dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(configure.in) # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # require autoconf 2.54 AC_PREREQ(2.54) # Before making a release, the LT_VERSION string should be modified. # The string is of the form C:R:A. # - If interfaces have been changed or added, but binary compatibility has # been preserved, change to C+1:0:A+1 # - If binary compatibility has been broken (eg removed or changed interfaces) # change to C+1:0:0 # - If the interface is the same as the previous version, change to C:R+1:A LT_VERSION=1:0:1 AC_SUBST(LT_VERSION) ORBIT_MAJOR_VERSION=2 ORBIT_MINOR_VERSION=14 ORBIT_MICRO_VERSION=0 ORBIT_VERSION=$ORBIT_MAJOR_VERSION.$ORBIT_MINOR_VERSION.$ORBIT_MICRO_VERSION AC_SUBST(ORBIT_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_MINOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_MICRO_VERSION) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_VERSION) # Increment this every time a feature is added in the .idl compiler # that needs help from the main libraries. ORBIT_SERIAL=20 AC_SUBST(ORBIT_SERIAL) # For automake. AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl Initialize automake stuff AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(ORBit2, $ORBIT_VERSION, no-define) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Win32]) case "$host" in *-*-mingw*) os_win32=yes LIBM= MINGW_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc" ;; *) os_win32=no LIBM=-lm MINGW_LDFLAGS= ;; esac AC_MSG_RESULT([$os_win32]) AM_CONDITIONAL(OS_WIN32, [test "$os_win32" = "yes"]) AC_SUBST(LIBM) AC_SUBST(MINGW_LDFLAGS) LDFLAGS="$MINGW_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS" if test "$os_win32" = "yes"; then if test x$enable_static = xyes -o x$enable_static = x; then AC_MSG_WARN([Disabling static library build, must build as DLL on Windows.]) enable_static=no fi if test x$enable_shared = xno; then AC_MSG_WARN([Enabling shared library build, must build as DLL on Windows.]) fi enable_shared=yes fi dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AM_PROG_LIBTOOL AM_MAINTAINER_MODE dnl Useful for automating stuff AC_CACHE_CHECK([for aclocal flags], ac_cv_orbit_aclocal_flags,[ ac_cv_orbit_aclocal_flags="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS" ]) ACLOCAL="$ACLOCAL $ac_cv_orbit_aclocal_flags" AC_ARG_ENABLE(http, [--enable-http enables http connections],, enable_http=no) AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_HTTP, test x"$enable_http" = xyes) if test x"$enable_http" = xyes ; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_HTTP, 1, [Define if HTTP connections are available]) fi dnl --enable-compile-warnings AC_ARG_ENABLE(compile-warnings, [ --enable-compile-warnings=[no/yes] Turn on compiler warnings.], [enable_compile_warnings="$enableval"],[enable_compile_warnings="yes"]) dnl --enable-debug=(yes|minimum|no) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug=[no/yes] turn on debugging [default=no]],,enable_debug=minimum) if test "$enable_debug" = "yes"; then ORBIT_DEBUG_CFLAGS="-DG_ENABLE_DEBUG" else if test "x$enable_debug" = "xno"; then ORBIT_DEBUG_CFLAGS="-DG_DISABLE_ASSERT -DG_DISABLE_CHECKS" else ORBIT_DEBUG_CFLAGS="" fi fi AC_SUBST(ORBIT_DEBUG_CFLAGS) AC_ARG_ENABLE(purify, [ --enable-purify be clean for memory debuggers], enable_purify=yes, enable_purify=no) if test z$enable_purify = zyes; then AC_DEFINE(ORBIT_PURIFY, 1, [defined if purify is enabled]) fi AC_PROG_AWK GLIB_REQUIRED=2.6.0 LIBIDL_REQUIRED=0.8.2 AC_SUBST(GLIB_REQUIRED) AC_SUBST(LIBIDL_REQUIRED) dnl Check for pkg-config version; want >= 0.14.0 because of -pthread bug AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG, pkg-config, no) if test "$PKG_CONFIG" = "no" ; then echo "*** The pkg-config script could not be found. Make sure it is" echo "*** in your path, or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable" echo "*** to the full path to pkg-config." echo "*** Or see http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig to get pkg-config." AC_MSG_ERROR(You need to install pkg-config or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to build ORBit2) fi xPKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION=0.14.0 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pkg-config >= $xPKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION]) if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $xPKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION; then AC_MSG_RESULT(found) else AC_MSG_ERROR(You need at least version $xPKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION of pkg-config) fi LOCAL_LINC_LIBS='$(top_builddir)/linc2/src/liblinc.la' LOCAL_LINC_CFLAGS='-I$(top_srcdir)/linc2/include -I$(top_builddir)/linc2/include' AC_SUBST(LOCAL_LINC_LIBS) AC_SUBST(LOCAL_LINC_CFLAGS) dnl Checks for libraries. PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ORBIT, \ glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gobject-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gthread-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gmodule-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_LIBS) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_CFLAGS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ORBIT_IDL, \ libIDL-2.0 >= $LIBIDL_REQUIRED \ glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gobject-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gmodule-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_IDL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_IDL_CFLAGS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ORBIT_NAME, glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gobject-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gthread-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED \ gmodule-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_NAME_LIBS) AC_SUBST(ORBIT_NAME_CFLAGS) dnl Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h sys/endian.h endian.h machine/endian.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/machine.h sys/isa_defs.h sys/poll.h sys/select.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/time.h netinet/in.h sys/socket.h arpa/inet.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stddef.h wchar.h wcstr.h wctype.h machine/types.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/un.h openssl/ssl.h sys/uio.h syslog.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/wait.h netdb.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(utime.h sys/utime.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([linux/socket.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/sockio.h) if test "$os_win32" = "yes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(winsock2.h) if test $ac_cv_header_winsock2_h = yes; then dnl If we have , assume we find the functions dnl in -lws2_32. LIBS="-lws2_32 $LIBS" fi fi if test $ac_cv_header_openssl_ssl_h = yes; then HAVE_ORBIT_SSL_SUPPORT=1 fi AC_SUBST(HAVE_ORBIT_SSL_SUPPORT) dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_TYPE_SIZE_T dnl Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_CHECK_FUNC(socket,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(socket,socket)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostbyname,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,gethostbyname)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC(sigaction) AC_CHECK_FUNC(syslog) AC_CHECK_LIB(popt, poptStrippedArgv, POPT_LIBS=-lpopt, AC_MSG_ERROR([You must have popt version 1.5 or greater installed.])) AC_SUBST(POPT_LIBS) AC_CHECK_HEADER(popt.h,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find popt.h - you may have to adjust your environment])) dnl This generates warnings from autoconf... AC_C_BIGENDIAN dnl dnl So many people with broken linking setups asked about this dnl it turned out to be necessary to check for this. dnl dofus_save_libs="$LIBS" LIBS="$ORBIT_LIBS $LIBS" AC_TRY_RUN([ #include main () { return 0; } ],, AC_MSG_ERROR([ Linking is badly borked on your system. Please ensure your library path is correct Check config.log for details - check near the end of the log above 'failed program was' Alternatively ensure that your /etc/ld.so.conf (and/or LD_LIBRARY_PATH) includes the prefix you're compiling on: '${prefix}' ])) LIBS="$dofus_save_libs" orig_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $ORBIT_CFLAGS" AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_octet) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_boolean) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_char) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_wchar) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_short) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_long) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_long_long) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_float) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_double) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_long_double) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_struct) AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF(CORBA_pointer) CPPFLAGS=$orig_CPPFLAGS if test "x$GCC" = "xyes" -a "x$enable_compile_warnings" != "xno"; then WARN_CFLAGS="-Wall -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations" else WARN_CFLAGS= fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(what warning flags to pass to the C compiler) AC_MSG_RESULT($WARN_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(WARN_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(pkglibdir) DISABLE_DEPRECATED_CFLAGS=" \ -DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED" AC_SUBST(DISABLE_DEPRECATED_CFLAGS) dnl dnl --------- start linc bits --------- dnl dnl Checks for libraries. PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LINC, glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED gobject-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED gthread-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQUIRED) AC_SUBST(LINC_LIBS) AC_SUBST(LINC_CFLAGS) LINC_SSL_SUPPORT=0 AC_SUBST(LINC_SSL_SUPPORT) AC_SUBST(SSL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(SSL_CFLAGS) dnl Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h unistd.h sys/endian.h endian.h machine/endian.h sys/machine.h sys/isa_defs.h sys/poll.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stddef.h wchar.h wcstr.h wctype.h machine/types.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/in.h netinet/tcp.h sys/un.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(arpa/nameser.h resolv.h) dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/irda.h) dnl Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(poll basename) AC_CHECK_FUNC(res_init,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(resolv,res_init)]) AC_CHECK_LIB(resolv,res_9_init) AC_CHECK_FUNC(socket,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(socket,socket)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC(gethostbyname,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,gethostbyname)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC(getaddrinfo,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,getaddrinfo)]) if test x"$ac_cv_func_getaddrinfo" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETADDRINFO, 1, [Define if getaddrinfo() is available]) fi AC_CHECK_FUNC(getnameinfo,,[AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,getnameinfo)]) if test x"$ac_cv_func_getnameinfo" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETNAMEINFO, 1, [Define if getnameinfo() is available]) fi have_inet_pton=no AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_pton,,) if test x"$ac_cv_func_inet_pton" = "xyes" ; then have_inet_pton=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_INET_PTON, 1, [Define if inet_pton() is available]) fi # AC_CHECK_TYPE doesn't work here. AC_MSG_CHECKING([for socklen_t]) AC_TRY_COMPILE( [#ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif], [socklen_t len;], [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], [AC_DEFINE(socklen_t, size_t, [Define socklen_t to be of type size_t]) AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) # Blatantly stolen from configure.in in the sample code from # "UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1" by W. Richard Stevens AC_CACHE_CHECK(if sockaddr has sa_len member, ac_cv_sockaddr_has_sa_len, AC_TRY_COMPILE([ # include # include ], [unsigned int i = sizeof(((struct sockaddr *)0)->sa_len)], ac_cv_sockaddr_has_sa_len=yes, ac_cv_sockaddr_has_sa_len=no)) if test x"$ac_cv_sockaddr_has_sa_len" = "xyes" ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN, 1, [Define if sockaddr has sa_len member]) fi dnl dnl --------- end linc bits --------- dnl dnl dnl --------- set additional gcc flags to catch errors --------- dnl CFLAGS="-Werror-implicit-function-declaration -std=gnu89 $CFLAGS" AC_SUBST(CFLAGS) dnl ----- gtk-doc ------ GTK_DOC_CHECK([1.0]) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile orbit2-config ORBit-2.0.pc ORBit-CosNaming-2.0.pc ORBit-imodule-2.0.pc ORBit.spec orbit2-zip src/Makefile src/idl-compiler/Makefile src/idl-compiler/ORBit-idl-2.0.pc src/idl/Makefile src/idl/CORBA/Makefile src/idl/CORBA_PIDL/Makefile src/idl/interop/Makefile src/idl/misc/Makefile src/orb/Makefile src/orb/include/Makefile src/orb/util/Makefile src/orb/GIOP/Makefile src/orb/orb-core/Makefile src/orb/dynamic/Makefile src/orb/poa/Makefile src/services/Makefile src/services/name/Makefile src/services/imodule/Makefile include/Makefile include/orbit/Makefile include/orbit/orbit-config.h include/orbit/GIOP/Makefile include/orbit/util/Makefile include/orbit/orb-core/Makefile include/orbit/poa/Makefile include/orbit/dynamic/Makefile test/Makefile test/everything/Makefile test/inhibit/Makefile test/poa/Makefile docs/Makefile docs/devel/Makefile docs/internals/Makefile docs/api/Makefile linc2/Makefile linc2/src/Makefile linc2/test/Makefile linc2/include/Makefile linc2/include/linc/Makefile linc2/include/linc/linc-config.h ]) echo "ORBit configuration: Source code location: ${srcdir} Compiler: ${CC} Purify cleanliness: ${enable_purify} This is the Development branch of ORBit2, if you want something more stable checkout -r gnome-2-10. "