/* * xwpfsys.idl: * SOM interface description file for the following * XWorkplace classes (in this order): * XWPFileSystem * and the respective metaclasses. * * See src\classes\xwpfsys.c for details. * * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Ulrich M”ller. * This file is part of the XWorkplace source package. * XWorkplace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the * "COPYING" file of the XWorkplace main distribution. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include // this is SOM for WPFileSystem /* NOTE: Starting with V0.9.20, the above line no longer includes the wpfsys.idl from the toolkit directory, but rather the one from our own idl\wps directory, which is put BEFORE the toolkit's idl directory in the SMINCLUDE path. This allows us to override undocumented methods. */ /* CLASS: XWPFileSystem CLASS HIERARCHY: SOMObject ÀÄÄ WPObject = XFldObject ÀÄÄ WPFileSystem ÀÄÄ XWPFileSystem */ interface M_XWPFileSystem; // forward reference to metaclass interface XWPFileSystem : WPFileSystem { /* * New instance methods for XWPFileSystem: * */ PSZ xwpQueryUpperRealName(); #ifdef __SOMIDL__ implementation { releaseorder: xwpQueryUpperRealName; /* * Class Modifiers: * */ externalprefix = xfs_; externalstem = xfs; majorversion = 1; minorversion = 1; filestem = xwpfsys; //# specifies the filestem for sc-generated files metaclass = M_XWPFileSystem; dllname = "xfldr.dll"; callstyle = oidl; //# forget CORBA stuff (*ev and such) /* * Internal instance variables for XWPFileSystem: * */ ULONG ulHandle; PSZ pWszUpperRealName; // upper-case short real name for // folder content tree; // WARNING: allocated using wpAllocMem ULONG ulCnrRefresh; /* * The following is forced into the .H file: * */ /* * WPFileSystem methods overridden by XWPFileSystem: * */ //# 1) init/uninit methods wpInitData: override; wpUnInitData: override; //# 2) WPObject query/set methods wpQueryHandle: override; //# 3) icon methods wpQueryIcon: override; wpSetIconData: override; //# 4) class-specific query/set methods //# 5) menu methods //# 6) open view methods wpOpen: override; //# 7) file operation methods wpSetTitleAndRenameFile: override; wpSetRealName: override; wpRefreshFSInfo: override; wpMoveObject: override; //# added V1.0.8 (2008-06-05) [pr] wpCopyObject: override; #ifdef __PRIVATE__ #endif }; // implementation #endif /* __SOMIDL__ */ }; //# //# //# Now define Metaclass. //# --------------------- //# interface M_XWPFileSystem : M_WPFileSystem { #ifdef __SOMIDL__ implementation { /* * Class Modifiers: * */ externalprefix = xfsM_; externalstem = xfM; functionprefix = xfM_; majorversion = 1; minorversion = 1; filestem = xwpfsys; //# specifies the filestem for sc-generated files dllname = "xfldr.dll"; callstyle = oidl; /* * Internal class variables for M_XWPFileSystem: * */ /* * M_WPFileSystem methods overridden by M_XWPFileSystem: * */ wpclsInitData: override; wpclsQueryAwakeObject: override; wpclsFileSysExists: override; wpclsObjectFromHandle: override; }; #endif /* __SOMIDL__ */ };