README.NLS - 日本語 (C) 2008 Alex Taylor INTRODUCTION このフャイルは XWorkplace の日本語の国籍言語のサポートを 含んでいます。 [まだ日本語で書かれません。] The original Japanese XWorkplace translation was done by Jun Mikami and can still be found at . It does not appear to have been updated since version 1.0.1, however. Using these sources, I have updated it for XWorkplace 1.0.9. This mostly involved reorganizing the file contents slightly, but it did require the addition of a handful of new strings. (My Japanese is limited, so they may be slightly strange, but I tried to do my best.) KNOWN PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS At present, only the language DLL, the message file, and object creation are available in Japanese. The following are all still in English: * The help file and documentation (although I did update a couple of the more language-critical screenshots) * The WarpIN installer text. * The text used in the XFix utility. * The driver descriptions used in the Kernel object. * The WPS class descriptions used in the Class List object. * The README and README.NLS files. There is some slight text clipping visible in the WPS class list. As well, the vertical spacing in various dialogs will tend to be rather crowded if you have the desktop's default dialog font set to a smallish value like 9.WarpSans or 8.Helv. When the XPager is first enabled (or immediately following a reinstall), the desktop IME controls may not become "sticky" until you reboot. XWorkplace automatically sets the font on most of its dialogs to 9.WarpSans, instead of using the desktop's default dialog font. This means that DBCS glyphs will be displayed using Presentation Manager's automatic glyph substitution, instead of the "Combined" font glyphs. I have not observed any problems with this, but it is possible that it could affect the display quality of glyphs under some situations. You may see some garbled text in the Trash Can folder immediately after it is first created. As far as I can tell, this should go away once you reboot. REQUIREMENTS You should use this NLS package under the Japanese DBCS version of OS/2, with codepage 932 as the default. It will install and run under SBCS versions (like US English), but none of the Japanese text will be readable (unless you take some special and rather unorthodox steps which are really not recommended).