/* * xfontobj.idl: * SOM interface description file for the following * XWorkplace classes (in this order): * * -- XWPFontObject: a subclass of WPTransient. One instance * of this class is created by XWPFontFolder * for every font on the system. * * See src\classes\xfontobj.c for details. * * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ulrich M”ller. * This file is part of the XWorkplace source package. * XWorkplace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the * "COPYING" file of the XWorkplace main distribution. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include // this is SOM for WPTransient /* CLASS: XWPFontObject CLASS HIERARCHY: SOMObject ÀÄÄ WPObject [ = XFldObject ] ÀÄÄ WPTransient ÀÄÄ XWPFontObject */ interface M_XWPFontObject; // forward reference to metaclass interface XWPFontObject : WPTransient { /* * New instance methods for XWPFontObject: * */ BOOL xwpSetFontFile(in PSZ pszFontFile); BOOL xwpQueryFontFile(in PSZ pszFontFile); BOOL xwpSetFontFamily(in PSZ pszFontFamily); BOOL xwpQueryFontFamily(in PSZ pszFontFamily); BOOL xwpSetFontFileError(in ULONG arc); ULONG xwpQueryFontFileError(); ULONG xwpValidateFont(); #ifdef __SOMIDL__ implementation { releaseorder: xwpSetFontFile, xwpQueryFontFile, xwpSetFontFamily, xwpQueryFontFamily, xwpSetFontFileError, xwpQueryFontFileError, xwpValidateFont; /* * Class Modifiers: * */ externalprefix = fono_; externalstem = fono; majorversion = 1; minorversion = 1; filestem = xfontobj; //# specifies the filestem for sc-generated files metaclass = M_XWPFontObject; dllname = "xfldr.dll"; callstyle = oidl; //# forget CORBA stuff (*ev and such) /* * Internal instance variables for XWPFontObject: * */ PSZ pszFontFile; // full font file specification (as in OS2.INI, "PM_Fonts" data) PSZ pszFontFamily; // family name, as returned by GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions ULONG arcFontFileError; // if font file is invalid, this has the error code PSZ pszFontFileError; // error description or NULL. BOOL fShowingOpenViewMenu; // TRUE if context menu on XCenter client /* * WPTransient methods overridden by XWPFontObject: * */ wpInitData: override; wpUnInitData: override; wpSetupOnce: override; wpQueryDetailsData: override; wpFilterPopupMenu: override; wpModifyPopupMenu: override; wpMenuItemSelected: override; wpMenuItemHelpSelected: override; wpQueryDefaultView: override; //# wpQueryDefaultHelp: override; replaced with class method V0.9.20 (2002-07-12) [umoeller] wpOpen: override; #ifdef __PRIVATE__ #endif }; // implementation #endif /* __SOMIDL__ */ }; //# //# //# Now define Metaclass. //# --------------------- //# interface M_XWPFontObject : M_WPTransient { /* * New class methods for M_XWPFontObject: * */ ULONG xwpclsQueryFontSampleHints(); BOOL xwpclsSetFontSampleHints(in ULONG ulHints); #ifdef __SOMIDL__ implementation { releaseorder: xwpclsQueryFontSampleHints, xwpclsSetFontSampleHints; /* * Class Modifiers: * */ externalprefix = fonoM_; externalstem = fonoM; functionprefix = fonoM_; majorversion = 1; minorversion = 1; filestem = xfontobj; //# specifies the filestem for sc-generated files dllname = "xfldr.dll"; callstyle = oidl; /* * Internal instance variables for M_XWPFontObject: * */ /* * M_WPTransient methods overridden by M_XWPFontObject: * */ wpclsInitData: override; wpclsCreateDefaultTemplates: override; wpclsQueryDetailsInfo: override; wpclsQueryTitle: override; wpclsQueryStyle: override; wpclsQueryDefaultHelp: override; wpclsQueryIconData: override; }; #endif /* __SOMIDL__ */ };