XWORKPLACE V0.9.9 AND ABOVE (2001-04-17) ======================================== This file is no longer being maintained. To get a change log for the source code, run "createchangelog.cmd" from the main source directory. This will call xdoc.exe (which is in the xwphelpers repository as a binary) to produce a CHANGELOG file directly from the sources. To find out what has changed in the NLS resources, get GNU diff from LEO or Hobbes. Then run it against the various resource files (xfldr001.rc, .dlg, etc.). Before you run diff against the .dlg file, you should use tools\sortdlg.cmd to sort the various dialog templates because their order keeps changing (due to the way IBM's DLGEDIT rewrites dialog files). OLDER CHANGE REMARKS ==================== General Notes ============= The following files change with practically every XWorkplace version: -- in /001/inf.001: notices_41thanks.html notices_42credits.html vers_2history.html Since I do not add version information to those files, I therefore do not recommend translating those. Simply always use the current English original. For all other source files for the HLP and INF files, I try to always add HTML comments ("") to signal what has changed in a source file. I recommend having some "grep" utility handy to be able to search for strings like "V0.9.0". \OS2\APPS\PMSEEK.EXE should do also. Changes for V0.9.9 ================== -- ID_XSD_IMPORTWPS changed. -- ID_XSD_FOLDERVIEWS changed. -- ID_CRD_HEALTHWGT_SETTINGS added. -- ID_XFD_RUN added. -- ID_XFD_STARTUPPANIC changed. -- ID_OSDI_PATHEDIT added. -- ID_XCD_STATUS changed. -- ID_CRD_SETTINGS_VIEW changed. -- ID_CRD_SETTINGS_VIEW2 added. -- ID_XFD_CREATINGCONFIG changed. -- ID_XSD_DATAF_TYPES added. -- ID_FND_SAMPLETEXT added. -- ID_SCD_PAGEMAGE_GENERAL changed. -- ID_XSD_STARTUPFOLDER changed. -- ID_XSD_SET4ACCELS changed. Changes for V0.9.7 ================== -- ID_CRD_SETTINGS_VIEW added. -- ID_CRD_SETTINGS_VIEW2 added. -- ID_CRD_WINLISTWGT_SETTINGS added. -- ID_XSD_MOUSE_MOVEMENT changed. -- ID_XSD_DTP_SHUTDOWN changed. -- ID_XSD_AUTOCLOSE changed. -- ID_SDD_CLOSEVIO changed. -- ID_XSD_SET2REMOVEMENUS changed. -- ID_XCD_XWPINSTALLEDCLASSES changed. -- ID_XSD_DTP_MENUITEMS changed. -- ID_NDD_EXPLAIN changed. -- ID_XFD_STARTUPPANIC changed. Changes for V0.9.6 ================== -- ID_XSD_FILETYPES modified. -- ID_XSD_NEWFILETYPE modified. -- ID_XSD_MOUSE_MOVEMENT modified. -- ID_XCD_FIRST added. Changes for V0.9.4/V0.9.5 ========================= -- ID_OSD_SETTINGS_DRIVERS modified. -- ID_OSD_SETTINGS_HPFS removed. -- ID_OSD_DRIVER_HPFS386 added. -- ID_SCD_PAGEMAGE_GENERAL added. -- ID_SCD_PAGEMAGE_NEWSTICKY added. -- ID_SCD_PAGEMAGE_STICKY added. -- ID_SDD_CONFIRM modified. -- ID_SDD_CONFIRMWPS modified. -- ID_XCD_FEATURES modified. -- ID_XCD_XWPINSTALLEDCLASSES modified. -- ID_XFD_CONTAINERPAGE modified. -- ID_XFD_PRODINFO modified. -- ID_XSD_DTP_SHUTDOWN modified. -- ID_XSD_FOLDERVIEWS modified. -- ID_XSD_MOUSEMAPPINGS2 modified. -- ID_XSD_MOUSE_CORNERS modified. -- ID_XSD_OBJECTDETAILS modified. -- ID_XSD_SET28STATUSBARS2 modified. -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_FLDR1 modified. -- ID_XSD_STARTUPFOLDER modified. -- ID_XTD_ICONPAGE added. -- ID_XTD_SETTINGS modified. Changes between V0.9.0 and V0.9.3 ================================= Sorry, I have lost track about the changes in the dialog resources. I guess more than 70% of the dialogs have changed since XFolder 0.85, so it really doesn't make much sense tracking the changes here for XWorkplace. Changes for V0.9.0 ================== As the version number implies, this version is totally incompatible with older NLS files, because many new dialog resources have been added and others have changed. I have held back all NLS changes so far to make the XFolder 0.8x NLS files compatible amongst each other. As a payback, you get the complete mess this time. ;-) I'm not sure whether the below information really helps if you have already done a translation for XFolder 0.8x, since so much has changed and I might have lost track about one or two dialog resources. Decide for yourself whether you prefer to follow those notes or do a complete re-translation. xfldr001.rc: all changes are marked in the file directly. xfldr001.dlg: Again, unfortunately, there are no comments in the .DLG file, because the damn thing is rewritten by IBM's dialog editor (which I'm using) all the time. In order to update your existing .DLG file, do the following: 1) Remove the following dlg templates: -- ID_XSD_SET1XFOLDER ("XFolder") -- ID_XSD_SET5INTERNALS ("XFolder Internals") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_DTP1 (page 1 of "XDesktop") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_DTP2 (page 2 of "XDesktop") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_WPSCLASSES ("WPS Classes") -- ID_XSD_SELECTCLASS ("WPS Classes") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_WPSCL_REGISTER ("WPS Classes") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_WPSCL_INFO ("WPS Classes") -- ID_XSD_SETTINGS_FILEOPS ("File operations") 2) Copy the following _new_ dlg templates from the new .DLG file into your existing one and translate them: -- ID_OSD_SETTINGS_SYSPATHS (for OS/2 Kernel) -- ID_OSD_SETTINGS_STORAGE (for OS/2 Kernel) -- ID_XCD_STATUS (for XWPSetup) -- ID_XCD_PARANOIA (for XWPSetup) -- ID_XCD_FEATURES (for XWPSetup) -- ID_XCD_XWPINSTALLEDCLASSES (for XWPSetup) -- ID_XCD_FILEOPS ("File operations" in XWPSetup) -- ID_XSD_DTP_SHUTDOWN (for XFldDesktop) -- ID_XSD_DTP_STARTUP (for XFldDesktop) -- ID_XSD_DTP_ARCHIVES ("Archives" replacement page) -- ID_XSD_DTP_MENUITEMS ("Menu items" page in XFldDesktop) -- ID_XSD_STARTUPFOLDER (for XFldStartup) -- ID_XLD_CLASSLIST (for XWPClassList) -- ID_XLD_CLASSINFO (for XWPClassList) -- ID_XLD_METHODINFO (for XWPClassList) -- ID_XLD_SELECTCLASS (generic "select class" dlg) -- ID_XLD_REGISTERCLASS ("Register class" dlg) -- ID_XLD_SETTINGS (XWPClassList settings page) -- ID_XSD_FOLDERVIEWS ("View" page in XFldWPS) -- ID_XSD_FILETYPES ("File types" page in XFldWPS) -- ID_XSD_NEWFILETYPE ("New file type" dlg) -- ID_XSD_NEWFILTER ("New filter" dlg) -- ID_XSD_IMPORTWPS ("Import WPS filters" dlg) -- ID_XSD_FILESPAGE ("File" replacement page) -- ID_XSD_DISK_DETAILS (WPDisk "Details" replacement page) -- ID_XSD_PROG_DETAILS (WPProgramFile "Details" page) -- ID_XSD_XWPSOUND (WPSound "Sounds" replacement page) -- ID_XSD_NEWSOUNDSCHEME ("New Sound Scheme" dlg) -- ID_XTD_SETTINGS (XWPTrashCan settings) -- ID_TSD_MAIN (Treesize) -- ID_TSD_PRODINFO (Treesize) -- ID_XFD_STARTUPPANIC ("Startup panic" dlg) -- ID_XFD_ARCHIVINGSTATUS (Archiver status window at WPS bootup) -- ID_XSD_KEYB_OBJHOTKEYS ("Object hotkeys" page in XWPKeyboard) 3) CHANGE the following: -- in ID_XSD_SETTINGS_FLDRSORT, remove the ID_XSDI_REPLACESORT checkbox completely -- in ID_XSD_REBOOTEXT, update ID_XSDI_XRB_ITEMNAME and add ID_XSDI_XRB_PARTITIONS -- All the "OS/2 Kernel" settings pages now have ID_OS* IDs (instead of ID_XF*) to tell them apart more easily. -- ID_XFD_TITLECLASH: items have been rearranged, and "KB" has been changed to "bytes". 4) The following have been completely redesigned: -- ID_XFD_SELECTSOME ("Select by name" dlg) -- ID_SDD_CONFIRM (XShutdown confirmation dlg) -- ID_XSD_OBJECTDETAILS (was object "Internals" page, now called "Object" page) xfldr001.hlp/inf: Please do a global search-and-replace over all help pages to replace "XFolder Online Reference" with "XWorkplace User Guide". These changes are not specifically marked. Other than that, many help panels have been updated because they contained outdated information. All those changes are marked, so search for "V0.9.0" to find these items. Lots of pages have been added also. This is marked in the sources also. /TOOLS ------ has been updated again. Don't forget to copy all those files onto your PATH before using MAKE.CMD. See the "Programming Guide" for details. /HELPERS, /MAIN --------------- Yet again rearranged a lot of source code. In /helpers/, we have some new files (cnrh.*, comctl.*, debug.*, except.*, syssound.*, tmsgfile.*, wpsh.*) which are partly all new and partly composed of code which was in /MAIN before. See the file introductions for details. Changes for V0.85 ================= xfldr001.inf: not too many changes this time, except for the new documentation of WPS boot logos. As always, "grep" the new INF.001 directory for "V0.85" strings, which should lead you to the separate paragraphs which might have changed. instl001.cmd: fixed a bug in line 49/50. Changes for V0.84 ================= National Language Support ------------------------- I have converted the various information in the NLS.TXT and README.TXT files into a proper INF book and updated lots of stuff. Please read through that thing and check what's new. Note: The files in /TOOLS have been partly updated. Please use the newer versions. HTML2IPF has been moved into a separate directory in /001/TOOLS so that I can keep the different NLS versions that you have created apart. The makefiles in /INF.001 and HELP.001 have been updated accordingly. The HTML2IPF environment variable is no longer needed. xfldr001.rc: I have removed the xfldr1.ico and xfldr2.ico files. Since the corresponding dlg id's are no longer defined in dlgids.h, please remove the following two lines from the top of xfldr001.rc: POINTER ID_ICON1 LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE xfldr1.ico POINTER ID_ICON2 LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE xfldr2.ico or you'll get errors from the resource compiler. xfldr001.inf: As always, do a global search in the new INF.001 directory for "V0.84" strings, which should lead you to the separate paragraphs which might have changed. As always, I have marked the changed items with HTML comments. You can then update your translation. Additional remarks can be found in the HTML source files themselves. Be aware that I've rearranged all the status bar pages, because all the codes on that one page were hard to overlook. The text really hasn't changed much, except for two panels. Do the following: 1) copy and execute /001/ren084.cmd, which will rename a couple of files and update links; 2) remove the links as specified in 0632intro_folders.html; 3) copy the new 0632intro_statbars.html to your translation directory and update the "root" file (xfldr001.html); 4) copy all the new stat_*.html files to your translation directory; for the two files which are reported to exist already, choose "rename existing" (if you're using the XFolder replacement dialog); 5) translate these files. These have been composed from the the old status bar documentation, so there's little to actually translate. You can simply copy your old translations to the new files. See the notes in those files for details. Also, I have integrated the NetscDDE documentation into the main INF file. Copy all nsd_* files into /inf.001 and also netscape.gif. xfldr001.hlp: "set_11replicons.html" has been altered to reflect the new icon features. xfldr001.sgs: two more pages were inserted into the SmartGuide script, as suggested by Roger Lindmark, Sweden. Look for "V0.84" strings again. xfcls001.txt: changed a few more class descriptions. See the notes at the bottom of that file. /MAIN ----- Oh, just lots of stuff. Separated more files into more files again, and lots of little changes. I was too lazy to document all this any more. Changes for V0.83 ================= National Language Support ------------------------- xfldr001.inf: I have rearranged the panels in the table of contents to make the documentation a bit clearer, because it was getting difficult to overlook what was where. You will need to change the following: 1) use the updated root file (xfldr001.html) because the level-1 entries have changed; 2) put "/tools/strrpl.exe" on your PATH; 3) execute "/inf.001/ren083.cmd" on your existing translation to have all your files renamed and links updated automatically. I have written this to aid you in the process of rearranging the documentation; this should also help for future updates, because every time I change something, it makes me feel bad since this is additional work for you. ;-) Then do a global search in the new INF.001 directory for "V0.83" strings, which should lead you to the separate paragraphs which might have changed. As always, I have marked the changed items with HTML comments. You can then update your translation. /HELPERS -------- -- new stringh.* files which contain all the string helper functions previously located in dosh.*, which didn't make much sense. These funcs have the "strh*" prefix. /MAIN ----- Reworked xfldr.mak so that the /HELPERS .OBJ files are created in /MAIN too. That's because my other software uses the helper functions too, and might need different compiler options for them, so we need different .OBJ files. Also, this makes the makefiles a bit clearer. Also, there were a few false shaky compiler options in the makefiles for V0.82, which made XFolder refuse to work sometimes. That was just if you tried to compile it for yourself. Changes for V0.82 ================= National Language Support ------------------------- Just a few corrections and additions. Note that XFolder V0.82 will work with V0.81 NLS support, so changing the following stuff is not required to make V0.82 work. xfcls001.txt: -- added a few more class descriptions. xfldr001.hlp: -- I've updated a few help panels because they contained outdated information. To update your translations, see the notes for xfldr001.hlp for V0.81 below. xfldr001.inf: -- Updated a panels here also. -- Split up the "FAQ" section across several pages and added more questions. xfldr001.dlg: -- first "Context menu" page had "Widerrufen" and "Hilfe" buttons. That's German for "Undo" and "Help", in case you didn't find out. ;-) Changed this to the English counterparts. (That's the ID_XSD_SET25ADDMENUS template again.) This is just a bug in the English support, so don't worry. -- There was a slight bug in ID_XSD_SETTINGS_DTP1. The "1.1" entry should have had an ID of "ID_XSDI_SD_APMVERSION"; replace the "-1" with that string. /HELPERS -------- -- procstat.*: changed all the function prefixes to "prc". -- eas.*: dramatic speed increase (up to 300%) for querying size of EAs for a file. -- winh.*: new function winhAssertWarp4Notebook to make buttons Warp-4-notebook compatible. /MAIN ----- Major changes to many files. See the XFolder Revision history in the INF files. Miscellaneae ------------ repclass.c: made the text output a bit more lucid. treesize.*: now using faster /helpers/eas.* code, more options, etc. See "Revision history" in the INF file. Changes for V0.81 ================= National Language Support ------------------------- Sorry, I promised not to change anything, but the problems which have arised with V0.80 forced me to redesign a number of things. Also, a few users complained about outdated or incomplete help panels, so I changed a number of those also. If you are currently working on the translation of XFolder to your language, don't worry. You won't have to re-translate everything. See the notes below. HOWEVER, please mind the following notes, especially because "main/dlgids.h" has changed. *.ipf: I have removed these files from the source package, because you can easily create them yourself and I'm running out of web space. Run "make.cmd" to have them created, if you need them. html2ipf.cmd: I have made more changes to that excellent utility to make it more HTML-compliant. I suggest using the newer version. Put it on your PATH somewhere See NLS.TXT for details. xfldr001.hlp: - reworked various menu-item help panels to display additional information where this menu item can be configured. - changed help panels for "Context menu" page, because that page has also changed. To keep your existing translation efforts intact, do the following: 1) open the _new_ HELP.001 directory (I recommend using small icons) 2) sort everything by "last write date" 3) delete all the files that are older than the release date of the old XFolder source package, i.e. Oct. 1, 1998. 4) Copy all the files from the _old_ HELP.001 directory into the _new_ directory. When the WPS asks you whether to replace a file, always select "Cancel" for that file so that it's not replaced. As a result, you should now have an updated HELP.001 directory. For the remaining files, i.e. those which I have changed, look into the .HTML files where I have inserted comments about what has changed. Most of the time, it's only one paragraph, so you can use your translation and update it. Sorry for the hassle. xfldr001.inf: - updated "Comments" page. - combined "Known limitations" and "Tips&Tricks" into a new and updated "FAQ" section. That is, "vers_3limit.html" and "070tips.html" have been removed. Instead, there's now "070faq.html". - updated outdated link descriptions which now refer to the "Workplace Shell" object. Apply the same procedure as with the .HLP files described above. xfldr001.rc: - one listbox item was still called "Insert", but it should have been "Paste". xfldr001.dlg: - the "Add context menu items" page was redesigned. It is at the very bottom of the .DLG text file (ID_XSD_SET25ADDMENUS) NOTE: If you have already translated parts of the dialog resources, do not simply copy stuff around and then open the .RES file with the dialog editor, because the dlgids.h file has changed. This will blow up all the dialog ID's, rendering your NLS DLL unusable. Instead, do the following: 1) delete the ID_XSD_SET25ADDMENUS dialog template from your old .DLG file (all the stuff between "DLGTEMPLATE ID_XSD_SET25ADDMENUS" and the "END" statement on the same level) 2) copy the same template from the new .DLG file to the bottom of your old .DLG file 3) copy the old .DLG file into the new \001 directory 4) re-make the NLS DLL to have the .RES file updated. You can _then_ open the .RES file with the dialog editor. dlgid's.h (in the \MAIN directory): - changed a number of dialog ID's. This affects the dialog templates, as described above. Main Module ----------- Looks like we have much more source code, but actually we have less. ;-) I have added a lot more files though and spread the code across these new files to make it easier to find certain functions. Check the new section in readme.txt about the new function prefixes which will allow you to determine the source file from the function name. Also removed some dead code from all the files. New source files: - all the files in the new /HELPERS directory; I have extracted the helper functions from the various source files which should be possible to compile without XFolder and put all these in here. Check the header files for a description of what these do. - /main/menus.* for all the menu functions formerly in xfldr.c - /main/module.* for DLL initialization/termination - /main/statbars.* for status bar mnemonic logic which was previously done using SOM multiple inheritance Renamed xfsort.* to cnrsort.* so that it does not look like SOM code any more. Renamed objdlgs.* to classlst.* and made it contain only the "WPS class list" code. all xf*.* files: - SOM hierarchy changed - multiple inheritance removed - removed xfclsQueryModule methods and calls thereto and replaced these with calls to the new module.c functions Replacement class XFldProgram removed. common.*: - moved animation code to /helpers/animate.*. - moved XFldObject::xfCreateFromTemplate to cmnCreateFromTemplate into this file; added more error checking classlst.h: - changed all function prefixes to cls*. - moved "Object Internals" to xfobj.c, where it makes more sense dlgids.h: see NLS section below. xfldr.c: - removed several SOM methods. - moved all the menu functions into the new menus.c file. xfdesk.c: - changed all the animations to use the new improved animation code in /helpers/animate.c. xfdisk.c: - changed those xfQuery* funcs to work on non- removeable drives only. xffsys.c: - removed several SOM methods. - moved all the "settings" menu functions into the new menus.c file. xfobj.c: - removed several SOM methods. - moved all the "settings" menu functions into the new menus.c file. xfsys.c: - fixed a few bugs in CONFIG.SYS handling - changed dlg* functions to stg* - changed replaced WPSystem methods so that XFldWPS now inherits WPSystem pages, while XFldSystem ("OS/2 Kernel") does not. xfldr.mak: - inference rules updated (incomplete in V0.80). - new dependencies on /helpers/helpers.mak. - made icc produce separate precompiled header files for each .C file. xfldr.rc: - removed that dull menu template which kept XFolder from building properly. install.cmd: - deregistering old / registering new classes inst*.msg: - install *.msg files updated for this crobj*.cmd: - moved code for non-config-folder objects into new scripts "instl*.cmd" which are only executed after installation.