"034\MISC" readme (W) Ulrich M”ller Dec 1, 1999 The "misc" directory contains additional files which are required for XWorkplace NLS. The makefile in this directory will only copy the files which have changed to XWPRUNNING, so if you update these files, do it here in the source tree and have them copied to your XWorkplace installation by the makefile. These are the files: crobj034.cmd create default config folder (REXX script) instl034.cmd create other default install objects (REXX script) sound034.cmd add new system sounds to INI files xfldr034.tmf text message file (TMF) for various XWorkplace messages. This is new with V0.9.0 and replaces the OS/2 MSG file which was used previously. This is a plain-text file now. drvrs034.txt list of drivers used by "Drivers" page in "OS/2 Kernel". This is also new with V0.9.0. xfcls034.txt WPS class descriptions for "WPS Class List" object.