The &xcenter; supports widget plug-in DLLs. To the &xcenter;, it doesn't matter whether a widget class is built into XFLDR.DLL itself or implemented externally through a plug-in DLL. See "About plug-in DLLs" for a general introduction to this feature of the &xcenter;.

The existing standard widget classes are partly built into XFLDR.DLL itself (if they make extensive use of WPS features, such as with the object button widget), but some of them are already implemented as plug-in DLLs. This was done for two reasons: first, to test that the plug-in DLL interface actually works, and second, to give potential developers the chance to look at how this can be done.

Please read through the Terminology section first to make sure you know about the wording used here.

Then, basically, you can start with the minimal widget which comes with the &xwp; binary release. In this case, you do not even need the &xwp; source code. All you need is the &xcenter; include file, which now comes with &xwp; (see toolkit\center.h).

See Step 1: One header only for an introduction, which gets more complicated with the following steps.