Yes, 1.0.0 is out.

As a general change, this release will most probably no longer run on Warp 3 since I am overriding quite a number of WPS methods now that are specific to OS/2 Warp 4. I was getting tired of hacking around menu specifics for Warp 4 and am now using Warp 4's interfaces for that.

I have gotten no reports about Warp 3 recently so I assume this will not break &xwp; for a lot of people. To those who are still running Warp 3, I am sorry, but Warp 4 is six years old by now as well and it should be possible to get it cheap somewhere. Otherwise, stick with &xwp; V0.9.20.

&xwp; 1.0.0 (November 24, 2002)

New features:

Miscellaneous changes: Bugfixes: