V0.9.20 (2002-07-29) [umoeller] The idl\wps\ directory contains slightly tuned default WPS IDL files to allow us to override methods that IBM didn't care to make public. The point is that XWP _needs_ to override some of these undocumented methods, but can't do so easily without support from the SOM compiler. As a result, with V0.9.20, I have found the following to work: 1) We set idl\wps\ to be the first directory on the SMINCLUDE path so that the SOM compiler will use the files from this dir instead of those from the toolkit IDL dir, if present. This allows us to override undocumented methods simply by tagging them with "override" in IDL files of the XWorkplace classes (in the parent directory). 2) idl\makefile now produces headers from the files in idl\wps\ as well and puts them into include\classes\wps\. 3) The master include path (in setup.in) has been changed to have include\classes\wps\ before the toolkit path as well so that when we compile, the tuned versions of the WPS headers will be used instead of the default ones. When changing default WPS IDL files, be very careful... you better get the releaseorder right. Fortunately, IBM _has_ listed most of the undocumented methods are in the releaseorders and only the prototypes are missing. V1.0.3 (2005-01-16) [lars_erdmann] 1.) I have updated all idl files to the level of the Warp 4.5 toolkit 2.) I have run the SOM compiler on all idls (generating public C headers) as a test) in order to be sure that everything is syntactically correct 3.) I have added an up-to-date wpabs.idl. Even though it does not change the releaseorder, it does introduce a couple of new methods as compared with Warp 3 4.) in wpfolder.idl: I have made _get_LastObj take the place of wpFolderPrivate43 in the releaseorder list. However I don't know if this is the correct place. But it HAS to take the place of some private method, so the length of the releaseorder list does not grow !!! I hope that Ulrich Moeller can answer the question how he found out the correct entries in the releaseorder list for all the other "hacked" methods that he introduced