- GetBitmapDimensionEx returns (0,0) for icon bitmaps (TODO) - Open32 returns double height of icon masks (correct for OS/2, but not for color win32 icon color bitmaps!) ('workaround' present) - AH: Registry entires have trailing newline character 0xA. Could be a bug in the registry write code - AH: Syscolors are not matched correctly, OS/2 does not take the exact RGB color but rather something "similar" - CB: GDI32 coding rules: - Don't call functions which record metafiles inside GDI32 Use OSLibGpi* functions or create a new function called Odin* which doesn't add metafile data - DosSetFileLocksL: an offset with anything other than 0 in the top dword will only work on IFSes that support 64 bit access. For now, that's just JFS. Thus, your observation that this works on JFS and fails on HPFS is what we'd expect.