Hinweis: Dies ist ein Ausschnitt aus der Datei center.h. Diese Definition ist nicht unbedingt aktuell. Benutzen Sie immer center.h im Verzeichnis der Widget-Quellen statt dieser Definition.
     *      global data for a running &xcenter; instance.
     *      A pointer to this structure exists in each
     *      XCENTERWIDGET instance so that the widgets
     *      can access some of the global data.
     *      In this structure, an &xcenter; instance
     *      passes a number of variables to its member
     *      widgets so that they can access some things
     *      more quickly for convenience. This structure
     *      is fully initialized at the time the widgets
     *      are created.
     *      "Globals" isn't really a good name since
     *      one of these structures is created for
     *      each open &xcenter; (and there can be several),
     *      but this is definitely more global than the
     *      widget-specific structures.

    typedef struct _XCENTERGLOBALS
        HAB                 hab;                // anchor block of frame and client
        HWND                hwndFrame,          // &xcenter; frame window
                            hwndClient;         // client (child of &xcenter; frame)

        PVOID               pCountrySettings;
                    // country settings; this points to a COUNTRYSETTINGS
                    // structure (prfh.h)

        ULONG               cyTallestWidget;
                    // height of client (same as height of all widgets!)

        ULONG               cxMiniIcon;
                    // system mini-icon size (for convenience); either 16 or 20

        LONG                lcol3DDark,
                    // system colors for 3D frames (for convenience; RGB!)

        // the following are the width settings from the second "View"
        // settings page;
        // a widget may or may not want to consider these.
        ULONG               flDisplayStyle;
                    // &xcenter; display style flags;
                    // a widget may or may not want to consider these.
                    // These flags can be any combination of the following:
                    // -- XCS_FLATBUTTONS: paint buttons flat. If not set,
                    //      paint them raised.
                    // -- XCS_SUNKBORDERS: paint static controls (e.g. CPU meter)
                    //      with a "sunk" 3D frame. If not set, do not.
                    // -- XCS_SIZINGBARS: &xcenter; should automatically paint
                    //      sizing bars for sizeable widgets.
                    // -- XCS_ALL3DBORDERS: &xcenter; should draw all four 3D
                    //      borders around itself. If not set, it will only
                    //      draw one border (the one towards the screen).

        ULONG               ulPosition;
                    // &xcenter; position on screen, if a widget cares...
                    // This is _one_ of the following:
                    // -- XCENTER_BOTTOM
                    // -- XCENTER_TOP
                    // Left and right are not yet supported.

        ULONG               ul3DBorderWidth;
                    // 3D border width
        ULONG               ulBorderSpacing;
                    // border spacing (added to 3D border width)
        ULONG               ulSpacing;
                    // spacing between widgets