# # Makefile for XWorkplace National Language Support. # # For use with IBM NMAKE, which is part of IBM C-Set/2 and VisualAge C++. # This file will probably not work with other MAKE utilities, such as # GNU make or DMAKE. # # Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Ulrich M”ller. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the COPYING # file of the XWorkplace main distribution. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # Required changes for translating the NLS DLL: three lines below. # # Say hello to yourself. !if [@echo +++++ Entering $(MAKEDIR)] !endif # include setup (compiler options etc.) !include ..\..\config.in !include ..\..\make\setup.in # OUTPUTDIR specifies the directory where all the output .OBJ # files will be created in. OUTPUTDIR = $(XWP_OUTPUT_ROOT)\modules !if [@echo OUTPUTDIR is $(OUTPUTDIR)] !endif # create output directory !if [@md $(OUTPUTDIR) 2> NUL] !endif # # Now set up a few environment variables. # # This is the language code for the language that the NLS DLL # will support. Change this to a different language code, and # the makefile will support your langauge. LANGUAGE = 034 # Change this to the full path of the HTML2IPF utility. # THIS HAS CHANGED WITH V0.84. # now using h2i V0.9.13 (2001-06-23) [umoeller] HTML2IPF = $(RUN_H2I) -s -t -i$(PROJECT_BASE_DIR)\include\shared\helppanels.h -i$(ENTITYDEFS) $(FEATURES_STRING) # Change this to the directory where the output file (HLP) # should be copied to. !ifndef XWPRUNNING !error The environment variable XWPRUNNING is not defined. Terminating. !endif COPYTO = $(XWPRUNNING)\help # DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING # Define the suffixes for files which NMAKE will work on. # .SUFFIXES is a reserved NMAKE keyword ("pseudotarget") for # defining file extensions that NMAKE will recognize. .SUFFIXES: .html .ipf .hlp .inf .gif # # Now define inference rules for what to do with certain file # types, based on their file extension. # The syntax we need here is ".fromext.toext". # So whenever NMAKE encounters a .toext file, it # executes what we specify here. # {img}.gif{img}.bmp: -gbmsize $< $@,1.1 # The BMPS macro contains all the .BMP files which need to be # created from the files in this directory. # If you add a new .GIF, add the corresponding .BMP file here. BMPS = \ img\cascade.bmp \ img\fonthint.bmp \ img\folderview.bmp \ img\nocascade.bmp \ img\notrunc.bmp \ img\properties.bmp \ img\string.bmp \ img\titleedit.bmp \ img\trunc.bmp \ img\xcenter_view.bmp \ img\xc_drag.bmp \ img\xc_mem.bmp \ img\xc_power1.bmp \ img\xc_power2.bmp \ img\xc_pulse.bmp \ img\xc_sentinel1.bmp \ img\xc_sentinel2.bmp \ img\xc_sizbar.bmp \ img\xc_tray.bmp \ img\xc_winlist.bmp \ img\xfsys.bmp \ img\xfwps.bmp \ img\xwpmedia.bmp \ img\xwpscreen.bmp \ img\xwsetup.bmp \ img\trashcan.bmp \ img\os2infofdr.bmp \ img\setupfdr.bmp \ img\setupfdr_mini.bmp \ img\os2system.bmp \ img\os2system_mini.bmp \ img\os2cmdpfdr.bmp \ img\os2cmdpfdr_mini.bmp \ img\os2drives.bmp \ img\os2drives_mini.bmp \ img\disk_diskette.bmp \ img\disk_harddisk.bmp \ img\disk_network.bmp \ img\disk_cdrom.bmp \ img\os2_dosfull.bmp \ img\os2_doswin.bmp \ img\os2_os2full.bmp \ img\os2_os2win.bmp \ img\os2_win16.bmp \ img\foldericon.bmp \ img\pager.bmp \ img\os2wpstartup.bmp \ img\os2minwinv.bmp \ img\os2temps.bmp \ img\os2temps_mini.bmp \ img\template.bmp \ img\templ_pgm.bmp \ img\os2games.bmp \ img\os2warpcenter.bmp \ img\os2clipview.bmp \ img\notebook.bmp \ img\os2iconedit.bmp \ img\xfwps_mini.bmp \ img\os2eexe.bmp \ img\desktop.bmp \ img\desktop_mini.bmp \ img\selection.bmp \ img\fontsfdr.bmp \ img\os2pgmfdr.bmp \ img\os2internet.bmp \ img\os2wpnetwork.bmp \ img\os2wpnetgrp.bmp \ img\os2wpnetgrp_mini.bmp \ img\os2wpserver.bmp \ img\os2wpserver_mini.bmp \ img\setup_look.bmp \ img\setup_look_mini.bmp \ img\estyler.bmp \ img\os2country.bmp \ img\drag.bmp \ img\net_clientserver.bmp \ img\net_peer.bmp \ img\os2wpprinter.bmp \ img\os2wpprinter_mini.bmp \ img\os2instrem.bmp \ img\xfix_delete.bmp \ img\xfix_err.bmp \ img\xfix_orphan.bmp \ img\xfix_protect.bmp \ img\xfix_safe.bmp # main target all: $(BMPS) $(COPYTO)\xfldr$(LANGUAGE).hlp @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) SRCHTML = *.html \ fsys\*.html \ glossary\*.html \ hook\*.html \ kernel\*.html \ media\*.html \ menus\*.html \ objects\*.html \ setup\*.html \ tasks\*.html \ wps\*.html \ xcenter\*.html \ xshutdown\*.html # # Now define inference rules for the different file types. # IPFFILE = $(OUTPUTDIR)\hlp$(LANGUAGE).ipf $(COPYTO)\xfldr$(LANGUAGE).hlp: $(OUTPUTDIR)\xfldr$(LANGUAGE).hlp # added unlock help V0.9.20 (2002-07-12) [umoeller] $(CVS_WORK_ROOT)\$(XWPDIR)\tools\unlockhelp.cmd $(COPY) $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(@B).hlp $(COPYTO) $(IPFFILE): $(SRCHTML) makefile $(ENTITYDEFS) $(HTML2IPF) xfldr$(LANGUAGE).html $(COPY) xfldr$(LANGUAGE).ipf $(IPFFILE) $(OUTPUTDIR)\xfldr$(LANGUAGE).hlp: $(IPFFILE) img\*.bmp ipfc $(IPFFILE) $(OUTPUTDIR)\xfldr$(LANGUAGE).hlp