-- Talkback object definition -- Written by Moritz Hoffmann 2006, part of the orx-irc project -- Released under the BSD license -- The purpose of this class is to provide a way to talk to the IRC server. -- this is the super class for all TakBack classes ::CLASS ClientTB PUBLIC ::METHOD Init expose client NumHandler use arg client, NumHandler -- raise some error when client~class \= .irc ... return self ::METHOD Join expose client parse arg channelname if (channelname~right(1)~verify(client~Settings~IsSupport~ChanTypes) = 0) channelname~length <= client~Settings~IsSupport~ChannelLen then do client~writeln("JOIN" channelname) return .true end else return .false ::METHOD Part expose client parse arg channelname if client~GetReceiverObject(channelname)~class = .channel then do client~writeln("PART" channelname) return .true end else return .false ::METHOD IsOn expose NumHandler return NumHandler~IsOn(arg(1)) ::METHOD Time expose NumHandler return NumHandler~Time(arg(1))