# # makefile: # makefile for src/main directory. # For use with IBM NMAKE, which comes with the IBM compilers, # the Developer's Toolkit, and the DDK. # # All the makefiles have been restructured with V0.9.0. # # Called from: main makefile # # Input: ./*.c # # Output: ../bin/*.obj # # Edit "setup.in" to set up the make process. # # Say hello to yourself. !if [@echo +++++ Entering $(MAKEDIR)] !endif # include setup (compiler options etc.) !include ..\..\config.in !include ..\..\make\setup.in # FIXED MACROS # ------------ # # You probably need not change the following. # # Define the suffixes for files which NMAKE will work on. # .SUFFIXES is a reserved NMAKE keyword ("pseudotarget") for # defining file extensions that NMAKE will recognize. .SUFFIXES: .c .obj .dll .h .ih .rc .res # OUTPUTDIR specifies the directory where all the output .OBJ # files will be created in. $(XWP_OUTPUT_ROOT) is set by # setup.in to point to \bin from the XWorkplace sources root, # but this can be modified by setting an external environment # variable. This approach has the advantage that # 1) all build files are in a common dir tree and the entire # tree can be removed completely; # 2) the build tree can be on a different physical drive for # speed. OUTPUTDIR = $(XWP_OUTPUT_ROOT) !if [@echo OUTPUTDIR is $(OUTPUTDIR)] !endif # The OBJS macro contains all the .OBJ files which need to be # created from the files in this directory. # These will be put into BIN\. # If you add a new source, add the corresponding .OBJ file here. !include $(PROJECT_BASE_DIR)\make\objects.in OBJS = $(XFLDR_OBJS_XCENTER) # The main target: # If we're called from the main makefile, MAINMAKERUNNING is defined, # and we'll set $(OBJS) as our targets (which will go on). # Otherwise, we call the main makefile, which will again call ourselves later. all: \ !ifndef MAINMAKERUNNING # we're not being called from main makefile: start main makefile callmainmake @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) !else $(OBJS) @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) !endif callmainmake: @echo $(MAKEDIR)\makefile [$@]: Recursing to main makefile. @cd ..\.. @$(MAKE) @echo $(MAKEDIR)\makefile [$@]: Returned from main makefile. Done. # The "dep" target: run fastdep on the sources. # "nmake dep" gets called from src\makefile if nmake dep # is running on the main makefile. dep: $(RUN_FASTDEP) *.c @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) # V1.0.0: Use the inference rule in \make\comp_classcode.in now, # which is shared for all makefiles that generate code for XFLDR.DLL. # This sets up the compiler rule to compile .c files to .obj files # in the $(OUTPUTDIR). !include $(PROJECT_BASE_DIR)\make\comp_classcode.in # The .OBJ-from-sources dependencies are now automatically # created by "nmake dep" into the .depend include file. # V0.9.12 (2001-05-22) [umoeller] !ifndef NOINCLUDEDEPEND !include .depend !endif