Hinweis: Dies ist ein Ausschnitt aus der Datei center.h. Diese Definition ist nicht unbedingt aktuell. Benutzen Sie immer center.h im Verzeichnis der Widget-Quellen statt dieser Definition.
   *      a bunch of data passed to a "show settings
   *      dialog" function (WGTSHOWSETTINGSDLG), if
   *      the widget has specified such a thing.
   *      &xcenter; widget settings dialogs basically
   *      work as follows:
   *      1.  You must a function that displays a modal
   *          dialog. This function must have the following
   *          prototype:
   +              VOID EXPENTRY ShowSettingsDlg(PWIDGETSETTINGSDLGDATA pData)
   *      2.  Store that function in the
   *          XCENTERWIDGETCLASS.pShowSettingsDlg field for
   *          your widget class.
   *          This will enable the "Properties" menu item
   *          for the widget.
   *      3.  Your function gets called when the user selects
   *          "Properties". What that function does, doesn't
   *          matter... it should however display a modal
   *          dialog and update the widget's settings string
   *          and call ctrSetSetupString with the "hSettings"
   *          handle that was given to it in the
   *          WIDGETSETTINGSDLGDATA structure. This will give
   *          the widget the new settings.
   *          The address of the ctrSetSetupString helper is
   *          given to you in this structure so that you
   *          won't have to import it from XFLDR.DLL.
   *      If a widget class supports settings dialogs,
   *      it must specify this in its XCENTERWIDGETCLASS.
   *@@added V0.9.7 (2000-12-07) [umoeller]
   *@@changed V0.9.9 (2001-02-06) [umoeller]: added pctrSetSetupString

      HWND                    hwndOwner;
                  // proposed owner for settings dialog

      const char              *pcszSetupString;
                  // present setup string (do not change)

      const LHANDLE           hSettings;
                  // widget setting handle; this must
                  // be passed to ctrSetSetupString;
                  // DO NOT CHANGE

      PXCENTERGLOBALS         pGlobals;
                  // if != NULL, currently open &xcenter;
                  // for which widget data is being changed.
                  // If NULL, the &xcenter; isn't currently
                  // open.

      PXCENTERWIDGET          pView;
                  // if != NULL, currently open view
                  // of the widget. If NULL, the widget
                  // isn't currently open.

      PVOID                   pUser;
                  // some room for additional data the
                  // settings dialog might want

      PCTRSETSETUPSTRING      pctrSetSetupString;
                  // ptr to ctrSetSetupString function in
                  // src\shared\center.c; this must be
                  // called by the settings dialog to
                  // change the widget's setup string.
                  // This pointer has been added with V0.9.9
                  // to allow using settings dialog without
                  // having to import this from XFLDR.DLL.