Links from this documentation to the Toolkit documentation only work if all of the following are true:
  1. You must have the Toolkit installed. The Toolkit provides the necessary tools, documentation, and header and library files for programming for the OS/2 family of operating systems. The Toolkit can be found on the eComStation installation CDs. The Toolkit can be found on the installation CDs of the IBM Convenience Packs or eComStation.

  2. The Toolkit documentation environment variables must be set in &cfgsys;. For example, SET CPREF=CP1.INF+CP2.INF+CP3.INF defines that by using view cpref, you can open the entire Control Program Programming Guide and Reference even though it really consists of three INF books.

  3. The Toolkit INF books must reside in a directory on the BOOKSHELF (see System paths).
These conditions should be met if you have allowed the Toolkit installer to modify your &cfgsys; file.