&xwp; contains original or modified code developed by the following people (in alphabetical order): &xwp; also uses parts of the SFL package, Copyright (C) 1991-99 iMatix Corporation (http://www.imatix.com).

&xwp;'s XML support is built around expat 1.95.1 by James Clark, (C) 1998-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd. (http://expat.sourceforge.net/).

If anybody thinks that I have forgotten him or her, this is not intentional. Drop me a note and I'll add you to this page.

The information about the &cfgsys; settings is mostly based on the OS/2 command reference and on the descriptions in the CNFGINFO package available at Hobbes.

Most of the information about the WPS classes is also taken from the OS/2 Warp 3 Developer's Toolkit, some of it I've found out myself; many class descriptions have been contributed by various users.