; $Id: odin36d.def,v 1.11 2004-03-16 17:24:54 sandervl Exp $ ; Odin VAC++ 3.6.5 shared multithreaded runtime LIBRARY ODINCRTD INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE DESCRIPTION 'Odin32 System DLL - VAC++ 3.6.5 Debug OdinCRT' DATA MULTIPLE NONSHARED READWRITE LOADONCALL CODE LOADONCALL SEGMENTS DDE4_DATA32 CLASS 'DATA' NONSHARED READWRITE LOADONCALL LIBDATA16 CLASS 'DATA' NONSHARED READWRITE LOADONCALL ; We should have plain forwarders for functions that do ; NOT employ _CrtGetLocalData in any way. Alternatively, ; we could provide corresponding macros for that purpose. EXPORTS ; ----------------- ; memory management ; ----------------- odin_calloc @346 NONAME odin_realloc @583 NONAME odin_malloc @351 NONAME odin_free @219 NONAME odin__debug_calloc @117 NONAME odin__debug_realloc @182 NONAME odin__debug_malloc @119 NONAME odin__debug_free @59 NONAME odin__umalloc @749 NONAME odin__debug_umalloc @185 NONAME odin__ucalloc @704 NONAME odin__debug_ucalloc @181 NONAME odin_fread @265 NONAME odin_fwrite @430 NONAME odin_fopen @293 NONAME odin_fputc @305 NONAME odin_fputs @311 NONAME odin_fsetpos @652 NONAME odin_fclose @354 NONAME odin_fflush @370 NONAME odin_freopen @612 NONAME odin_fgetpos @630 NONAME odin_vfprintf @755 NONAME odin_feof @230 NONAME odin_ferror @414 NONAME odin_fseek @271 NONAME odin_ftell @273 NONAME odin_fgetc @262 NONAME odin_fgets @267 NONAME odin_fgetwc @343 NONAME odin_fgetws @369 NONAME odin_fputwc @435 NONAME odin_fputws @478 NONAME odin_fdopen @605 NONAME odin_tmpnam @409 NONAME __nw__FUiPCcT1 @172 NONAME __dl__FPvPCcUi @201 NONAME __nw__FUi @850 NONAME __dl__FPv @839 NONAME ;;TODO! fprintf @647 NONAME strdup @472 NONAME strncpy @751 NONAME ; original exports __ct__8ifstreamFPCciT2 @1 NONAME _dump_allocated_delta @2 NONAME __ct__8ofstreamFPCciT2 @3 NONAME __ct__9streambufFPciT2 @4 NONAME __ct__9strstreamFPciT2 @5 NONAME _IEEE_LDBL_INF_MASK @6 NONAME __RestoreRegsAndJump @7 NONAME init__3iosFP9streambuf @8 NONAME _exception_procinit @9 NONAME __ct__3iosFP9streambuf @10 NONAME __Invoke__Destructor @11 NONAME underflow__7filebufFv @12 NONAME __nw__FP8SOMClassUiPv @13 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCc @14 NONAME overflow__9streambufFi @15 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFi @16 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPci @17 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPSc @18 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPUc @19 NONAME getline__7istreamFPcic @20 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFv @21 NONAME seekpos__9streambufFli @22 NONAME __as__19iostream_withassignFR3ios @23 NONAME __dt__12strstreambufFv @24 NONAME fill__3iosFc @25 NONAME skip__3iosFi @26 NONAME seekg__7istreamFlQ2_3ios8seek_dir @27 NONAME seekp__7ostreamFlQ2_3ios8seek_dir @28 NONAME setf__3iosFl @29 NONAME __ct__3iosFv @30 NONAME _getcheused @31 NONAME set_terminate__FPFv_v @32 NONAME __dt__3iosFv @33 NONAME pcount__10ostrstreamFv @34 NONAME pbackfail__8stdiobufFi @35 NONAME __vec__debug__delete2 @36 NONAME _CheckIfMem @37 NONAME _fscanfieee @38 NONAME x_snextc__9streambufFv @39 NONAME _heap_check @40 NONAME close__11fstreambaseFv @41 NONAME _filelength @42 NONAME rdbuf__11stdiostreamFv @43 NONAME _sscanfieee @44 NONAME __vec__new2 @45 NONAME xsgetn__9streambufFPci @46 NONAME _tdump_allocated_delta @47 NONAME dec__FR3ios @48 NONAME setbuf__9streambufFPci @49 NONAME _udump_allocated_delta @50 NONAME _IEEE_DBL_ALL_EXP_MASK @51 NONAME iconv_close @52 NONAME _printfieee @53 NONAME _SemRelease @54 NONAME _beginthread @55 NONAME setbase__Fi @56 NONAME _strtodieee @57 NONAME form__FPCce @58 NONAME __dump_allocated_delta @60 NONAME __CatchMatch @61 NONAME localdtconv @62 NONAME setfill__Fi @63 NONAME set_unexpected__FPFv_v @64 NONAME _LC_INF_STR @65 NONAME _SemRequest @66 NONAME _LC_NAN_STR @67 NONAME underflow__8stdiobufFv @68 NONAME nl_langinfo @69 NONAME _threadstore @70 NONAME _scanf_ansi @71 NONAME _ungetchused @72 NONAME oct__FR3ios @73 NONAME _mb_cur_max @74 NONAME _swscanfieee @75 NONAME _fprintfieee @76 NONAME _PGLOBAL_PTR @77 NONAME _test_handle @78 NONAME hex__FR3ios @79 NONAME __ct__9strstreamFPSciT2 @80 NONAME _debug_tfree @81 NONAME _uheap_walk @82 NONAME _fscanf_ansi @83 NONAME _theap_check @84 NONAME __ct__9strstreamFPUciT2 @85 NONAME _uheap_check @86 NONAME _sprintfieee @87 NONAME _ProfileHookVAOptlink32 @88 NONAME _vprintfieee @89 NONAME _execle_ansi @90 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFPFl_PvPFPv_v @91 NONAME _ctype_mask @92 NONAME __heap_check @93 NONAME _sscanf_ansi @94 NONAME setf__3iosFlT1 @95 NONAME _execl_ansi @96 NONAME _printf_ansi @97 NONAME nextbit__3ios @98 NONAME _PrintErrMsg @99 NONAME __vtt7fstream @100 NONAME __vft7istream @101 NONAME _execlp_ansi @102 NONAME _vfprintfieee @103 NONAME _spawnl_ansi @104 NONAME __vtt7istream @105 NONAME __vft13strstreambase3ios @106 NONAME seekoff__7filebufFlQ2_3ios8seek_diri @107 NONAME _ctype_upper @108 NONAME _ctype_lower @110 NONAME __vft7ostream @111 NONAME _ctype_cmask @112 NONAME __vft7filebuf9streambuf @113 NONAME __vtt7ostream @114 NONAME _DosSelToFlat @115 NONAME _DosFlatToSel @116 NONAME attach__11fstreambaseFi @118 NONAME _vsprintfieee @120 NONAME __theap_check @121 NONAME _j0 @122 NONAME __uheap_check @123 NONAME _j1 @124 NONAME _swprintfieee @125 NONAME __ct__13strstreambaseFv @126 NONAME __dt__13strstreambaseFv @127 NONAME verify__11fstreambaseFi @128 NONAME detach__11fstreambaseFv @129 NONAME _internal_err @130 NONAME _execlpe_ansi @131 NONAME _swscanfansi @132 NONAME _INFINITY_LEN @133 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCci @134 NONAME _spawnle_ansi @135 NONAME _fprintfansi @136 NONAME _spawnlp_ansi @137 NONAME _y0 @138 NONAME flags__3iosFl @139 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCSc @140 NONAME getline__7istreamFPScic @141 NONAME getline__7istreamFPUcic @142 NONAME _y1 @143 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCUc @144 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPSci @145 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPUci @146 NONAME __ct__13Iostream_initFv @147 NONAME __ct__8stdiobufFP6__file @148 NONAME __dt__13Iostream_initFv @149 NONAME _sprintf_ansi @150 NONAME terminate__Fv @151 NONAME __vec__copy @152 NONAME _ProfileHook32 @153 NONAME __vft8stdiobuf9streambuf @154 NONAME _INFINITY_STR @155 NONAME _ProfileHook16 @156 NONAME __ct__11fstreambaseFiPcT1 @157 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCSci @158 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPCUci @159 NONAME iword__3iosFi @160 NONAME nextword__3ios @161 NONAME pword__3iosFi @162 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_7fstream8iostream @163 NONAME __ct__10ostrstreamFPciT2 @164 NONAME __CleanupCatch @165 NONAME WS__FR7istream @166 NONAME ws__FR7istream @167 NONAME pbackfail__9streambufFi @168 NONAME __vec__new__place__som @169 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_7fstream8iostream @170 NONAME __vft13strstreambase3ios_10istrstream @171 NONAME __vft13strstreambase3ios_10ostrstream @173 NONAME __ct__10ostrstreamFPSciT2 @174 NONAME freeze__12strstreambufFi @175 NONAME __ct__10ostrstreamFPUciT2 @176 NONAME __vec__assign @177 NONAME open__11fstreambaseFPCciT2 @178 NONAME setbuf__11fstreambaseFPci @179 NONAME _debug_tcalloc @180 NONAME doallocate__9streambufFv @183 NONAME _debug_tmalloc @184 NONAME __vtt8ifstream @186 NONAME unexpected__Fv @187 NONAME xalloc__3iosFv @188 NONAME __vtt8iostream @189 NONAME pcount__12strstreambufFv @190 NONAME __ct__11fstreambaseFPCciT2 @191 NONAME log @192 NONAME __dl__FP9SOMObjectPCcUi @193 NONAME _debug_heapmin @194 NONAME setbuf__9streambufFPUci @195 NONAME fabs @196 NONAME _vswprintfieee @197 NONAME cin @198 NONAME tan @199 NONAME __vec__delete2 @200 NONAME labs @202 NONAME abs @203 NONAME __vtt8ofstream @204 NONAME _spawnlpe_ansi @205 NONAME rdbuf__13strstreambaseFv @206 NONAME ;;;; _mig_eib_store @207 NONAME sin @208 NONAME xsputn__9streambufFPCci @209 NONAME atan @210 NONAME ceil @211 NONAME unsetf__3iosFl @212 NONAME _jn @213 NONAME __vtt18istream_withassign @214 NONAME cos @215 NONAME div @216 NONAME modf @217 NONAME __vtt18ostream_withassign @218 NONAME ldiv @220 NONAME exp @221 NONAME init__12strstreambufFPciT1 @222 NONAME __vft13strstreambase3ios_9strstream @223 NONAME sync_with_stdio__3iosFv @224 NONAME _swprintfansi @225 NONAME __nw__FP8SOMClassUiPCcT2 @226 NONAME __tdump_allocated_delta @227 NONAME acos @228 NONAME rand @229 NONAME __udump_allocated_delta @231 NONAME tanh @232 NONAME asin @233 NONAME setbuf__9streambufFPciT2 @234 NONAME _yn @235 NONAME pow @236 NONAME clog @237 NONAME time @238 NONAME underflow__9streambufFv @239 NONAME cerr @240 NONAME fmod @241 NONAME log10 @242 NONAME sinh @243 NONAME getc @244 NONAME exit @245 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFPciT1 @246 NONAME atan2 @247 NONAME atof @248 NONAME atoi @249 NONAME gets @250 NONAME atol @251 NONAME cosh @252 NONAME _erf @253 NONAME _IEEE_LDBL_SIGN_NEG_MASK @254 NONAME cout @255 NONAME ;;;; _EXE_Exception @256 NONAME _dup @257 NONAME sqrt @258 NONAME scanf @259 NONAME putc @260 NONAME puts @261 NONAME _ProfileThrow32 @263 NONAME _cabs @264 NONAME ldexp @266 NONAME srand @268 NONAME raise @269 NONAME _IEEE_DBL_SIGN_NEG_MASK @270 NONAME mblen @272 NONAME _ecvt @274 NONAME set_new_handler__FPFv_v @275 NONAME _dup2 @276 NONAME _fcvt @277 NONAME _gcvt @278 NONAME frexp @279 NONAME ctime @280 NONAME _read @281 NONAME stdin @282 NONAME abort @283 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_9strstream8iostream @284 NONAME clock @285 NONAME iconv @286 NONAME _wait @287 NONAME inf_special_in__7istreamFP9streambuf @288 NONAME _tell @289 NONAME getwc @290 NONAME __ct__7istreamFP9streambufiP7ostream @291 NONAME floor @292 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_9strstream8iostream @294 NONAME wctob @295 NONAME _erfc @296 NONAME nan_special_in__7istreamFP9streambuf @297 NONAME __fac @298 NONAME _csid @299 NONAME overflow__12strstreambufFi @300 NONAME __eof @301 NONAME __ct__7istreamFP9streambuf @302 NONAME __ct__7ostreamFP9streambuf @303 NONAME wchar_out__7ostreamFiPcT1 @304 NONAME _itoa @306 NONAME _IEEE_LDBL_ALL_EXP_MASK @307 NONAME _open @308 NONAME _ltoa @309 NONAME qsort @310 NONAME __as__18istream_withassignFR7istream @312 NONAME putwc @313 NONAME get__7istreamFR9streambufc @314 NONAME _exit @315 NONAME _swab @316 NONAME seekoff__9streambufFlQ2_3ios8seek_diri @317 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFP9streambuf @318 NONAME __vtt19iostream_withassign @319 NONAME __as__18ostream_withassignFR7ostream @320 NONAME _stat @321 NONAME __as__3iosFR3ios @322 NONAME __ct__3iosFR3ios @323 NONAME __ct__7filebufFi @324 NONAME __rs__7istreamFP9streambuf @325 NONAME __ct__7filebufFv @326 NONAME __dt__7filebufFv @327 NONAME sync__7filebufFv @328 NONAME _ProfileUnwind32 @329 NONAME seekoff__8stdiobufFlQ2_3ios8seek_diri @330 NONAME uresize__3iosFi @331 NONAME ;;;; _ilog2 @332 NONAME bitalloc__3iosFv @333 NONAME setbuf__12strstreambufFPci @334 NONAME __ct__7fstreamFi @335 NONAME __ct__7ostreamFi @336 NONAME _gamma @337 NONAME __ct__7fstreamFv @338 NONAME __ct__7istreamFv @339 NONAME __dt__7fstreamFv @340 NONAME __ct__7ostreamFv @341 NONAME __dt__7istreamFv @342 NONAME __dt__7ostreamFv @344 NONAME _set_mt_terminate__FPFv_v @345 NONAME fscanf @347 NONAME __vtt10istrstream @348 NONAME __ct__13strstreambaseFPciT1 @349 NONAME __vtt10ostrstream @350 NONAME _getch @352 NONAME sscanf @353 NONAME signal @355 NONAME _chmod @356 NONAME _dump_allocated @357 NONAME __vft9streambuf @358 NONAME _debug_trealloc @359 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFd @360 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFf @361 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFi @362 NONAME _lfind @363 NONAME ungetc @364 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFl @365 NONAME ls_complicated__7ostreamFc @366 NONAME rename @367 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFr @368 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFw @371 NONAME _kbhit @372 NONAME cclass @373 NONAME _wcsid @374 NONAME _chdir @375 NONAME _tfree @376 NONAME remove @377 NONAME memchr @378 NONAME get__7istreamFRw @379 NONAME _close @380 NONAME memcmp @381 NONAME atexit @382 NONAME xget__7istreamFPc @383 NONAME endl__FR7ostream @384 NONAME _mheap @385 NONAME _cgets @386 NONAME _MemoryFileUsed @387 NONAME _debug_theapmin @388 NONAME ends__FR7ostream @389 NONAME printf @390 NONAME _debug_uheapmin @391 NONAME mbrlen @392 NONAME memset @393 NONAME stderr @394 NONAME wctomb @395 NONAME mbtowc @396 NONAME __nw__FP8SOMClassUiPCcT2Pv @397 NONAME adjustfield__3ios @398 NONAME _Flush @399 NONAME wcstod @400 NONAME gmtime @401 NONAME _atold @402 NONAME mktime @403 NONAME memcpy @404 NONAME __vft7fstream3ios @405 NONAME setbuf @406 NONAME stdout @407 NONAME wcslen @408 NONAME ;; tmpnam @409 NONAME rewind @410 NONAME wctype @411 NONAME wcscat @412 NONAME _mkdir @413 NONAME _ultoa @415 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_19iostream_withassign8iostream @416 NONAME _ftime @417 NONAME wcschr @418 NONAME __dt__8stdiobufFv @419 NONAME wcscmp @420 NONAME wcstok @421 NONAME _creat @422 NONAME wcstol @423 NONAME __vft7istream3ios @424 NONAME _ctype @425 NONAME wcswcs @426 NONAME getenv @427 NONAME perror @428 NONAME wcsspn @429 NONAME sync__8stdiobufFv @431 NONAME setjmp @432 NONAME _Fmprs @433 NONAME _lseek @434 NONAME _Fnprs @436 NONAME strtod @437 NONAME _rmdir @438 NONAME _errno @439 NONAME _umask @440 NONAME _execl @441 NONAME _cputs @442 NONAME _sopen @443 NONAME _fstat @444 NONAME strlen @445 NONAME wcsstr @446 NONAME wcscpy @448 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_19iostream_withassign8iostream @449 NONAME strcat @450 NONAME _msize @451 NONAME _rmtmp @452 NONAME _uopen @453 NONAME setiosflags__Fl @454 NONAME _putch @455 NONAME strchr @456 NONAME strcmp @457 NONAME strtok @458 NONAME stdstatus__13Iostream_init @459 NONAME _cwait @460 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios @461 NONAME strtol @462 NONAME _utime @463 NONAME __ct__8ifstreamFi @464 NONAME dbp__9streambufFv @465 NONAME _write @466 NONAME _upool @467 NONAME strspn @468 NONAME __ct__8ofstreamFi @469 NONAME strset @470 NONAME system @471 NONAME _execv @473 NONAME strrev @474 NONAME initcount__13Iostream_init @475 NONAME floatfield__3ios @476 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFPSciT1 @477 NONAME strupr @479 NONAME __ct__8ifstreamFv @480 NONAME _set_mt_unexpected__FPFv_v @481 NONAME basefield__3ios @482 NONAME strlwr @483 NONAME strstr @484 NONAME __ct__8ofstreamFv @485 NONAME strcpy @486 NONAME __dt__8ifstreamFv @487 NONAME __ct__12strstreambufFPUciT1 @488 NONAME __dt__8ofstreamFv @489 NONAME __vtt9strstream @490 NONAME __ct__8iostreamFv @491 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_18istream_withassign @492 NONAME __dt__8iostreamFv @493 NONAME __get_frame_ptr @494 NONAME _hypot @495 NONAME stdioflush__3ios @496 NONAME setprecision__Fi @497 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFUi @498 NONAME __setup_embedded @499 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFUl @500 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_8ifstream @501 NONAME __rs__7istreamFPc @502 NONAME _tzset @503 NONAME _critlib_except @504 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRd @505 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRf @506 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_18ostream_withassign @507 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_8iostream @508 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRi @509 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRl @510 NONAME __vft11fstreambase @511 NONAME __EDCThunkProlog @512 NONAME _is_fd_open__Fi @513 NONAME _ipmd_heap_check @514 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRr @515 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRs @516 NONAME __vtt11fstreambase @517 NONAME __rs__7istreamFPw @518 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRw @519 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_8ofstream @520 NONAME _tdump_allocated @521 NONAME __set_frame_ptr @522 NONAME _udump_allocated @523 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_8iostream @524 NONAME _LC_INFINITY_STR @525 NONAME _ctype_upperidx @526 NONAME _ctype_loweridx @527 NONAME __dump_allocated @528 NONAME __Invoke__Delete @529 NONAME __ct__8iostreamFP9streambuf @530 NONAME read__7istreamFPci @531 NONAME __ct__7istreamFiT1P7ostream @532 NONAME __EDC3216 @533 NONAME _ctype_ctypeidx @534 NONAME __deleteSomObject @535 NONAME __vft8ifstream3ios @536 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPFR3ios_R3ios @537 NONAME __vft8iostream3ios @538 NONAME _callback_opt_sys @539 NONAME __as__18istream_withassignFP9streambuf @540 NONAME __as__18ostream_withassignFP9streambuf @541 NONAME openprot__7filebuf @542 NONAME str__9strstreamFv @543 NONAME flush__FR7ostream @544 NONAME __rs__7istreamFPFR3ios_R3ios @545 NONAME __vft8ofstream3ios @546 NONAME close__7filebufFv @547 NONAME seekg__7istreamFl @548 NONAME __ct__11stdiostreamFP6__file @549 NONAME _clear87 @550 NONAME seekp__7ostreamFl @551 NONAME __ct__7ostreamFiPc @552 NONAME complicated_put__7ostreamFc @553 NONAME __vft12strstreambuf9streambuf @554 NONAME precision__3iosFi @555 NONAME resetiosflags__Fl @556 NONAME __tdump_allocated @557 NONAME __vft8iostream3ios_7fstream @558 NONAME tellg__7istreamFv @559 NONAME __udump_allocated @560 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPCc @561 NONAME get__7istreamFPcic @562 NONAME __ct__9streambufFv @563 NONAME __ct__9strstreamFv @564 NONAME __dt__9streambufFv @565 NONAME __dt__9strstreamFv @566 NONAME tellp__7ostreamFv @567 NONAME sync__9streambufFv @568 NONAME get_complicated__7istreamFRc @569 NONAME doallocate__12strstreambufFv @570 NONAME __rs__7istreamFPSc @571 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPCv @572 NONAME __rs__7istreamFPUc @573 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPCw @574 NONAME flush__7ostreamFv @575 NONAME __vec__new__som @576 NONAME __vft18istream_withassign3ios @577 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRUi @578 NONAME __vft18ostream_withassign3ios @579 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRUl @580 NONAME __ct__18istream_withassignFv @581 NONAME __dt__18istream_withassignFv @582 NONAME isalpha @584 NONAME __ct__18ostream_withassignFv @585 NONAME __rs__7istreamFRUs @586 NONAME __dt__18ostream_withassignFv @587 NONAME regexec @588 NONAME regfree @589 NONAME _ddused @590 NONAME _eh_add @591 NONAME _getche @592 NONAME asctime @593 NONAME __vec__copy__som @594 NONAME bsearch @595 NONAME __compute_embedded @596 NONAME _getpid @597 NONAME isblank @598 NONAME _getcwd @599 NONAME rs_complicated__7istreamFRc @600 NONAME __dl__FP9SOMObject @601 NONAME __ct__19iostream_withassignFv @602 NONAME detach__7filebufFv @603 NONAME attach__7filebufFi @604 NONAME get_complicated__7istreamFRSc @606 NONAME isgraph @607 NONAME __dt__19iostream_withassignFv @608 NONAME get_complicated__7istreamFRUc @609 NONAME _eh_del @610 NONAME ls_complicated__7ostreamFSc @611 NONAME ls_complicated__7ostreamFUc @613 NONAME ungetwc @614 NONAME isspace @615 NONAME _chsize @616 NONAME wcrtomb @617 NONAME memmove @618 NONAME __vec__new__place @619 NONAME gcount__7istreamFv @620 NONAME regcomp @621 NONAME _uclose @622 NONAME isalnum @623 NONAME _access @624 NONAME tmpfile @625 NONAME _IEEE_DBL_INF_MASK @626 NONAME _cscanf @627 NONAME iscntrl @628 NONAME mbrtowc @629 NONAME memicmp @631 NONAME isdigit @632 NONAME seekoff__12strstreambufFlQ2_3ios8seek_diri @633 NONAME catopen @634 NONAME _heapchk @635 NONAME _fileno @636 NONAME getchar @637 NONAME _MAKE_DBL_POSITIVE @638 NONAME __vft19iostream_withassign3ios @639 NONAME _uaddmem @640 NONAME dec__Fli @641 NONAME _execle @642 NONAME _osmode @643 NONAME setvbuf @644 NONAME getwchar @645 NONAME difftime @646 NONAME wcscoll @648 NONAME _uflush @649 NONAME wcspbrk @650 NONAME strtold @651 NONAME _FreeFCB @653 NONAME wcsncat @654 NONAME __vft8iostream3ios_9strstream @655 NONAME maxcoll @656 NONAME _heapset @657 NONAME _NAN_LEN @658 NONAME _tempnam @659 NONAME _heapmin @660 NONAME wcwidth @661 NONAME longjmp @662 NONAME _InitFCB @663 NONAME wcsrchr @664 NONAME wcsncmp @665 NONAME clearerr @666 NONAME sprintf @667 NONAME _execve @668 NONAME islower @669 NONAME vprintf @670 NONAME _setmode @671 NONAME mbsinit @672 NONAME catgets @673 NONAME tolower @674 NONAME wcsxfrm @675 NONAME memccpy @676 NONAME __goscan @677 NONAME strcmpi @678 NONAME wcscspn @679 NONAME _unlink @680 NONAME __as__19iostream_withassignFP9streambuf @681 NONAME underflow__12strstreambufFv @682 NONAME _matherr @683 NONAME strcoll @684 NONAME wcstoul @685 NONAME strpbrk @686 NONAME putchar @687 NONAME ispunct @688 NONAME __CurrentException @689 NONAME wcstombs @690 NONAME strncat @691 NONAME __vft7istream3ios_10istrstream @692 NONAME _getdcwd @693 NONAME stricmp @694 NONAME _tzname @695 NONAME iswspace @696 NONAME _tcalloc @697 NONAME putwchar @698 NONAME regerror @699 NONAME _execlp @700 NONAME _fltused @701 NONAME strrchr @702 NONAME strncmp @703 NONAME _ucreate @705 NONAME _spawnl @706 NONAME __getche @707 NONAME strfmon @708 NONAME mbstowcs @709 NONAME _lsearch @710 NONAME strxfrm @711 NONAME isupper @712 NONAME isprint @713 NONAME _fpreset @714 NONAME _INF_LEN @715 NONAME strcspn @716 NONAME _assert @717 NONAME toupper @718 NONAME _onexit @719 NONAME _ungetch @720 NONAME _rpmatch @721 NONAME _fpninit @722 NONAME _chdrive @723 NONAME strtoul @724 NONAME strnset @725 NONAME wcsncpy @726 NONAME __wDestructSOMBase @727 NONAME wcsftime @728 NONAME __cputs @729 NONAME _execvp @730 NONAME catclose @731 NONAME _loadmod @732 NONAME __vft7ostream3ios_10ostrstream @733 NONAME rs_complicated__7istreamFRSc @734 NONAME iswdigit @735 NONAME _freemod @736 NONAME oct__Fli @737 NONAME strnicmp @738 NONAME isxdigit @739 NONAME iswblank @740 NONAME iswalpha @741 NONAME rs_complicated__7istreamFRUc @742 NONAME wcswidth @743 NONAME iswpunct @744 NONAME _environ @745 NONAME _InitBuf @746 NONAME _tmalloc @747 NONAME _makepath @748 NONAME _spawnv @750 NONAME hex__Fli @752 NONAME iswupper @753 NONAME strftime @754 NONAME _ustats @756 NONAME _NAN_STR @757 NONAME towupper @758 NONAME _putenv @759 NONAME _cprintf @760 NONAME iswgraph @761 NONAME strptime @762 NONAME _execlpe @763 NONAME _osmajor @764 NONAME _daylight @765 NONAME iswlower @766 NONAME _spawnle @767 NONAME __dofmto @768 NONAME _isatty @769 NONAME towlower @770 NONAME _spawnlp @771 NONAME setw__Fi @772 NONAME _exception_dllinit @773 NONAME chr__FiT1 @774 NONAME _fgetchar @775 NONAME _strdate @776 NONAME setlocale @777 NONAME iswprint @778 NONAME _osminor @779 NONAME _strtime @780 NONAME localtime @781 NONAME getsyntx @782 NONAME _execvpe @783 NONAME vsprintf @784 NONAME _flushall @785 NONAME strerror @786 NONAME _getdrive @787 NONAME _uheapchk @788 NONAME _INF_STR @789 NONAME __SOMEnv @790 NONAME collrange @791 NONAME __Throw @792 NONAME _atofieee @793 NONAME iswalnum @794 NONAME _reg_heap @795 NONAME collorder @796 NONAME iswcntrl @797 NONAME __vft3ios @798 NONAME _spawnve @799 NONAME iswctype @800 NONAME _spawnvp @801 NONAME _floatfmt @802 NONAME getmccoll @803 NONAME _fputchar @804 NONAME _fullpath @805 NONAME _setupenv @806 NONAME str__10ostrstreamFv @807 NONAME _theapmin @808 NONAME _udefault @809 NONAME _uheapmin @810 NONAME _set_mt_new_handler__FPFv_v @811 NONAME ccsidtocs @812 NONAME _infinity @813 NONAME _fposinfi @814 NONAME cstoccsid @815 NONAME __vft13strstreambase @816 NONAME iswxdigit @817 NONAME _status87 @818 NONAME _trealloc @819 NONAME __vtt13strstreambase @820 NONAME _CRT_term @821 NONAME _dposqnan @822 NONAME wcsrtombs @823 NONAME collequiv @824 NONAME _fposqnan @825 NONAME _uheapset @826 NONAME strtocoll @827 NONAME colltostr @828 NONAME _timezone @829 NONAME __vft10istrstream3ios @830 NONAME _spawnlpe @831 NONAME __vft10ostrstream3ios @832 NONAME _CRT_init @833 NONAME open__7filebufFPCciT2 @834 NONAME _udestroy @835 NONAME overflow__7filebufFi @836 NONAME __vft8iostream3ios_19iostream_withassign @837 NONAME _fullDump @838 NONAME __ct__7filebufFiPcT1 @840 NONAME mbsrtowcs @841 NONAME vswprintf @842 NONAME _spawnvpe @843 NONAME putback__7istreamFc @844 NONAME get__7istreamFPScic @845 NONAME get__7istreamFPUcic @846 NONAME __ungetch @847 NONAME _strerror @848 NONAME _control87 @849 NONAME str__12strstreambufFv @851 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPCSc @852 NONAME __ReThrow @853 NONAME tie__3iosFP7ostream @854 NONAME __ls__7ostreamFPCUc @855 NONAME __vft11fstreambase3ios @856 NONAME __ct__9streambufFPci @857 NONAME open__7fstreamFPCciT2 @858 NONAME __ct__7fstreamFiPcT1 @859 NONAME __ct__7istreamFiPcT1 @860 NONAME last_op__7filebufFv @861 NONAME localeconv @862 NONAME __vft11stdiostream3ios @863 NONAME __dt__10istrstreamFv @864 NONAME _scanfieee @865 NONAME __ct__10ostrstreamFv @866 NONAME eatwhite__7istreamFv @867 NONAME __dt__10ostrstreamFv @868 NONAME _fcloseall @869 NONAME __ct__7fstreamFPCciT2 @870 NONAME getwmccoll @871 NONAME __ct__11fstreambaseFi @872 NONAME __ct__8ifstreamFiPcT1 @873 NONAME __ct__8ofstreamFiPcT1 @874 NONAME __vft11fstreambase3ios_7fstream @875 NONAME __vft11fstreambase3ios_8ifstream @876 NONAME __ct__11fstreambaseFv @877 NONAME _ldposinfi @878 NONAME __dt__11fstreambaseFv @879 NONAME __vft11fstreambase3ios_8ofstream @880 NONAME _searchenv @881 NONAME overflow__8stdiobufFi @882 NONAME do_ipfx__7istreamFi @883 NONAME ismccollel @884 NONAME _terminate @885 NONAME _endthread @886 NONAME _GetErrMsg @887 NONAME __threadid @888 NONAME __dt__11stdiostreamFv @889 NONAME _ldposqnan @890 NONAME _set_crt_msg_handle @891 NONAME _fopenused @892 NONAME __ct__10istrstreamFPc @893 NONAME eatwhite__FR7istream @894 NONAME ignore__7istreamFiT1 @895 NONAME iconv_open @896 NONAME __nw__FP8SOMClassUi @897 NONAME __doserrno @898 NONAME _heap_walk @899 NONAME _LHUGE_VAL @900 NONAME setbuf__7filebufFPci @901 NONAME str__FPCci @902 NONAME _cputsused @903 NONAME __PureVirtualCalled @904 NONAME __cppstore @905 NONAME ;;;; _Lib_excpt @906 NONAME _splitpath @907 NONAME __vft9strstream3ios @908 NONAME open__8ifstreamFPCciT2 @909 NONAME do_opfx__7ostreamFv @910 NONAME open__8ofstreamFPCciT2 @911 NONAME _MAKE_LDBL_POSITIVE @912 NONAME do_osfx__7ostreamFv @913 NONAME _Exception @914 NONAME ;SvL: These shouldn't be here. Must be local for each dll or exe or ; else static/global objects don't get initialized ; __ctordtorInit @915 ; __ctordtorTerm @916 _Exception_CPP @917 NONAME ; __ctdtused @918 ;VAC 3.6.5 additions _SemClose @1000 NONAME _SemCreate @1001 NONAME _SysGetStdHandle @1002 NONAME _debug_memcpy @1003 NONAME __stackprobe1 @1004 NONAME __stackprobe2 @1005 NONAME _debug_strcat @1006 NONAME _debug_strdup @1007 NONAME _debug_strcpy @1008 NONAME _debug_memset @1009 NONAME _debug_memmove @1010 NONAME _debug_strncpy @1011 NONAME __time @1012 NONAME __stat @1013 NONAME _pfmemcpy @1014 NONAME _debug_strncat @1015 NONAME _toupptbl @1016 NONAME _tolowtbl @1017 NONAME _abort_in_progress @1018 NONAME _pfmemmove @1019 NONAME __localtime @1020 NONAME __gmtime @1021 NONAME __mktime @1022 NONAME _runtime_heap @1023 NONAME __run_exit_list @1024 NONAME _run_exit_list @1025 NONAME __ftime @1026 NONAME __modi64 @1027 NONAME __modu64 @1028 NONAME __multi64 @1029 NONAME __u64toflt @1030 NONAME __divi64 @1031 NONAME __divu64 @1032 NONAME _DosDeleteCriticalSection@4 @1200 NONAME _DosEnterCriticalSection@8 @1201 NONAME _DosInitializeCriticalSection@12 @1202 NONAME _DosAccessCriticalSection@8 @1203 NONAME _DosLeaveCriticalSection@4 @1204 NONAME _DosInterlockedCompareExchange@12 @1205 NONAME _DosInterlockedDecrement@4 @1206 NONAME _DosInterlockedExchange@8 @1207 NONAME _DosInterlockedExchangeAdd@8 @1208 NONAME _DosInterlockedIncrement@4 @1209 NONAME _DosValidateCriticalSection@4 @1210 NONAME _DosQueryModuleHandleStrict@8 @2000 NONAME