Summary: Font configuration and customization library Name: fontconfig-legacy Version: 2.11.94 Release: 1%{?dist} # src/ftglue.[ch] is in Public Domain # src/fccache.c contains Public Domain code # fc-case/CaseFolding.txt is in the UCD # otherwise MIT License: MIT and Public Domain and UCD Group: System Environment/Libraries #Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 URL: %define svn_url %define svn_rev 1188 Source: %{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip BuildRequires: gcc make subversion zip BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.5.3 BuildRequires: kbuild Requires(pre): freetype # fontconfig-legacy used to be fontconfig before 2.11.94 (fontconfig is now a different # package containing the complete upstream version with a differnt DLL name). Obsoletes: fontconfig < 2.11.94 %description Fontconfig is designed to locate fonts within the system and select them according to requirements specified by applications. %package devel Summary: Font configuration and customization library Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: freetype-devel >= 2.5.3 Requires: pkgconfig Obsoletes: fontconfig-devel < 2.11.94 %description devel The fontconfig-devel package includes the header files, and developer docs for the fontconfig package. Install fontconfig-devel if you want to develop programs which will use fontconfig. %debug_package %prep %if %(sh -c 'if test -f "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip" ; then echo 1 ; else echo 0 ; fi') %setup -q %else %setup -n "%{name}-%{version}" -Tc svn export -r %{svn_rev} %{svn_url} . --force rm -f "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip" (cd .. && zip -SrX9 "%{_sourcedir}/%{name}-%{version}-r%{svn_rev}.zip" "%{name}-%{version}") %endif %define kmk_env \ KMK_FLAGS="\ KBUILD_VERBOSE=2 \ BUILD_TYPE=release \ INST_PREFIX=%{_prefix}" %build %{kmk_env} cmd /c kmk $KMK_FLAGS %install %{kmk_env} rm -rf "%{buildroot}" cmd /c kmk $KMK_FLAGS DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" install %clean rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %files %defattr(-,root,root) #%doc README AUTHORS COPYING %{_libdir}/fntcfg2.dll %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/fontconfig*.lib %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/* %{_includedir}/fontconfig %changelog * Mon Dec 14 2015 Dmitriy Kuminov - 2.11.94-1 - Import version 2.11.94 and add many new exports. - Complete support for many APIs (FcPattern*, FcStr*, FcLang*) which makes this version much closer to original fontconfig. - Hard-code substitution of WarpSans with Workplace Sans. - Makefiles cleanup. - Rename package from fontconfig to fontconfig-legacy due to the OS/2 release of the full version of the original fontconfig library. * Wed Oct 28 2014 Silvan Scherrer - 2.8.0-2 - build with svn source now * Mon Oct 6 2014 Silvan Scherrer - 2.8.0-1 - first public version