Note: This is an excerpt from center.h. This definition is not necessarily up-to-date. Always use center.h in your widget source code instead of this definition.
     *      public structure to hold data for an &xcenter;
     *      widget, i.e. a PM window in the &xcenter; client
     *      area.
     *      Each &xcenter; widget is a separate window,
     *      being a child window of the &xcenter; client,
     *      which in turn is a child of the &xcenter; frame.
     *      This structure is created once for each widget
     *      and passed to each widget in mp1 of WM_CREATE.
     *      The first thing a widget must do on WM_CREATE
     *      is to store a pointer to this structure in its
     *      QWL_USER window word.
     *      The widget can allocate another widget-specific
     *      buffer and store its pointer into the pUser
     *      field.
     *      This structure is automatically freed by the
     *      &xcenter; when the widget is destroyed. However,
     *      if you allocated more memory for pUser, it is
     *      your own responsibility to free that on WM_DESTROY.
     *      General rule: The widget must clean up what it
     *      allocated itself.

    typedef struct _XCENTERWIDGET
         *  Informational fields:
         *      all these are meant for reading only
         *      and set up by the &xcenter; for the widget.

        HWND        hwndWidget;
                // window handle of this widget; this is valid
                // only _after_ WM_CREATE.

        HAB         habWidget;
                // widget's anchor block (copied for convenience).

        PFNWP       pfnwpDefWidgetProc;
                // address of default widget window procedure. This
                // always points to ctrDefWidgetProc (in
                // src/shared/center.c). The widget's own window
                // proc must pass all unprocessed messages (and a
                // few more) to this instead of WinDefWindowProc.
                // See ctrDefWidgetProc for details.

        const XCENTERGLOBALS *pGlobals;
                // ptr to client/frame window data (do not change)

                // widget class this widget was created from;
                // this ptr is only valid during WM_CREATE and
                // always NULL afterwards

        const char  *pcszWidgetClass;
                // internal name of the widget's class; this
                // is the same as pWidgetClass->pcszWidgetClass,
                // but this is valid after WM_CREATE.
                // DO NOT CHANGE it, the &xcenter; relies on this!
        ULONG       ulClassFlags;
                // class flags copied from XCENTERWIDGETCLASS.

        const char  *pcszSetupString;
                // class-specific setup string. This field
                // is only valid during WM_CREATE and then holds
                // the setup string which was last stored with
                // the widget. The pointer can be NULL if no
                // setup string exists. After WM_CREATE, the
                // pointer is set to NULL always.

         *  Setup fields:
         *      all these should be set up by the widget
         *      (normally during WM_CREATE). The &xcenter;
         *      reads these fields to find out more about
         *      the widget's wishes.
         *      All these fields are initialized to safe
         *      defaults, which are probably not suitable
         *      for most widgets though.

        BOOL        fSizeable;
                // if TRUE, the widget is sizeable with the mouse.
                // This is initially set to TRUE if the widget's
                // class has the WGTF_SIZEABLE flag, but can be
                // changed by the widget at any time.
                // NOTE: If your widget is "greedy", i.e. wants
                // all remaining size on the &xcenter; bar (by
                // returning -1 for cx with WM_CONTROL and

        HWND        hwndContextMenu;
                // default context menu for this widget.
                // The &xcenter; loads a the same standard context menu
                // for each widget, which is displayed on WM_CONTEXTMENU
                // in ctrDefWidgetProc. Normally, the widget needs not
                // do anything to have the context menu displayed;
                // ctrDefWidgetProc takes care of this. However, you may
                // safely manipulate this context menu if you want to
                // insert/remove items.
                // The menu in here gets destroyed using WinDestroyWindow
                // when the widget window is destroyed.
                // This is only valid after WM_CREATE.

        const char  *pcszHelpLibrary;
        ULONG       ulHelpPanelID;
                // if these two are specified, the &xcenter; will
                // enable the "Help" item in the widget's context
                // menu and display the specified help panel when
                // the menu item is selected. Both default to NULL.

         *  Additional fields:

        PVOID       pUser;
                // user data allocated by window class; this is
                // initially NULL, but you can use this for your
                // own data (which you must clean up yourself on
                // WM_DESTROY).