoHandlePS = 65253; SPrinterIdle = 65254; SPrinterBusy = 65255; SDeviceNotFound = 65256; SJobProperties = 65257; SPrinterInit1 = 65258; SPrinterInit2 = 65259; SNextPage = 65300; SPreviousPage = 65301; /* Standard Hints */ SBackTrackHint = 65302; SStepTrackHint = 65303; SEjectHint = 65304; /* Fixpack 2 */ STerminateProgram = 65305; SMDIChildRestore = 65306; SMDIChildMove = 65307; SMDIChildSize = 65308; SMDIChildMinimize = 65309; SMDIChildMaximize = 65310; SMDIChildClose = 65311; /* Changes within this file require changes to the language manager !! */