Classes: XFldObject, XFolder
You can tell &xwp; to prepare certain folders to display their contents more quickly when you open them. After the WPS has booted, &xwp; will go through all folders which have this feature enabled and read in their contents. If you then open one of these folders, its contents will be displayed almost immediately.

In order to enable this feature, open the Settings notebook for the folder for which you wish to enable this feature. On the "View" page therein, check the "QuickOpen" flag.

After the next Desktop startup, &xwp; will then read in the contents of that folder and load all the icons. Note that &xwp; only does this right after the WPS has booted, so changing the "QuickOpen" flag of a folder has no immediate effect.

Depending on how many folders have the "QuickOpen" flag set, Desktop startup might take quite a while. Reading all the icons does not become faster by using this feature. The only difference is that the icons are read earlier.