Name: hunspell-it Summary: Italian hunspell dictionaries %global upstreamid 20070901 Version: 2.4 Release: 0.1%{upstreamid}%{?dist} Source: URL: License: GPLv3+ BuildArch: noarch Requires: hunspell Supplements: (hunspell and langpacks-it) #dic contains free-form text inside the .dic, i.e. "error: line 3: bad flagvector" # Patch0: hunspell-it-sf2994177.cleandic.patch %description Italian hunspell dictionaries. %prep %setup -q -c -n hunspell-it %patch0 -p0 -b .cleandic %build chmod -x * %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell cp -p *.dic *.aff $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell #pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell/ cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/myspell/ it_IT_aliases="it_CH" for lang in $it_IT_aliases; do ln -s it_IT.aff $lang.aff ln -s it_IT.dic $lang.dic done %files %doc it_IT_README.txt it_IT_COPYING it_IT_AUTHORS it_IT_license.txt it_IT_notes.txt %{_datadir}/myspell/* %changelog * Tue Apr 18 2017 Elbert Pol - 2.4-0.01.20070901 - First Os2 Rpm build