Starting with V0.9.4, &xwp; allows you to define a "default document" for a folder.

Default documents are initially disabled. Go to the "View" page of the "Workplace Shell" object to enable them.

If default documents are enabled, this will have two consequences:

  1. All data files will get a new context menu item called "Default document". This item allows you to make a data file the default document of its folder.

  2. If such a default document has been set for a folder, that folder will have a new menu item in its "Open" context submenu which allows you to open that default document directly. Note the difference: the folder context menu item opens the data file. This is useful for folders which have a "main" file which is frequently opened in order to avoid having to open the entire folder just to access that one document all the time.
In addition, you can even tell &xwp; to automatically make that default document the folder's default view. If this is also enabled on the "View" page of the "Workplace Shell" object, the default document will be opened if you double-click on the folder icon.

If you don't want this to be the standard behavior for all folders which have default documents, you can always set the default view of an individual folder to the "default document" view on the "Menu" page of the folder's settings notebook.

Here's an example: Say you have a folder with 300 HTML files. Opening the folder just to access the index.html file is really tiresome because this takes some time, and you really only want to access the index.html file.

So open the folder once, open the context menu of index.html, select "Default document", and you can simply double-click on the folder to have index.html opened from now on.