/* WPI4RPM */ ScriptVer = '' /* Synopsis: Add or remove fake WarpIN packages to the WarpIN database in order to make sure RPM/YUM/ANPM installed packages keep dependent WPI packages happy. Author: Herwig Bauernfeind Version: - 2018-08-20 (Silvan Scherrer) - adjust the app not found message in the DEL routine Version: - 2018-08-19 (Herwig Bauernfeind) - Delete all WarpIN packages of a given vendor/app/package combination (c) 2017-2018 Herwig Bauernfeind for bww bitwise works GmbH. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs signal on error name errorhandler signal on syntax name errorhandler verbose = (value("VERBOSE",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") <> "") arguments = arg(1) anr = words(arguments) if anr = 0 then arguments = 'HELP' Mode = strip(word(arguments,1)) if words(Mode) > 1 then do say "ERROR: wpi4rpm: Parameter parsing error. Aborting..." exit -1 end Mode = translate(mode) if Mode = "ADD" | Mode = "DEL" | Mode = "CHK" then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: Mode = "'Mode'"' if words(arguments) = 2 then arguments = arguments' 99.99.99-99' cversion = word(arguments,words(arguments)) pRApp = substr(arguments,length(mode)+2,length(arguments)-(length(mode)+1)-(length(cversion)+1)) parse var cversion RMV'.'RLV'.'RBL'-'RRV'.' . RMV = strip(RMV) RLV = strip(RLV) RBL = strip(RBL) RRV = strip(RRV) if datatype(RMV) <> "NUM" then RMV = 99 if datatype(RLV) <> "NUM" then RLV = 99 if datatype(RBL) <> "NUM" then RBL = 99 if datatype(RRV) <> "NUM" then RRV = 99 if pos('/',pRApp) = 0 then do RApp = strip(pRApp) RVendor = "wpi4rpm" /* We do not add the true vendor on purpose */ RPackage = "wpi4rpm" /* We do not add the true packages on purpose */ end else do parse var pRApp RVendor '/' pRApp if pos('/',pRApp) = 0 then do RApp = pRApp RPackage = "wpi4rpm" /* We do not add the true packages on purpose */ end else do parse var pRApp RApp '/' RPackage end end end else do say 'WPI4RPM Version 'ScriptVer' (c) 2017-2019 Herwig Bauernfeind for bww bitwise works GmbH.' say say ' Adds dummy, removes or checks for WPI packages in WarpIN database.' say say ' wpi4rpm ADD "Vendor/App/Package" x.x.x-x' say ' wpi4rpm DEL "Vendor/App/Package" x.x.x-x' say ' wpi4rpm CHK "Vendor/App/Package" [x.x.x-x]' say ' wpi4rpm HELP | /? | /H | /HELP | -H | --HELP' say say ' Commands are not case sensitive.' say say ' Vendor and Package are optional and get a fixed value of wpi4rpm if omitted.' say ' x.x.x-x is the rpm version number' say say ' Note: In case more than 1 DATAS_?.INI file is found, the first one will be' say ' used and a warning thrown.' exit 0 end WarpINPath = '' DatBas = '' WarpINPath = strip(SysIni("USER","WarpIN","Path"),,'00'x) ok = SysFileTree(WarpINPath"\DATBAS*",WarpINbas.,"FO") select when WarpINbas.0 = 0 then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: WarpINPath = "'WarpINPath'"' say "ERROR: wpi4rpm: No WarpIN database found." exit -2 end when WarpINbas.0 > 1 then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: WarpINPath = "'WarpINPath'"' say "ERROR: wpi4rpm: Warning: "WarpINbas.0" WarpIN databases found. Using "WarpINbas.1 DatBas = WarpINbas.1 end otherwise DatBas = WarpINbas.1 end ok = SysIni(DatBas,"ALL:",WarpINApps.) if datatype(WarpINApps.0) <> "NUM" then do if verbose then say 'ERROR: wpi4rpm: Could not open WarpIN database "'datbas'".' say 'ERROR: wpi4rpm: Please, close WarpIN and reinstall "'RApp'" again.' exit -3 end AppString = RVendor'\'RApp'\'RPackage'\'RMV'\'RLV'\'RBL'\'RRV select when Mode = "ADD" then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'Datbas'" will be used.' InstTime = time() InstDate = date('S') ihh = right('0'||d2x(left(InstTime,2)),2) imm = right('0'||d2x(substr(InstTime,4,2)),2) iss = right('0'||d2x(substr(InstTime,7,2)),2) iyyyy = right('0'||d2x(left(InstDate,4)),4) iyyyy = right(iyyyy,2)||left(iyyyy,2) imt = right('0'||d2x(substr(InstDate,5,2)),2) idd = right('0'||d2x(substr(InstDate,7,2)),2) istr = ihh||imm||iss||'00'||idd||imt||iyyyy||'FFFF0300' dyn = "idt = '"istr"'x" interpret dyn ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "Description", "This package was installed using RPM/YUM technology. This is a dummy entry."||"00"x) ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "Files", "rpmdummy"||"00"x||"00000000"x||"00000000"x||"00000000"x||"00"x) ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "InstalledUsing", ""||"00"x) ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "InstallDateTime", idt) ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "TargetPath", "DEV\NULL"||"00"x) ok = SysIni(DatBas, AppString, "WIPackHeader",copies("00"x,16)||"Pck001"||copies("00"x,26)) if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'Appstring'" added.' exit ok end when mode = "DEL" then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'Datbas'" will be used.' AppRemoved = 0 do I = 1 to WarpINApps.0 parse var WarpINApps.I WVendor '\' WApp '\' WPackage '\' WMV '\' WLV '\' WBL '\' WRV if pos(WVendor'\'WApp'\'WPackage'\', AppString) = 1 then do ok = SysIni(DatBas, WarpINApps.I, "DELETE:") AppRemoved = 1 if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'WarpINApps.I'" removed.' end end if (WarpINApps.0 = 0 & AppRemoved = 0) then do if verbose then say 'ERROR: wpi4rpm: "'AppString'" not found.' exit -4 end end when mode = "CHK" then do if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'Datbas'" will be used.' AppFound = 0 do I = 1 to WarpINApps.0 parse var WarpINApps.I WVendor '\' WApp '\' WPackage '\' WMV '\' WLV '\' WBL '\' WRV if pos(WApp'\', AppString) > 0 then do if RMV'\'RLV'\'RBL'\'RRV = '99\99\99\99' then Appfound = 1 else if pos(WMV'\'WLV'\'WBL'\'WRV, AppString) > 0 then Appfound = 1 if verbose then say 'INFO: wpi4rpm: "'WarpINApps.I'" found.' end if Appfound = 1 then leave end exit AppFound end otherwise do say "ERROR: wpi4rpm: Unknown command invoked. Run wpi4rpm help to learn about usage." end end exit 0 errorhandler: say "ERROR: wpi4rpm: An error occured in line "sigl" "left(strip(sourceline(sigl)),40)'...' exit 255